Timestamp: XX of XX, 516 AV
So... Nya's turn....
/roll 4d23
DicerBOT - Today at 8:42 PM
@Gossamer: 4d23 = (17+9+1+10) = 37
So many hard choices... I'd like this one applied to a new Naginata (20gm). Is it possible since Nya is in the jungle to have these noises tend to be jungle specific? Or is it completely up to the writer and the scene?
(17) What Goes Bump in the Night – The weapon emits a variety of disturbing sounds when used in combat. Sounds of wolves howling in the distance, a woman screaming, gurgling, growling, a cat in heat. The sounds are random and cause a -10 to all opposing rolls while the wielder uses the weapon in combat. Constant effect.