Iolite Maelstrom (WIP)

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Iolite Maelstrom (WIP)

Postby Iolite Maelstrom on February 2nd, 2011, 6:45 pm


Age: 19
Birthday: 56th of Summer, 492
Race: Svefra
Weight: 160 lbs
Height: 6'2"
Hair Color: Chocolate Brown
Eye Color: Periwinkle Blue
Tavan: Penelope
Languages: Fratava (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Maelstrom Pardisa: Hammerhead Shark
Gnosis: One Mark of Leviku


Iolite is very open minded and serene, which is especially unique for a Svefra. She is intelligent, and has a habit of being embarrassingly blunt. Her voice is usually soft and dreamy, and she has the tendency to drift away from a conversation, mentally or physically, if she finds it uninteresting.

She is very good at comforting some, for she is calm even in the face of danger. Others find this unbelievably irritating, as if she doesn't take anything seriously. Because of her dreamy demeanor, many people do think she is a push over. More often than not, Iolite has found herself the object of ridicule, which she takes in stride as if nothing was the matter. Insult or threaten anything that is close to her, though, and that soft voice has been known to crack like a whip. However, whether unable to hold grudges, or just lacking the attention span to do so, Iolite doesn't stay mad for long.

One of her favorite things to do, is when the pod has lashed together for the night (more often then not, the sisters tie their boats together or in small groups), to dance while Topaz plays.


Rising towards the loftier end of the height spectrum, at 6'2" Iolite is a whole lot of woman. Contrasting vigorously with her rather innocent personality, Iolite's size and build is common amongst the Svefra. From a life at sea her physique is well toned, muscled rather than whipcord thin, and strong enough to match any of the men in the labor department.

As most of her life is spent over the open water, with hardly any buffer from the wind, Iolite's hair is usually a tangled mess. Chopped roughly with not regards to style, her plain brown hair hangs almost to her shoulders and is bleached light brown to blonde in some places, due to long exposure from the sun. For conveniences sake, a large swath of cloth is used to hold the hair out of her eyes, as well as to keep the sweat off her brow. Of course, like all Svefra, Iolite's eyes are blue. In her otherwise plain face, they are her only redeeming quality, though her smile comes in a close second.

Swimming up the inner thigh of her left leg is the Maelstrom Pod's member tattoo: That of a hammerhead shark. Tribal in appearance, it is none the less an accurate depiction of the shark.

As for clothing, Iolite tends to stray towards the looser fitting garments. Not only do they help conduct the breeze along ones body, but are also easy to get in and out of as Iolite really only likes to swim in the nude, and finds it a hassle if her clothing is not easily removed. Her only other adornment would be the multitude of shells she collects on their trips to land. Stringing them into necklaces, headbands, bracelets, belts or anything she can think of, Iolite jealously guards these trinkets, never letting them out of her sight lest one of her pod members decides they're free for the taking.




  • Swimming- 20
  • Sailing- 20
  • Dancing- 20

  • Svefra Tribal Dances
  • Answering the call of The Nal'lyeo

  • One Casinor "Bottlebrush"
  • 100ft of Rope
  • Tarps
  • Anchor
  • Waterproof lockboxes (for storing perishables)
  • Torches & Lantern
  • Lamp oil
  • One Harpoon
  • Ten Harpoon bolts (x10)
  • One set of Summer clothes
  • One set of Winter clothes
  • Strings of brass bells for ankle, wrist and waist (Heirloom)
  • Toiletries
  • Waterskin
  • One Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
  • Food for a week
  • One eating knife
  • Flint & Steel

Start: 100GM
-50GM (Harpoon)
-10GM (Bolts)
Last edited by Iolite Maelstrom on June 20th, 2011, 5:59 am, edited 27 times in total.
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Iolite Maelstrom
Ride the Waves
Posts: 8
Words: 4521
Joined roleplay: February 2nd, 2011, 6:21 pm
Race: Human, Svefra
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Nedra Seaspray (WIP)

Postby Iolite Maelstrom on June 14th, 2011, 2:15 am


Name: Turquoise Maelstrom
Relation: Grandmother
DoB: Spring 17th, 461 AV
Race: Svefra

Name: Amethyst Maelstrom
DoB: Winter 45, 470 AV
Race: Svefra

Name: Renal Maelstrom
DoB: Fall 31st, 464 AV
Race: Svefra

Name: Topaz Maelstrom
DoB: Spring 50th, 489 AV
Race: Svefra

Name: Moonstone Maelstrom
DoB: Spring 50th, 489 AV
Race: Svefra

Name: Citrine Maelstrom
DoB: Summer 7th, 484 AV
Race: Svefra

Name: Jade Maelstrom
Race: Svefra

Name: Onyx Maelstrom
DoB: Spring 11th, 486
Race: Svefra

Name: Chevis Maelstrom (adopted)
DoB: Spring 77, 477 AV
Race: Svefra

Name: Kywan Maelstrom
DoB: Summer 28th, 489 AV
Race: Svefra
Last edited by Iolite Maelstrom on June 20th, 2011, 6:02 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Iolite Maelstrom
Ride the Waves
Posts: 8
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Joined roleplay: February 2nd, 2011, 6:21 pm
Race: Human, Svefra
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Iolite Maelstrom (WIP)

Postby Iolite Maelstrom on June 14th, 2011, 2:22 am



The Hammerhead Shark

If one were to describe the Maelstrom's with a singular word, that word would have to be TROUBLE. When the Maelstrom's are around, any organization seems to dissolve into light-hearted chaos. Lia Turquoise has used her tavan, the hammerhead shark, as the Pradisa which has interestingly enough never changed in all of the Maelstrom's long existence. Thus, the Maelstrom's believe that whomever acquires a tavan that is a hammerhead shark close around the time of Turqoise's death, will automatically become Lia, bucking all Svefra tradition.

Unusually, the Maelstrom's have a history of twins in the family as the current Lia is a twin (Malachite is deceased). They are friendly, approachable, and have a fairly even balance of craftsman, musicians, and artisans throughout their ranks. To an individual, almost every Maelstrom knows one or more forms of magic. They do not fear arcana, but rather embrace it as yet another tool in the pods rather extensive arsenal. The Maelstroms are known to adopt orphaned Svefra (and blue-eyed humans), treating them as their own.

The current Pod is composed of three Palivar's and numerous assorted Casinor. Renal, a shipwright, has long dreamed of crafting a Navar if his family grows enough because he knows the last Navar, belonging to the last Lia'Tavanka was either dry-docked or burned upon her death.

Joining The Pod

There are positions available for membership in the Maelstrom pod. Siblings are always welcome as well as parallel lines of family members from aunts and uncles thus creating cousins of the current siblings. Adoptive members are also welcome. We'd like people who know their way around roleplay and have proven themselves to commit to a PC for long periods of time.

*Information as seen in various Pod Members CS's
Last edited by Iolite Maelstrom on June 19th, 2011, 2:00 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Iolite Maelstrom
Ride the Waves
Posts: 8
Words: 4521
Joined roleplay: February 2nd, 2011, 6:21 pm
Race: Human, Svefra
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Iolite Maelstrom (WIP)

Postby Iolite Maelstrom on June 15th, 2011, 12:27 am



  • Name: Penelope
  • Sex: Female
  • Age: 3
  • Species: Killer Whale
  • Length: 20 ft
  • Weight: 3 tons
  • Identifying Mark: White patch that encircles her dorsal fin

Penelope and Iolite haven't been together for very long. As a child, Iolite saved and rescued a baby sea otter that as caught in a carelessly discarded fishing net. With the animal on the brink of death, the child was some how able to nurse it back to life. As common as it is for children of the Svefra to friend Otter Tavan's, no one was surprised to see Willow (as the sea otter was named) capering around behind Iolite wherever she went. However, Disaster befell poor Willow. He was picked off only a few years later by a seabird as he and Iolite napped on the deck of one of the pod's vessels.
Iolite was devastated and refused to even try to bond to another animal for years. She avoided the contact with the sea creatures that the rest of her pod enjoyed. For her, it was an insult to her lost friends name to befriend someone else. But it seems like Iolite has a soft spot for things in need, because almost a decade after she lost Willow, she found another creature in a life or death situation.

Penelope was caught in the shallows, as good as beached as the tide slowly went back out to sea. The Orca was trapped between the beach and a sandbar. She was surely doomed. But Iolite spotted her, and after tying her boat for safety to one of her sisters, she dove off in a rescue.

The bond was instant, and Penelope had become Iolite's Tavan from that moment forward. The two are pretty much inseparable. The whale can be seen swimming alongside Bottlebrush, Or the girl can be seen asleep on Penelope's back as the Orca coasts gently along the surface, as if rocking her friend to sleep.
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Iolite Maelstrom
Ride the Waves
Posts: 8
Words: 4521
Joined roleplay: February 2nd, 2011, 6:21 pm
Race: Human, Svefra
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