Name: Reaver
Character Description:
Skills & Lores
Material Goods:
Thread List
Character Description:

Physical Information
Physical Description
Reaver has kept some rather strange habits in appearance. He tends to try and display his eyes as red, and keep a strange outfit. He has iron scale mail leggings and gauntlets, which he tends to try and keep blue. This odd look is accompanied by a black gauze wrap around the rest of himself, minus his head, which he keeps a white mask on. He tends to dye his hair a bright vibrant cyan color, which may be a wig as he always seams to have a full head of hair. Beyond that, he's fond of having large blue cloaks/capes draped over his right side, as if to pretend he's of a higher birth or hero.
Character Concept
Personality Merits/Flaws: Reaver's odd view of the world is his biggest merit and flaw, which makes itself apparent as time goes by. The world is a constantly changing flower of beauty, from the art on the walls, through life's ability to prosper in death. He looks fondly at change and accepts many harsh happenings as though he had to walk an extra 10 feet to get his morning paper. Beyond this strange basis, he is very keen on the idea of surviving to continue his journey of discovery. The last bit that drives him, is he is easily board, and will often interact with the world as he finds would be interesting to quell is ever-growing discontent with what doesn't change. In a final note, his memory isn't as sharp as it's supposed to be, as Reaver chooses not to use it. He's prone to forgetting many things.
Ethics: As needed.
Likes: New change, unique people, learning.
Dislikes: Repetition, bland, unchanging
Ethics: As needed.
Likes: New change, unique people, learning.
Dislikes: Repetition, bland, unchanging
Character Quirks
Quirk 1) He is very fond of being over-the-top with his formalities. He uses formalities when he meets new people, or receives formalities.
Quirk 2) Once in a while, he imitates habits from people he's with. If he feels the other person is bothered by it, he stops. ((Usually done subconsciously when I write like the other people in the thread.))
Quirk 3) He is fond of sounding smarter then he is. He comes up with reasonable-sounding lies and stories that make him sound more credible.
Quirk 2) Once in a while, he imitates habits from people he's with. If he feels the other person is bothered by it, he stops. ((Usually done subconsciously when I write like the other people in the thread.))
Quirk 3) He is fond of sounding smarter then he is. He comes up with reasonable-sounding lies and stories that make him sound more credible.
Character History
Pre-Creation: Reaver spent the first portion of his (undead) life as a slave. Strange as it is, his owner lived a great deal longer then most. He happened to be a fantastic golem, so lifelike that Reaver himself never knew. Then, The Valterrian happened. It was then that Reaver found his simple life of obeying commands was no-longer suitable. He decided to live the life of his (golem) master, and act as he thought would be suitable. While attempting to do so, it was swiftly made apparent that though his master was not, he was evil. What was it that made that so? Reaver has spent a good deal of his newly non-slave 'life' finding out. While upon this journey, he made his way to Ravok. Though it hadn't managed to be a sprawling city at the time, (though hardly new,) he decided his research would continue there. With all the random disappearing people, there always seamed to be a body stashed somewhere if he knew where to look. In a city centered around an evil god, he found a lot to fuel his research on what is and isn't evil, along with conflicting issues regarding them. Having been in this city over 200 years, it's only natural he eventually became a citizen, (with his 'slave mark' randomly disappearing every so often, it was more a favor for the city.) To make his stay in the city easier, Reaver used his knowledge of medicine and anatomy to work as a simple doctor, which he had learned from his research anyway. Though never accepted by many, there are a few who have learned to ignore his darker nature. (Not to mention his strange research.)
Post Creation:
[Start of Fall Update] Reaver has been keeping rather, 'under the radar' throughout his time. He has made a few friends, maybe a couple enemies. He even got mixed up in a fight to the death in a burning building last summer. He's been teaching people in exchange for being taught himself. He met a ghost, though, and is hoping to learn more about those.
If you'd like more, might I forward you to the thread list? I shall keep the graded threads in chronological order.
Post Creation:
[Start of Fall Update] Reaver has been keeping rather, 'under the radar' throughout his time. He has made a few friends, maybe a couple enemies. He even got mixed up in a fight to the death in a burning building last summer. He's been teaching people in exchange for being taught himself. He met a ghost, though, and is hoping to learn more about those.
If you'd like more, might I forward you to the thread list? I shall keep the graded threads in chronological order.
Skills & Lores

- Novice:
- 04/25 Acrobatics
- 01/25 Acting
- 02/25 Brawling (Bralwing?)
- 01/25 Cartography
- 01/25 Climbing
- 01/25 Detection
- 05/25 Drawing
- 24/25 Embalming (10/RB, 10/SP)
- 01/25 Herbalism
- 05/25 Interrogation
- 02/25 Intimidation
- 03/25 Investigation
- 05/25 Lecturing
- 03/25 Manipulation
- 24/25 Medicine (10/SP)
- 03/25 Negotiation
- 23/25 Observation
- 02/25 Persuasion
- 01/25 Philosophy
- 01/25 Poetry
- 01/25 Research
- 11/25 Rhetoric
- 10/25 Socialization
- 01/25 Stealth
- 02/25 Subterfuge (5/SP)
- 10/25 Surgery (5/SP)
- 22/25 Teaching
- 02/25 Weaponry: Dagger
- 01/25 Weaponry: Longsword
- 01/25 Wilderness Survival
- Falling: Basic Principals
- A Game of Ask and Tell
- A Hint at Events to Come
- A little visitor
- A New Friend Made
- A Strange End to a Strange Day
- A Trade of Trades
- Act not on Fear
- Anatomy: Humans
- Anatomy: Half-Dhani (Poor) [Half-Dhani Anatomy (Poor)]
- Angering the Half-Breed
- Asking the Right Questions
- Bandaging a Wound (Basic)
- Drifting
- Encountering a Symenestra
- Exchanging Knowledge
- First Aid 101
- Giving a Patient false medicine
- Giving Advice
- How to Play Portrait
- I Didn't know Herbs Could do That
- Letting a Patient Die
- Lore of Fish (Poor)
- Lore of Kelvics (Poor)
- Making a New Friend
- Meeting Strangers by the Lake
- Midnight Meet and Greet
- Owing Someone a Lesson
- Patience of a skilled Teacher
- Probing for Information
- Proposing a Deal
- Random Trivia
- Reluctantly Accepting a Challenge
- Reminiscing About the Past ((Wait, how do I use such a lore?
- Stench does not make Friends
- Stitching a Wound (Basic)
- Storming Out
- The Bottom of Lake Ravok
- The Eyes of a Monster
- The Rules of the Game
- The Silver Silver (Basic)
- To Seek Out Aello, or to Run From Her?
- Trusting Whisper with a Secret
- Trying to Remember the Past
- Watching a Ghost Return to the Cycle
- Water Walking
- What Ren looks like Naked
- Work for Knowledge
- Looting a Patient
- Trying to Avoid Trouble
- Making a Deal
- Sealing the Deal
Unsorted Lore
- Strange Vials in Corpses
- Hearing Voices
- Blacking out
- I can play the fiddle?
- Fighting in Fire
- Being stabbed with a Sword
- Escaping a Burning Building
- Lore of Kiochi (Poor)
- Well of Madness (Poor)
- Lore of the Cursed Vial (Poor)
- Contact: Trevinus Nitrozian
- Disrespecting an Ebonstryfe
- Gift of a New Body
- Switching Bodies
- Transferring the Curse
- Playing at Emotions
- Meeting a Spiritist
- Lore if Dira (Basic)
- Fending off Bird Attacks
- Lore of 2-tier Locks
- Kelvic Bonding is like Marriage
- Basic Idea of Grappling
- Very Basic Pressure Points
Magic Skills
- Competent:
- 29/50 Animation (15/SP)
Magic Lore
- Alchemical Mistakes (Basic)
- Animating a Book
- Animating a Large Object (Basic)
- Animating a Stick (competent)
- Autopsy of an Alchemically Altered Body (Poor)
- Basics of Alchemy
- Basics of Glyphing
- Basics of Magical Debate
- Creating a Simple Animated Object
- Daek-Nuit
- Demonstrating how to Animate a Tree Branch
- Detaching a Life Principal
- Different ways to Draw Glyphs
- Explaining how to create a Soulcore
- Explaining how to draw Animation Circles
- Explaining the Principals of Animation
- Inputting a Simple Astral Body
- Inputting a Simple Persona
- Magical Theory (Basic)
- Making a Cheat
- Practical Use for Animation
- Principals of Alchemy (Basic)
- Seeing a Glyph in Action
- Should I Share My Secrets?
- Simple Alchemy Circles
- Simple Animation Circles
- Sinking into the Lake
- Target Practice
- The Possibilities of Combining Animation and Glyphing
- The Possibilities of Mixing Alchemy and Animation
- Using Projection to Assist in Operating
- Voiding a Fish
- What Alchemy Is (Basic)
- What can be Stored in a Seal
- Common (Fluent)
- Isur (Basic)
- Char (Poor)
- Master:
- 0
- Expert:
- 0
- Competent:
- 1
- Novice:
- 33
- Lores:
- 91
Material Goods:

- Set of (strange) Clothing (blue cloak, black gauze, cyan wig, and some simple thin leather garments (to help hold the gauze.) (SP)
- Incomplete Set of Armor (Steel scale-mail leggings and gauntlets, colored blue somehow.) (SP)
- Family Heirloom (A white mask, it has blue markings above his right eye and downward from his right eye. Simple lines that turn to points, straight down. He also has been working on fitting thin colored glass into the eyes, but they haven't worked to his favor. It isn't clear what it's made out of, but it's rather durable.) (SP)
- 1 Waterskin (SP)
- 1 Backpack which contains: (SP)
- 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) (SP)
- 1 bottle of embalming fluid (SP)
- Flint & Steel (SP)
- Set of Bone Dice (Failed Magic Attempt)
- 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) (SP)
- Field Healer's Kit (5/5 uses)
- A "medical" kit which contains: (SP)
- 1 small cutting knife (SP)
- Small bottle of Ointment (SP)
- A sewing needle, with a tough thread (SP)
- Extra gauze (SP)
- 1 Healing Herb
- 1 small cutting knife (SP)
- Small Pouch with 17 silver mizas ((Just so I remember the pouch.))
- A boat, with walls and a roof. It's 5x10x5 size somewhat small by most people's living standards.
- A durable coffin-sized chest, with a heavy lock.
- A chest half that size, filled with Reaver's other items.
- A simple chair
- A small shelf for holding books
- 3 books on the shelf, all written by Reaver. Stories he picked up, records related to his profession, (such as patient lists, finances,) and one involving many of Reaver's 'medical' notes.
- 2 blank books on the shelf.
- Some writing supplies.
- Toolkit, Surgeon's
- "Another animated stick" ((XD))
- 576 GM
- 80 SM
- 4 CM
- [Spring, 508av]
- -0.2 GM (+1 Healing Herb)
- [Spring 13, 511av]
- +8 GM, sold bottle and needle
- -8.5 GM, bought bottle and needle
- +8 GM, sold bottle and needle
- [Spring 65, 511av]
- -2 SM
- [Summer 1, 511av]
- -0.05 GM (+1 Set of Bone Dice)
- [Unpaid Expenses]
- Summer Job +728 GM
- -135 (-45 GM X3) Living Expenses [Winter, Spring, Summer] (Common, without food. Counted as Poor.)
- Summer Job +728 GM
- New expenses for starting Fall
- -100 GM (Toolkit, Surgeon's)
- -55 GM (Field Healer's Kit)
- -100 GM (Toolkit, Surgeon's)
- -2 SM
Thread List

Yes, it will hurt. (Training) [Spring 250av] ((Multi-post training thread, woo.))
[Flashback] A Collection of Casters (Rayage, Fenrir Agnison) [Winter 3, 504av]
Déjà vu man, déjà vu (Reaver) [Spring 7, 511av]
X Magic, A Magical Subject (Reaver) [Spring 15, 511 AV] ((Sorry Ren!))
The man with the blue hair. (Reaver) [Summer 14, 511 AV]
[Flashback] A Collection of Casters (Rayage, Fenrir Agnison) [Winter 3, 504av]
Déjà vu man, déjà vu (Reaver) [Spring 7, 511av]
X Magic, A Magical Subject (Reaver) [Spring 15, 511 AV] ((Sorry Ren!))
The man with the blue hair. (Reaver) [Summer 14, 511 AV]
Flashback, A short-lived experience [Winter 250av] ((Good advice, thanks!))
[Flashback] A crossing of paths (Rayage) [Winter 302av] ((Met an Alchemist))
[Flashback] A lock of special design (solo) [Winter 302av] ((Made a magic lock.))
[Flashback] Body Language (Reaver) [Winter, 302 AV] ((Disected a magically altered little girl, then animated her corpse. I'm such a great guy, huh?))
[Flashback] Doctor Doctor, Please [Reaver] [11th - 12th Spring 498av]
[Flashback] A trip for medical supplies [Spring 508av]
It was a new day. (Ren Tanor) [Winter 1, 510av]
[SS Tavern] Games and Drinks [OPEN, and others from thread] [63 Winter 510av]
Footsteps in the Dark (open) [63 Winter 510av]
A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver] [Spring 1, 511av]
Teaching Lessons (Reaver) [10 Spring, 511 AV]
A Novice Vagrant [Open] [13 Spring, 511 AV] ((Met a (soon to be) runaway, and exchanged information.))
[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only) [Spring 25, 511 AV] ((Had an... odd day. Possession and demons abound.))
A Sliver of a Haunting (OPEN) [Spring 65, 511 AV] ((Met a ghost, learned to create fire from my Djed.))
Loaded Bones: Looking into 'fair' income options. [Summer 1, 511 AV] ((Attempted to make magically loaded dice.))
[SS Tavern] Life in the city (Open) [Summer 4, 511 AV] ((Reaver meets a Zith and a half. Makes a bad name for HERself in the bar.))
[Silver Sliver]Going out for a Pint[Reaver] [Summer 10, 511 AV]
Trading Trades Once Again [Clyde Sullins] [10 Summer, 511 AV] <Connected>
(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver) [Summer 22, 511 AV]
You Were Looking For Me? (Reaver) [Fall 2, 511 AV]
Is that the sound of fate? (Solomus Revon) [23 Fall, 511av]
[Flashback] A crossing of paths (Rayage) [Winter 302av] ((Met an Alchemist))
[Flashback] A lock of special design (solo) [Winter 302av] ((Made a magic lock.))
[Flashback] Body Language (Reaver) [Winter, 302 AV] ((Disected a magically altered little girl, then animated her corpse. I'm such a great guy, huh?))
[Flashback] Doctor Doctor, Please [Reaver] [11th - 12th Spring 498av]
[Flashback] A trip for medical supplies [Spring 508av]
It was a new day. (Ren Tanor) [Winter 1, 510av]
[SS Tavern] Games and Drinks [OPEN, and others from thread] [63 Winter 510av]
Footsteps in the Dark (open) [63 Winter 510av]
A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver] [Spring 1, 511av]
Teaching Lessons (Reaver) [10 Spring, 511 AV]
A Novice Vagrant [Open] [13 Spring, 511 AV] ((Met a (soon to be) runaway, and exchanged information.))
[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only) [Spring 25, 511 AV] ((Had an... odd day. Possession and demons abound.))
A Sliver of a Haunting (OPEN) [Spring 65, 511 AV] ((Met a ghost, learned to create fire from my Djed.))
Loaded Bones: Looking into 'fair' income options. [Summer 1, 511 AV] ((Attempted to make magically loaded dice.))
[SS Tavern] Life in the city (Open) [Summer 4, 511 AV] ((Reaver meets a Zith and a half. Makes a bad name for HERself in the bar.))
[Silver Sliver]Going out for a Pint[Reaver] [Summer 10, 511 AV]
Trading Trades Once Again [Clyde Sullins] [10 Summer, 511 AV] <Connected>
(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver) [Summer 22, 511 AV]
You Were Looking For Me? (Reaver) [Fall 2, 511 AV]
Is that the sound of fate? (Solomus Revon) [23 Fall, 511av]
Needs Graded
Cure for Mondays. [12 Summer, 511av] ((For profession, low priority))
Study of an unusual case. [19 Summer, 511av] ((For profession, low priority))
Study of an unusual case. [19 Summer, 511av] ((For profession, low priority))
Looking for work (Open) [5 Winter 510av]
Time Stamps
[1av - 50av] (Reserved)
[Spring 250av]
[Winter 250av]
[Winter, 302 AV] X3 (Minor Story Arc)
[3 Winter, 504av]
[Spring 508av]
[1 Winter, 510av]
[Winter 5, 510av]
[63 Winter, 510av]
- [63 Winter 510av] (Connected)
[1 Spring, 511av]
[7 Spring, 511av]
[10 Spring, 511 AV]
[13 Spring, 511 AV]
[15 Spring, 511 AV]
[25 Spring, 511 AV]
[65 Spring, 511 AV]
[1 Summer, 511 AV]
[4 Summer, 511 AV]
[10 Summer, 511 AV]
- [10 Summer, 511 AV] ((Connected Thread))
[12 Summer, 511 AV]
[14 Summer, 511 AV]
[19 Summer, 511 AV]
[22 Summer, 511 AV]
- = Current Season = -
[Spring 250av]
[Winter 250av]
[Winter, 302 AV] X3 (Minor Story Arc)
[3 Winter, 504av]
[Spring 508av]
[1 Winter, 510av]
[Winter 5, 510av]
[63 Winter, 510av]
- [63 Winter 510av] (Connected)
[1 Spring, 511av]
[7 Spring, 511av]
[10 Spring, 511 AV]
[13 Spring, 511 AV]
[15 Spring, 511 AV]
[25 Spring, 511 AV]
[65 Spring, 511 AV]
[1 Summer, 511 AV]
[4 Summer, 511 AV]
[10 Summer, 511 AV]
- [10 Summer, 511 AV] ((Connected Thread))
[12 Summer, 511 AV]
[14 Summer, 511 AV]
[19 Summer, 511 AV]
[22 Summer, 511 AV]
- = Current Season = -
- Code: Select all
TEXT: [color=?][/color]
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- Reaver's Thoughts = #000AAA
- Frame Background = black
- Forum Background = #3D2828 (or something close)
Horizontal Rule: [style=height:1px; background-color: white][/style]