Thanks, Jen. And thank Matt for me too. Now think of all the money you'll have with Caelum off your payroll! By the way, Cae is teaching Lyn some herbalism and is going to sort of continue to mentor her in that regard. We can add medicine training in that, Lyn, if you'd like. Same offer for herbalism/medicine training stands for anyone. If enough people are interested, we can even do a few "classes".
I'm trying to max Caelum out in herb and med as he is only a few xps short of master in both and that will be taken care of once his threads start to be graded. I also badly want to teach him philtering as it only makes sense. Poison too.
For that matter, I want to bring up his teaching skill. So if anyone wants to learn anything from him, give me shout. There is s lot he can teach beyond medicine. Some examples are riding, intelligence, unarmed combat, horsemanship, etc. He also has a slew of weird stuff in high end novice levels, stuff like politics and cartography and what not. Go look at his sheet and tap me if anything would help you.