Timestamp: 54th of Fall, 517 AV
The Kelvic had been roaming again. Nya grew restless when her mind was full and there was a lack of action to participate in. Syka tended to have more downtime than most places she’d lived, even in the peacefulness of Lormar Tower… so Nya explored when she had free time. The Maw always drew her. It was filled with mysterious buildings that had all fallen to ruin or tall towering structures that left the Kelvic wondering what they could possibly be for since they seemed to have no discernible purpose whatsoever to the Kelvics uneducated mind.
This time one building drew her. It was somewhat underground, but the scent of rotting paper and ruined moldy leather had her curiosity peaked. Nya followed the breezes carrying the scent quite a long time, periodically questioning them as to where they’d come from. “From the place of knowledge!” They’d always answer, laughing and drawing the Kelvic deeper into the forest where the stench was worse. Ruined stairs lead downward into the earth where Nya could now see what looked something like a glass ceiling – broken in a few places – resting on the forest floor. Was that right? No…. wouldn’t it be a glass floor? The sight confused the Kelvic until she made her way down the stairs that were all but crumbling under her human feet and let the breezes lead her into the darkness.
The stairway wound around, seemingly meandering to the depths with no real purpose in mind. The branches disappeared into the darkness, giving no clue as to where they lead. The splinter stairways broke off from the main one which was fairly wide having been very grand at one time. The splinter stairways were sometimes whole vanishing into nowhere. Sometimes though, they arched up and ended in broken stone that simply lead to nowhere since the stairs were so decayed that parts of the arches these smaller pathways supported had fallen and crumbled below.
Nya continued downward. Her sense of smell was acute and she was almost overwhelmed by the stench of decay. The stairway spilled out into what could only be considered a huge hall. Looking up, Nya could see that at one time the ceiling had been all glass or something similar to it. Parts of it, however, were shattered letting streaming sunlight through the ceiling which shone down on the ruin before her.
It was a library. Nya had never seen anything like it. Books filled every nook and cranny, some decayed so that only their empty spines remained standing tall. Some looked pristine. Ruined furniture was scattered throughout the entire place…. Remains of tables, chairs, even couches. Nya slipped quietly in, her mouth agape in wonder. She circled around, trying to look everywhere at once. There was so much to see…. so much to look at. The Kelvic stood there in abject wonder.
A quiet voice asked… “Welcome to the Library. What can I help you find?”
Nya whirled around. A woman stood there dressed in a uniform of some sort and looked the kelvic curiously over. There was nothing abnormal about the woman who was perhaps around her late twenties except for the fact that she was completely transparent and her torso blended off into a drift of earie fog.
“I… I’m Nya Winters. I was just looking around. The Settlement was quiet today so I was … exploring.” The woman, whom Nya thought likely a ghost, raised a translucent eyebrow.
“We have quite a lot in our stacks. If you were looking for something to do today, I could definitely suggest a book or two.” The librarian added, as if she herself didn’t understand the state of decay the library was in.
Nya looked around at the books. She was betting there wasn’t much left of most of them. The Librarian though, looked sad, even as she made the offer of books to Nya. The Kelvic wondered why. Nya was, for the moment, more concerned with Talia than she was standing in the remains of a pre-Valterian library. Now that she knew where it was, Nya could look through it at her leisure. But Talia, she might be a one time thing.
“Why do you look so sad?” Nya asked, tilting her head and sniffing the air. Talia narrowed her eyes at Nya and then something seemed to occur to her.
“I’m sad because I get very few visitors to my library. You are, in fact, the first in very long time. And you, I believe aren’t as human as I first thought. Are you one of Marcus’ creations?” The Librarian asked after having watched Nya’s movements a while. She had obviously decided that if Nya was going to question her, then she had the right to question Nya back.
“I… I’m not sure. I’m a Kelvic. Some say we were created by a man named Marcus Kelvic. Is that what you mean?” Nya answered, moving closer until she stood before the woman. Talia smiled.
“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. They call your kind Kelvics now? How fascinating. Things evolve for certain. So you are here to … occupy some time. Maybe… maybe you’d enjoy a game of checkers with me rather than a book. It is my favorite and I have not gotten to play it in such a very long time.” The ghostly woman said, beckoning Nya to come with her.
Nya followed the woman who lead her around the library to a quiet corner that was shadowed due to the roof being completely overgrown. A tree rose out of the broken up floor nearby and joined some of its fellows in trying to create an underground forest that thrived only on the trickle of sunlight through the transparent roof.
“What’s checkers?” Nya asked, watching as Talia patted a table that was still solid. Many of the tables were, in fact, though only a few were upright. This one was small, as if designed for only two people to sit at it intimately across from each other. On the top was carved a board, divided into a series of light and dark squares.
“It’s a game… of strategy. Lift the lid. The pieces should all be in there. Pick them up would you?” Talia said, tapping the table with her fingers until Nya complied. The Kelvic lifted the lid and found 24 circular pieces of wood, half dark and and half-light. They corresponded to the board carved into the table. It had 64 individual squares with half of them dark and half of them light. The Kelvic made a basket of her tunic hem and started gathering the pieces in her shirt. She shut the lid and looked at the board, not sure what to do with the colored circles.
“Don’t worry. I’ll teach you and it’s an easy game to play. First, I get half of the pieces…. either all the light or all the dark. You can pick which color you want. Once you pick which color, lay all of that color on the dark squares closest to you and lay all the other colored pieces on the dark squares closest to me.” Talia instructed.