Footsteps in the Dark (open)

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Footsteps in the Dark (open)

Postby Robert Cithon on February 2nd, 2011, 6:21 pm

63rd of Winter 510

Robert had been surviving the city for a few months now. He was waiting for something, but he was unaware of what. He just had a feeling that if he left he was going to miss out on something very important. So he grudgingly stayed around this hell hole of a city. He hated it here, the people, the buildings, guards, everything. Except for maybe the easy picking it provided. For a city with such a reputation, he was honestly surprised at how easy it was to rob it’s citizens. Most the time Robert only had to demand their coins and they would produce them. It was amusing.

That is what brought him where he was today, walking down an abandoned street at night. He had just left the Silver Sliver Tavern, he was perhaps a bit worn from the day also. Robert was walking toward his room, he had an agreement with an old friend of the family. He did any work the elderly requested and he was allowed to use her sons old room. It benefited both of them. It helped the old woman out, which she was in desperate need for before Robert approached her. And it saved him coin.

He needed to save as much coin as he could. Robert had a dream, he anted his own mercenary army. His father had one, he would have had control over it. But he wanted to forge his own path, through blood and tears. Robert would one day save enough money to have his own Keep built, once that was established he would be able to recruit more and more. He could expand in all directions. He was going to be successful, or die trying.

Robert was going to find his way back through the twisting city and to his bed. It was not comfortable, but it provided shelter. Robert was trying to hurry but not draw attention to himself. He knew he was gaining a reputation around these parts. It was not a good thing either, he had been set up twice now. Each time he barely escaped with his life, and left more bodies to find. If things kept getting worse for him he would have to put a halt to robbing people. But it seemed that no one was in need of him.

Robert was lost in thought when he seen shadows moving around him. “Who’s there?” He bellowed out. Silence answered him, he must have been over reacting. Nonetheless, he reached in his coat and felt for the hilt of a dagger. You could never be to sure. He was especially on edge since he learned there was an assassination hit on him. It was not the first time, those were usually due to someone he had killed. An angry family member who couldn’t let it go. Footsteps in the background brought him back to searching the area. “If you are there show yourself” He said calmly, as he was reaching over his head for the hilt of his sword. He was prepared to kill again tonight, if he must.
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Footsteps in the Dark (open)

Postby Reaver on February 2nd, 2011, 7:35 pm

Reaver: "Oh, were you talking to me? Don't mind me at all, sir, I was... waiting for an opportunity. A doctor of my type needs to find work as it happens around here. Should I arrive too late, that has its own advantage."

Reaver stepped from the shadows in his very strange garb, making it quite clear he couldn't have been sneaking at all, but perhaps sitting and waiting.

Reaver: "I tend to find a number of opportunities around here, I take it you're not injured? That or I dabble in other things of no interest to many here."

((Never-mind that comment.))
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Footsteps in the Dark (open)

Postby Robert Cithon on February 3rd, 2011, 4:58 am

Robert waited a few anxious seconds before he decided to move one. Not two second later a man stepped out of the darkness, what had the body of a man anyways. Robert had never come into contact with this race before. He was slightly disturbed at the sight and he had seen many gruesome sights before. It was a corpse, walking and speaking to him. Eyes sunken in, it’s skin seemed four sizes two large for it. It seemed to be falling apart in front of his very eyes.

It was speaking, he had almost forget it was speaking to him. He was still fighting the urge to reach for his axe handle and bring it smashing into the creatures skull. “ No…I am not injured” He was sore all over, and his wounds from previous scuffles had yet to full heal. But he would suffer rather than have those vile hands touching his body, the mere thought sent shivers through his body. “What exactly are you telling m sir, that you wait in the darkness and cut up men who are to far along? Or just sit back and wait for them to die, then take their body as your own?” He was disgusted, he knew about Nuits, this was his first encounter but he had heard revolting stories. He had yet to fully release his white knuckled grip on his sword hilt, he was still weighing options over n his head.

(Sorry about that, slipped my mind)
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Footsteps in the Dark (open)

Postby Nina P Lily on February 3rd, 2011, 7:27 am

Nina had been wandering around, looking for something to do. She had her blowgun in hand, already loaded. It was coated with a poison used to numb from a water plant she had past a few days ago. You never knew what touble you could find in this city, or any city for that matter.

She stopped, leaning against a wall to rest, listening to the chatter of the people in the streets. What particularlly stood out was a human, being rather rude to a Nuit who had stepped out of the shadows. She didn't know why but it bothered her. it was that kind of behavior that gave Symenestra a bad rap as well. She stepped out, into their line or site.

"I shall have you know, sir, that that kind of behavior is not only rude, but maybe the reason Nuits choose to take humans in the first place." She knew Nuits needed to pass through bodies to live on, but still, that's why people considered us leeches.
Within each Orange Lily, there is a hint of yellow, unknowing to the fact of wanting it to spread, so that it may begin to shine, as bright as the Sun ~Nina P. Lily
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Footsteps in the Dark (open)

Postby Reaver on February 3rd, 2011, 5:32 pm

Reaver responded, almost as if ignoring the new party, "I try so hard to hide this whole 'dead' thing. Which part gave it away? I keep my head clean, I wrap everything else. I happen to love life, sir. I'm far different from your horror stories. But I suppose you could be offended still, as a doctor, the dead offer me insight as how to better treat the future, something I tend to do my best to secure. Oh, and to my other contributor to the conversation, another factor that scares people is our ability to share this... condition. Something I'll just choose not to do."

Reaver pondered the reactions of the person in front, then turned to the other; "Ah, I don't see many of your type around. Might you be, no, clearly not. Well, not often I find those who don't mind my sight. What might your name be?"

((OOC: Am I supposed to use the boxes? My last thread just gave me decent advice on making chat feel more natural. My posts should be a touch easier to read now.))
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Footsteps in the Dark (open)

Postby Robert Cithon on February 3rd, 2011, 5:47 pm

Robert seen the woman approaching, she was an eyesight as well. She appeared to be human, for the most part. Robert noticed the elongated arms and legs. They were not that noticeable in the dark, though her skin tone did help bring it out more. Overall though, one could mistake her for a normal human being, Robert was not sure what she was. He had never seen or heard of anyone like her before. “ I meant no offense mam, he is just a bit much for this night.” He honestly could have reacted a little better. But he was a fighter, and what he did not understand was a threat in his eyes.

The man was speaking to him, his voice still sent chills down his back. But Robert straightened up, releasing the grip on his weapon. “And to you, I guess you pull it off well enough. I do have a keen eye though…so I notice things.” Like the subtle threat the Nit gave, and the agitated look he was receiving from the newest addition in the alley. “My apologies, to you both” He had no reason to apologize, he was not out of line. But he felt it was necessary.
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Footsteps in the Dark (open)

Postby Reaver on February 3rd, 2011, 5:58 pm

((Something short, but not to hinder Nina's actions.))

Reaver sat back down on the edge of the path. He seemed somewhat cautious of Robert's apology, and general posture before that. He thought to himself At least it wasn't the word 'sorry.' That word is usually not one I like to hear.
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Footsteps in the Dark (open)

Postby Nina P Lily on February 4th, 2011, 2:21 am

OOCWell, you don't have to use the boxes, mostly it's just to make things pretty, I plan on only using it in only my first posts in threads though.

Nina smiled at the Nuit, but for only a second. Though they were not extended, most people found her 'fangs' to be threatening. She did a slgiht curtsey, "Nina P. Lily, though feel free to call me Nina." She straightened up, deciding she liked the man, for he seemed to show intellegance. She looked over to the human who, she thought, at least enough manners to apologize. She didn't hold anything against him though, for she would've done the same thing less than a year ago. "So, what brings you two out here?" She was mostly curious to see why the human would come out at night, seemingly unprotected. That just screamed, "Hey, I'm a HUGE target! How about you mug me! Especially in a city like this. Though she couldn't base on appearance. A hidden talent perhaps?
Within each Orange Lily, there is a hint of yellow, unknowing to the fact of wanting it to spread, so that it may begin to shine, as bright as the Sun ~Nina P. Lily
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Footsteps in the Dark (open)

Postby Ssaelrellvian on February 4th, 2011, 2:46 am

Relli stood a ways off deciding whether or not to enter into the conversation. That thing in the back of her mind nudged her forward again. Why did it do this to her? Why must she make friends? In the end she'd outlive most of them and have to watch them die. All she wanted was vengence against the Myrians. This time something physical pushed her forward. Being caught off guard, her fangs shot out and her red eyes transformed into small slits darting everywhere. Instinctively she drew her glass dagger. Rjay, her bird, flew out of her cloak in a flurry. Her hood also flew back revealing the top half of her face. All of this hapened without a few seconds.
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Footsteps in the Dark (open)

Postby Reaver on February 4th, 2011, 5:41 am

((I almost posted, but Robert would respond much faster then Reaver. I might get to use the post I wrote up depending on the reaction. Woo!))
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