10th of Winter, 517 AV
When she ripped the bolts free, the soul darts ripped some of Hurik's essence free along with them. He gasped again, having acclimatized to the pinions in his chest, when the terrible rending sensation made him buckle in the air. His hair was unbloodied however, and her decision drove him with enough purpose that he spared himself only that gasping breath before righting himself.
They called me Bloodmane... It wasn't my blood though, that splashed and clung to my own ruddy locks. I must've... I must've killed s-so many...
Hurik's feet lowered back down to the floor, and he straightened his back, raised his head, and met Madeira's eyes. Nothing there. No sympathy. A kind of wary caution. That made sense to Hurik. She'd finally understood what he really was, as he had, during all those months he'd spent somewhere else.
"Nobody is going to die today." He said it, and it became his vocation. He would see it through or so help him, he would break himself trying. No more time for thought or regret or any of the other dozens of useless torrents of emotion twisting in him, each a different tendril of his being unwinding slowly.
Hurik closed the distance between them, and raised his own hands to caress Madeira's face. He could count the number of times he'd attempted possession on the fingers of one hand. His attempts had not yielded any fruit, and moreso, Hurik had never had such need or purpose for the act. This felt different immediately, and he could feel that she was both inured with soulmist, and willing to accept him into herself. Hurik couldn't say how he knew, but he was certain she'd done this before. Something about her posture, the way she seemed to unconsciously brace her body, he could feel the tension even in the sinews of her face. Wait, he could feel her face?
Hurik tried to look down and found he couldn't, as he no longer had a head, or eyes to do the looking. Still, despite his dematerialization to an extent, he still retained what he could only describe as an awareness. His amulet still hung in the air from nothing, glowing brightly at the centre of his curling mists, and the forms of arms and hands still vaguely remained, his hands held gently against Madeira's face.
Hurik's awareness of his mists being drawn into Madeira abruptly occurred, and he felt as though he were being pressed through a thick membrane, and as the pressure of his mists increased, so too did the membrane's tension. Unsure to what degree Hurik could control the process of his possession, he tried to reduce the intensity of his incursion, and nearly lost the sense of the possession then and there, feeling his essence returning at an alarming rate. If Hurik still had his face manifested, it would've contorted into a grimace as he strained himself, attempting to both restrain pressure while letting a little flow through, enough to maintain the momentum of the transfer. All of this effort and struggle seemed to last a century, but internally, Hurik's counting revealed that the whole process took about two ticks. With the last of his essence following Hurik into the open vessel that was Madeira, he completed his first possession.
"I hope that wasn't too rough on you. As long as you are okay with this, Madeira, I'll complete this task and then leave you immediately. I don't expect you to just let me leave but... I'll accept whatever fate you grant me," a voice, not Hurik's own, said. More than that, it was Madeira's voice, her lips, breath, vocal chords, and her entire body which seemed to come into his awareness a second time. He urgently thrust away the mountain of questions and embarrassing thoughts and the overwhelming sense of oddness that it was to be clad in flesh, blood, bone, and sinew again.
He could already feel his memories, thoughts, and emotions bleeding into hers. He made a concerted effort to not think about the things he didn't want her to know, but didn't know how well it succeeded. Additionally, he noted that from the inside, Madeira's feelings were a lot less clear cut, than he'd initially concluded from an outside perspective. Hurik didn't have much time to ponder that insight, as he felt the sensations of oddness dulling. In their place, he felt a tugging sensation in him when he turned and saw Jomi.
The darker ghost, unwillingly summoned and pierced by a soul dart, hadn't deserved to be saddled with Hurik in his present state. In hindsight it was unfortunately much clearer what this ghost's intentions had been. Not only had Hurik misunderstood them greatly, but he remembered all too keenly the sensation of those awful darts penetrating his own essence.
"Jomi," Hurik spoke with Madeira's voice, "I'm sorry about all this. You must truly have terrible luck to cross paths with me when you did. I'm starting to see more clearly but even still, that coldness reminds me of something I'd rather not remember and I..." Hurik shook Madeira's head, and then knelt down to yank the dart out of Jomi's foot.
"In life, I hurt people. I was extraordinarily skilled at it. I'm not sure if I can become adept at anything else, but I would rather try and fail, than let myself fall into those vapours again..." Hurik didn't meet Jomi's eyes as he said this, but even as he found a pocket in Madeira's coat and deposited the dart, Hurik clenched Madeira's other fist, and turned to exit the shop to go help this unfortunate man he'd buried. When he reached the door, Hurik half-turned to Jomi and said, "First one to dig him out gets to wear his body." It was a morbid joke by anybody's standards, but Hurik could sense vaguely that he'd always had a macabre sense of humour.
Chuckling faintly, the sound distinctly alien when being produced by Madeira's voice, Hurik lurched out of the Jeweller's. He wondered whether he was attempting to excavate an innocent victim of his own crime, or if he was actually trying to dig up the rest of himself, buried deep in the recesses of his mind. Time was short, in any event, and the icy wind biting. Madeira's own hands clenched against that chill, her pale skin akin to Winter's Fist.
Nobody is going to die today...