Kelski watched her new friend quietly. She had sat up, releasing the frog off her stomach, and folded her legs under her neatly so she was sitting in the water, watching Rene attentively. Kelski realized suddenly what Rene’s problem was. She was cut loose on the wind, friendless, and without any sort of internal guide. The silver-eyed Eagle sat watching Rene and wasn’t sure how much to say. Kelski always had opinions – a lot of them – and wanted to help the Ocelot see a few things for herself that seemed obvious to Kelski.
“Rene.” The Sea Eagle said quietly, shifting so her legs were drawn up against her chest and her long arms were wrapped around the skinny lengths. She placed her chin on her knees and looked thoughtfully at the other Kelvic. “You sound lonely. You sound lost, like you have no greater purpose or inner drive. I honestly don’t even know if you know what makes you happy.” She said thoughtfully. The Kelvic tilted her head, rubbed her cheek on the top of her knee, and started again.
“You sound like you’ve been doing everything everyone else wants you to do for a while. But if you have coin enough to eat, I would take some time to just live… try new things. Make new friends. See what really interests you. You have useful skills, but without a reason for them… what use are they?” Kelski added, wondering if she was saying too much. “I also think you should learn a bit about the Gods and some of their roles. I have a Goddess that I follow that gives me direction. I am not certain she is a good fit for you, but there are others that look kindly on Kelvics and that can really give you direction. If you want, I can see about getting a book on religion. Can you read? Maybe praying a bit would give you some insight.” Kelski said, looking thoughtfully at Rene.
Rene’s question about her made Kelski a bit uneasy. She wasn’t sure she could explain herself so easily when she herself didn’t know. “I’m still learning what makes me happy. I have a very busy mind, Rene. If I am not doing something to keep it occupied, I get very unhappy. I don’t like others doing for me because I feel like I can always do exactly what needs to be done perfectly. And I am a perfectionist. I love jewelcrafting because it is as much a science as an art and it makes me happy getting cuts just right or taking a rough gemstone and figuring out how to carve out as many perfect or near perfect gemstones as I can out of one rough hunk. I feel like I need a visual representation of work to be happy.” She said softly, shifting and stretching her long legs out in the water to give an unattached floating leaf a nudge with a bare toe.
“You aren’t prying. I get lonely too. I’ve been trying to set myself up to be more than I have been. There is a man I like. I think my Kelvic nature would really like to bond with him. But I do not trust him and more importantly I do not trust myself. It’s not because of who he is... its just humans. They haven’t been the kindest to me. And I’ve never met one that hasn’t betrayed me. I have nothing to offer a bondmate right now. I am no one. But I’m trying to change that. I don’t want someone to take me in and let a bond form because they feel sorry for me or want to help me. I want to be someone that another person would feel honored to have in their life. I want a bondmate that sees me as their strength and someone who fills holes in their own life… like I would hope they would fill holes in mine. I want to have my own strengths…. my own presence…. my own coin. I want my own identity… not to ever be another thing someone owns or is associated with them. I don’t want to be Kelski… someone’s bondmate. I want to be Kelski… who also happens to be bonded.” The Sea Eagle said, looking thoughtful.
“I took out a very big loan from Goldfinger. I’m opening a business soon. It is in a building big enough to make a home there too. I’m trying to hire some help… a clerk, maybe a guard…. It has extra room so maybe I can get some roomates. I’m hoping a roommate or two will ease the loneness. I hated being a slave to The Sun Birth, but there were always people around. There’s a lot of room on the second story. I posted adds around in No-Man’s and on the job board. No one has answered so far though.” Kelski said, looking thoughtful and somewhat wistful.
“I follow Akajia, the Goddess of Night. I am one of her marked. I have a bigger plan for my life forming in my head, but it’s going to take time and it needs steps. Freedom was the first step. The Midnight Gem is the second step. The third step is going to be even bigger…. That’s why I want you to learn about the Gods. I think they can help you too.” She added, bringing the conversation back around to Rene.
“Do you have any dreams at all? Maybe I can help with them if you do…..” Kelski offered softly, uncertain, lying back in the water to float again. They were all alone… two water nymphs surrounded by lazy toads… just enjoying the day.