Timestamp: Winter 66, 510 AV
After a few hours of being inside Syliras, Lirael was already starting to miss the morning sky. She longed for the breeze to kiss her cheek as it whispered past. Lirael wanted to feel the grass beneath her feet, taste the sweet nectar of fresh flowers as she had done on Mura. She missed the melodies that floated through the trees when the songbird graced the world with his songs. The touch of sunlight as it warmed her skin. Lirael imagined what it would be like to swim once more in the oceans of her beloved White Island, connecting as one to the currents of the sea. "But I cannot," Lirael murmured to herself. The Call was too strong. There was no more feelings of peace and relaxation for her on Mura any longer. What once may have brought her great joy, would now only dull the restlessness that lay in her heart. Lirael knew, knew with both heart and mind, that she had to leave. She felt a tinge of guilt as she realised that she was reminiscing on the past once again. "No, no, I must not think of that which has already been, or even what is to come for that matter. I must keep my mind in what is now, or risk losing it altogether," Lirael scolded herself.
She realised that she was walking quite aimlessly through the stone corridors that seemed ever so dark in contrast to the morning sky. She had expected Syliras to be colder, but she had only seen a light snow outside. Beautiful snow. How she missed catching the snow in her hands as it drifted down from the sky, dusting everything in its magical, white powder. Lirael realised instantly that she was thinking of home, for the second time in one minute. She really needed to get better at keeping control of her thoughts. Stone after stone, this place really seemed quite boring. The concept of 'Syliran Knights' was fairly new to Lirael. She was not given much knowledge on the subject, but it seemed to be a very large part of the Syliran culture. These knights, it seemed, were to be noble and just men and women. Yet Lirael realised that they seemed to have some form of ranking, as the younger knights were treated with less prestige than those with more experience. These knights seemed to be everywhere throughout the castle. In fact, Lirael could spot one at that very moment, striding down the hallway that she had chosen to walk. She nodded briefly at the young Konti as she passed, but otherwise seemed to be in quite a hurry.
Lirael noticed that the dull hallway was gradually growing wider with each step. The overall dullness was also decreasing, as Lirael could feel light ahead. Her slow trod increased to a swifter pace as she could sense fresh air up ahead. Lirael broke into a run, and found that she had stumbled into what deemed to be large garden. Lirael's excitement was immediately replaced with a feeling of awe as she gazed upon the sight. It was beautiful, really. The patterns of the cobblestones beneath her feet stretched out to connect with arches that stood tall and proud. Nature had made its mark on the area in the form of vines that grew across these arches, and delicate bushes arranged artisticly. However, the thing that most intrigued Lirael was the small mounds of stone that were spread so perfectly across the garden. Lirael's auristics picked up that they were indeed not ordinary rocks. They may have once been, but no longer. These stones had a meaning. Lirael did not know what this could be, but she felt deep respect swell up inside her. Lirael was careful to follow the path as she gazed upon the wondrous sight.
Lirael collapsed underneath what seemed to be either a tree, or an intricately detailed arch. Her eyes still remained glued on the scene before her, but her hands reached unconsciously for her precious reed flute. She held it in her grip for a time, feeling the familiar shape beneath her delicate fingers. As she lifted the instrument to her lips, she recalled a familiar song from Mura that would flow with the aura of the atmosphere, and the respect she felt inside.