That's one factor of what a Mary Sue can be.
In short, a Mary Sue is generally the most perfect, most awesome person EVER, and she is effortlessly beautiful, never sweats, never curses (or does so to impress and make those around her fall in love with her ~~*~*~*~*~EDGINESS~*~*~*~*~), is perfect, flawless, extremely sexual and sensual, and alluring without never needing to work it. And yet... they always, always need to be rescued.
Then you've got Gary Stus, which are the male versions. Who are perfect, innocent but sly, always rescuing the damsels in distress, flawless, awesome, blah blah blah blah blah.
There's no "one factor" that makes a Mary Sue or a Gary Stu. It's the overall combination.
This is one of my favourite sites ever, and might give you a better idea about
what a Sue is.
Also... from what I know of your two characters, you've never played a Sue.