[Lhavit DS Office - Luminescence] Step Into the Light

(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy role play forums. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)

Within this forum, all Storytellers of any level may feel free to create their office threads. These threads are then used for active thread lists, XP requests, and other communications that aren't necessarily PM required.

Moderators: Junior Storytellers, Liaisons, Assistant Storytellers, Scribes, Regional Storytellers, Domain Storytellers

[Lhavit DS Office - Luminescence] Step Into the Light

Postby Luminescence on February 8th, 2018, 2:07 am

★ Welcome! ★

✦ ✦ Let's make the world a little bit brighter ✦ ✦


As the Domain Storyteller of Lhavit, I'll be happy to help you with whatever I can! I can:

    ✰ Approve jobs
    ✰ Grant wages & seasonal XP
    ✰ Moderate threads, both one-on-one as well as events and quests
    ✰ Run gnosis quests or other threads involving the Gods & Goddesses
    ✰ Answer questions and address any concerns you may have
    ✰ Help plot; whether you're stuck on ideas, need help furthering a thread, or other

★ Please note: I am more than happy to run gnosis threads, but you must first receive HD approval to receive the mark you wish to acquire before I can moderate a gnosis thread for you.

If you have questions, concerns, or want to request my creative input, please send me a PM! Otherwise, if you want to request a moderated thread from me or sign-up for one of the seasonal moderated events or quests, please post here using the form below. Thank you! :D

Moderated Thread Request

PC Name: The name of your PC
PCs Involved: Any other PCs that may be involved
Date: Approximately (or exactly) when you want this to happen
Brief Summary: What is this going to be about?
Expected Outcome: What are you expecting to gain from this?
Potential Consequences: What are you willing to suffer for this?
Other: Anything else you feel I should know

Code: Select all
[center][u][b]Moderated Thread Request[/b][/u][/center]
[b]PC Name:[/b] The name of your PC
[b]PCs Involved:[/b] Any other PCs that may be involved
[b]Date:[/b] Approximately (or exactly) when you want this to happen
[b]Brief Summary:[/b] What is this going to be about?
[b]Expected Outcome:[/b] What are you expecting to gain from this?
[b]Potential Consequences:[/b] What are you willing to suffer for this?
[b]Other:[/b] Anything else you feel I should know

Ongoing Threads :

A Memory's Requiem Quest, summer 520 AV
From Dusk to Dawn Madeira, spring 519 AV


Nearer the Sky Ayosel & Moritz, spring 521 AV
The Vow Madeira, spring 521 AV
I Remember Why I Came Ayosel, spring 521 AV

Finished Threads :

Trial by Starlight Madeira, spring 520 AV
Death in the Park Event, autumn 519 AV
Midnight Meetings Event, autumn 519 AV
Marked Dev'Ania & Madeira, spring 519 AV Note: Started by Neologism
Welcome to My 'Ool' - Notice There's No 'P' in It Gemma & Savis, winter 518 AV
Silly Rumours Eleutheria & Savis, autumn 518 AV
By the Light of the Moon Event, autumn 518 AV
Falling Prey Zach, autumn 518 AV Note: Started by Vanguard
An Unpredictable Thing Event, summer 518 AV
Grave Business Savis, flashback spring 518 AV

Waiting For Grades

Abandoned Threads :
Song of the Stars Autumn, spring 520 AV
Entering Enemy Territory Yvaleth, autumn 519 AV
To Be a Seeker... Abrahm, summer 519 AV
The Stars Above Dev'Ania, spring 519 AV
Wish Upon a Starfire Lani, spring 519 AV
Stranger Still Event, autumn 518 AV
Curiosities and Enchantments Savis, autumn 518 AV
Beasts in the Mist Quest, summer 518 AV
Brewing For a Fight Rigel, spring 518 AV
Finders, Seekers Shibura, spring 518 AV
Meteors and Missing Constellations Quest, spring 518 AV
The Heart's Festival Event, spring 518 AV
A Walk in the Park Estavar, spring 518 AV

Last edited by Luminescence on August 2nd, 2020, 8:28 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Allow me to light the way
Posts: 612
Words: 717627
Joined roleplay: January 13th, 2018, 2:05 pm
Location: Lhavit, the Diamond of Kalea
Race: Staff account
Medals: 2
Featured Contributor (1) Artist (1)

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