It quickly became evident that this man was an illusionist, and Hadrian watched and listened with wide eyes as he spooned the interesting curry into his mouth. His voice was fairly high, and Hadrian wondered if that too was a function of his illusions. But he was teaching, and so Hadrian attempted to learn from him. The engineering made sense to him mathematically, and he had employed similar ideas in his magecrafting, but he was still a new gadgeteer. It was good to see how a more practiced person put them together, and he hoped he could match their intricacy soon. "That was... amazing," he said quietly once Juilus was done. He had finished his curry, and was looking from dandy to dandy-master. "Your illusion... huh. I hadn't thought of using it as a teaching tool, but I like your innovation. That was certainly illuminating. Perhaps soon I can attempt to build one myself. I suppose that's the only way I'll ever get better." Of course, once he was done, he could build a pseudo-soul for the thing and teach it to move on its own, mixing clever gadgeteering with that strange sort of projection that golems used to move themselves. "Who was your master?" |