I stumbled across Mizahar quite a while ago, a little after the launch if I remember right, when I was stumbling around the web looking up links about storytelling and various homebrew RPG magic systems. I don't remember exactly how I got here, but I bookmarked the site and it stuck in the back of my mind for a month or two until I decided to come back and see what it was about. Umm... I guess that gets #3 out of the way, on with the list:
1. Name - or what you'd like to be called!
I'm Daniyel, on most websites I go by loimprevisto but I'm not picky about what name I answer to... Maddox will do just fine for around here.
2. What sort of RP experience do you have if any?
I've RP'd for about 10 years now. D&D was my gateway drug, now I've played in most of the mainstream systems and quite a few indie games too. I like running games, but I never seem to have enough time to put the level of work into a game that it deserves and my last few campaigns have fizzled out after a couple months.
4. What sort of RP style is your favorite?
Generally I like a game where players represent highly-capable people at the top of the food chain. Playing godlings, dukes/cabinet members, a wizard's council, millionaires, and the like lets you really dive into what's important to the character rather than just what they do to get by... a lot of my 'normal' characters just seemed to get to complacent. They'd finish the adventure and retire in comfort. I also like strategic level games where the challenge is about running an army, business investigative agency, etc.
Mizahar will be a departure from this, but I think I'm ready for something different.
5. What do you like to write about - not write about?
I like finding out what makes people tick. World building and character building can be my favorate part of a game. There's not much in the way of writing that I avoid. I know I'm not good at writing about certain things, like travelogues and physical character descriptions (I'm getting better at that part).
6. Whats your favorite thing about Mizahar so far?
I like the deliberate departure from Tolkien's fantasy to try something new. New cultures, races, critters, magics, and gods (especially Lhex, nice take on Fate!) make for a lot of interesting possibilities.
7. What, if anything, has frustrated you about Mizahar so far?
At some point I know you had to look at everything and decide it was 'done enough' to launch, but so much of it is just not there. I'm sure it will be better this time next year, but it's frustrating to catch a one-off mention of something neat and there be no other references to it anywhere in the Lore. Also, in the price list, poison skill description, and elsewhere a lot of stuff was obviously lifted from various d20 sources. It's not necessarily bad, but it can be a little jarring to come across and in places it doesn't seem to match the feel of the rest of the world.
Also, the thread-posting box started acting weird after my post got past a certain length- scrolling on its own, jumping around, and other oddities.
8. What would you like out of the mizahar experience?
Good storytelling, good community, and maybe a few friends.
9. Is there anything you'd like to see expanded?
Boatloads, the Gods are probably what I'd like to see completed first though. Once I get a feel for how things are done here I'll probably want to help out with developing the wiki too.
10. Anything else you want to talk about?
As I dredge up a character background I'll probably have plenty of questions for you all on the Discussions forum