One of the mysteries of Mizahar is the manifestation of energy that exists between the world of mortals and the Ukalas, called the Chavena. The Chavena consists of the myriad of individual chavi, each in constant motion, each belonging to a life. This month's featured thread describes what happens when two of those chavi collide, and two strangers are thrown into the same dream. The tale is set within a dream and Stitch finds himself in a perfect dreamscape, a wintry utopia with the woman he loves. But an outside element is introduced to his idyllic paradise in the form of a stranger, Satu. At first, the Konti is welcomed with love, invited to share the couples refuge. But the dream turns to a bloody nightmare as Satu's subconscious intervenes, and a gruesome conflict arises for control of the dreamers' world. This thread is beautifully written, the author's able to successfully create a dream world with descriptive detail, portraying the disjointed nature of dreaming and the unusual reactions that dreamers often have to the bizarre, drawing the reader into the dream. The character's themselves are well-developed and intriguing, and the history and psyche of each are brought into the dream, giving a glimpse into the darkness that dwells deep within both. The story is compelling, eloquent, graphic and challenging. It is a thread well worth finding a few moments and a quiet place to thoroughly savor each post. Enjoy your featured Thread of the Month: |