Fortune Telling Skill Expansion

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Fortune Telling Skill Expansion

Postby Asterope on December 15th, 2017, 1:29 pm

I spoke to Cham about this, as she was the last one working on it in 2015, and I've decided I want to work on expanding the fortune telling skill. I'll be taking into consideration what she previously had written up, but essentially I'll be starting from scratch. I read tarot irl (though I am fairly new to it), so I do have some knowledge and lots of interest on the topic.

A large portion of the article would likely detail the different methods of fortune telling, as there are so many. Tarot cards, rune casting, bone casting, tasseography, palm reading, hydromancy, and pyromancy are some of the more common ones that could be covered. It would be impossible to list all methods.

Cham had developed how fortune telling would differ across the regions; while I might rework some of it, I plan on including that as well. There would also be a section detailing the difference between fortune telling and the use of magic or gnosis as well as how they could be used in conjunction.

If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears; I'm excited to start working on this! :D

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Fortune Telling Skill Expansion

Postby Tierra on December 15th, 2017, 5:01 pm

I say include some Miz specific styles too
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Fortune Telling Skill Expansion

Postby Asterope on December 15th, 2017, 8:27 pm

I'm not sure how feasible that is to be honest; I feel like any fortune telling method that could realistically work in Mizahar would also be able to work in today's world, and if you can think of a way to tell someone's fortune then it almost certainly already exists. I'm definitely going to make tweaks to methods depending on the region and the majority of the races that inhabit that region (think Konti using shells), but I can't think of anything that would only be Miz specific, at least off of the top of my head. The exception of course being magic used in fortune telling, auristics probably being the most useful.

I'll keep it in mind when I start working on the article though and see if I can come up with anything.

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Fortune Telling Skill Expansion

Postby Hurik on December 17th, 2017, 9:37 am

I can help you if you want, specifically to supplement runecasting. I've got some familiarity with the runecasting of the Old Norse runes, and could either help with input on their implementation as is, or by transposing them into Mizaharian variants. Just shoot me a PM if you'd like this garrulous individual's helping hand for Rune (and/or Bone) Casting.



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Fortune Telling Skill Expansion

Postby Asterope on December 17th, 2017, 9:47 am

Thanks for the offer, I was actually a bit concerned about runes! I'm not as familiar with them as I am tarot (nothing google can't fix), but I wasn't sure what to do with the symbols. I know you can use different symbols, but Old Norse are the most common and, well, that isn't exactly a thing in Miz. I will definitely shoot you a PM. :D

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Fortune Telling Skill Expansion

Postby Gossamer on December 17th, 2017, 4:25 pm

So I don't get excited about this project and let me tell you why....

I know of about twenty people that have started and never finished Fortune Telling as a skill on Mizahar over the last eight years. Why? Because each and every one of them has either lost interest with the scope of the project or I've had to bitch out because they've directly copied some website somewhere that has a list of fortune telling methods.

We don't accept regurgitated info posted here on Mizahar. I feel like if you cant make it original, there's no reason to even bother with it. Don't get me wrong... we've had a Tarot project going here but that was for real life Miz Fans that wanted a deck of Tarot irl to read that had a Miz theme to it. It wasn't for actual IN GAME use. Many people see the old threads and don't realize that.

They get this attitude that is pervasive that seems to say "YOU CAN ONLY DO IT SO MANY WAYS". Wrong. As someone who grew up Native American and Manx Witch I can tell you there are signs and omens in everything and you can read your fortune in anything, even mashed potatoes instead of tea leaves.

There are certain things like palmistry that tend to be universal, but even that can be spun to a Mizahar flavor with a legend or lore on how it came to be and why things mean what they do.

You won't get into Founder Review with an article listing all the ways to fortune tell. It's not that easy and its not that simple. It needs to be a Mizahar flavored document through and through that has beautiful examples and unique twists. One of my favorite examples of that was in one of the more earlier tenacious examples of FT.... someone credited (and sorry I forget who now) the Myrians with developing a way to read a childs fortune moments after it was born by spreading out the afterbirth and reading the lines in the veins and arteries in that particular remnant of life.

Anyhow, don't be discouraged. But don't be surprised if I flip my shit if an article comes up to Founder Review that has regurgitated or thinly disguised Futhark Runes in them. :P

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Fortune Telling Skill Expansion

Postby Asterope on December 17th, 2017, 4:48 pm

Hey Goss! I figured going into this it would probably be a pretty large project; I'm really hoping to be able to finish it, even if it takes awhile. I didn't realize so many people have attempted it over the years, so I don't blame you for skepticism.

That's super freaking cool about the irl tarot project; is that still going on?

Also, I know what you mean about being able to use anything to read fortunes; that's sort of why I wasn't sure how feasible it would be to create entirely new methods that are only Miz specific. I was more looking at altering methods to fit certain regions and races, like the Myrian thing you mentioned. (Which is super cool; would I be able to include that?)

I didn't plan on just making a list haha, I really do want to get into the details of the methods; was just listing which methods would probably be the best to detail and which can just sort of be mentioned in an 'Other Ways' paragraph.

If anything, I'm more excited to work on this now. I will do my best to avoid doing anything to make you flip your shit, and if you do, will probably be deserved on my part. ;) I will keep you updated though to make sure you don't have any major issues with what I'm doing to avoid wasting everyone's time.

I'm actually writing up my application now, I just wanted to gauge interest and maybe get a few suggestions first; I haven't started working on anything concrete just yet, so no worries. Thanks for the input, I appreciate it! :D

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Fortune Telling Skill Expansion

Postby Gossamer on December 17th, 2017, 4:57 pm

Great! Sounds like we are on the same page. Use anything you'd like for the article as long as its Miz Original. :)
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