by M'ki on September 5th, 2014, 11:24 am
M'ki is originally a stand-offish person, one who's slow to make friends and slow to trust. It's not that she only cares about herself; it's that she doesn't even trust herself, and thus is slow to trust others. I haven't had too much time to write much with her, so I don't know her personality as well as I do the personalities of a couple of my alts, but maybe that'll change this season!
With this personality flip, M'ki will certainly be more social-- maybe not necessarily friendly, but certainly more social. She will also be more willing to trust people, and thus be more open to others without them having to prove themselves to her.
School and family have been very busy lately; as such, while I am trying to keep up with Mizahar, my muse is feeling very finicky. I will reply ASAP.