15 Spring 518
Due to all the comings and goings of the season so far, Clyde had not yet had a chance to meet directly with his unit. He'd also been given some new transfers, and had a few of his unit transferred out due to some need or other which was never explained to Clyde.
He assumed this had to do with pull, someone requesting someone specific and so therefore ending with one of his members having to leave... Or simply bureaucracy, some person fiddling about with papers and deciding X, Y, and Z added up to 10, and they wanted it to add to 12, so they removed Y and replaced it with B. For whatever the reason Clyde had lost two members, and had gained two new ones.
He'd called for the first joint training session of the season with all of his unit present, rather than the more general solo training time he usually allowed.
If nothing else it would give everyone a chance to meet everyone, to trade names and such, before they got into anything deeper together.
Sitting on the floor in his Ebonstryfe uniform in the training room he had reserved, Cha in his hand, Clyde waited calmly for all to arrive. One by one he ticked them off in his head as they came in. Bea. Dan. Eliza. Last and yet to arrive were the two new members.
As each of the two new ones came in Clyde would have his unit members, including the newest, state their name, rank, and area of focus. Once that was settled... He wasn't quite sure what he'd do, as it all depended upon how things went with the greeting and sizing up.
WC: 284
OOC note: See this thread here for a list of descriptions and the other soldiers answers to the questions, along with the previously linked npc listing.