Those people might just be trying to stay connected, you know how it gets sometimes
I'm sure everyone understands that obtaining Gnosis marks is difficult, even the new folks, but when they forget, I assume that's why the mods and storytellers are there? To help guide in those instances. You're absolutely right, the investment that you've put into this is amazing but please don't give up on it! I know for a fact that everyone involved with forming the Cytali have been waiting for this.
At my young age, I've realized that things are never predetermined. Things can always change, will always change, and that is the beauty and horror of life. Automatically determining something is based off of perception, judgement, and opinion. Things may only be predetermined if that's the outcome one wants to come to. But I disagree. As a human being adapting, I have the capability and maturity to make decisions not only based off of my needs but the needs of others as well so that the both of us can move in a
better direction. As my own person, I have the determination and the ambition to follow this, how quickly or slowly it may be to follow. I do this to better myself as an individual, to better my skills, to better my life. It gets really hard though, because most of the time it seems like society would rather see someone fall than rise. It's disheartening, it's depressing, and it's downright hurtful. In general, we're all working towards the same goals, are we not? Even if the end result is different for each individual, we're all striving to be something more so why do people feel the need to counter this? So this brings into question how badly do we want to follow those goals despite oppression, how desperate is one to kick and claw their way forward?
Well I'm pretty desperate to do that, actually, I'd go so far as to say that it's in my nature to not give up, to not let society oppress me, to not let the predetermination of others ruin things for me. It's actually something that I've struggled with the past 3 years of my life from battling disease to obtaining the money to go to school. Now, after conquering those battles, waiting, having faith in myself, my friends, in complete strangers, I'm finally seeing my life and my future ahead of me. And it's exciting! And to think, without being this way, I would probably not be here right now.
If things have changed and it's hard to recover from it, that's okay. It happens to everyone. I mean, we're only human after all? There is only so much someone can take without anything to fall back on and that's completely understandable. Through all of this, though, I want you to know that I will be here for you regardless. I understand things get tough and sometimes it's not worth dealing with it anymore, whatever or whomever it is. Just know that I will always be a friend to you.