Closed In the Jungle (Jace)

The mighty jungle...two Kelvics go exploring.

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In the Jungle (Jace)

Postby Nieve Glass on July 1st, 2018, 3:17 am

27th of Summer, 518 AV

Nieve had found her way to Uta's, remembering the path from when she had visited with Randal. She'd meant to visit the botanist again but hadn't gotten around to it, so she decided it was as good a time as any. Not to mention, she was getting some nasty snarls in her curls; the sand and drying ocean salt didn't help, and she'd heard that Uta may have something to help keep her hair knot-free.

"Uta?" The Kelvic called out as she approached the open-walled home, eyeing the comfortable swing over the stream. She still wanted to try it out... "It's Nieve. Are you around?" Of course, while Nieve hadn't gone to see Uta specifically since meeting her, she'd caught glimpses of her around. It was impossible not to, with how small the settlement was.

Nieve stopped at the edge of the house, and a few moments later Uta popped up from where she'd been bent over behind her desk. "Nieve, it's good to see you again. How are you?"

Evie smiled at the other woman. "I'm good, thank you. Yourself?" The two exchanged pleasantries before Nieve cleared her throat somewhat sheepishly. "I do actually have something to ask you. I've been getting very bad knots in my hair that are difficult to comb out, and I heard you might have something to help?"

Uta laughed, shaking her head. "I should have known it wasn't just a social call," She teased. "Stay here a moment." She turned to go and rummage through her storage before returning with a small lidded container, handing it to Nieve.

The Kelvic took it, opening the lid curiously; inside was a clear liquid, and the distinct smell of coconut wafted out to her. "It's really just coconut oil," Uta explained. "I've found it works wonders for the hair. Keeps it soft and smooth and, most importantly, knot free. Every so often just take a little bit in your palms and run it through your hair. It will make combing it a lot easier. You don't need to wash it out, but don't use it too often, or it will just make your hair greasy." She explained to the curious yowlwing.

Nieve nodded. "I see. Thank you so much. What do I owe you for it?" Uta hummed thoughtfully, then waved a hand.

"That one's on me, for helping Randal out last time you visited. I do still need those pots though," She winked at the Kelvic. "So from now on perhaps we could trade, hmm? A pot or two for a jar of that."

Nieve nodded enthusiastically. "That's perfectly fair. Thank you so much, Uta!" She waved to the woman before turning and bounding back down along the path she'd come.

Once back at the beach, Nieve began to make her way back to her piece of land. It was still relatively early, so she took the time to sit down at the mouth of her tent, catching the early morning breeze that came in with the ocean as she followed Uta's instructions; she scooped out a small amount of the coconut oil, rubbing it between her fingers before beginning to comb it through her curls, rubbing it into any knots she encountered.

It was dull work, but as any cat, Nieve had a certain sense of pride and vanity when it came to her appearance; not only that, but the knots were downright annoying, so she didn't mind taking the time to sort them out. Once her hair was saturated, she picked up her comb, and began to pull it through her oiled strands.

The oil was practically magical; just as Uta had said, it made combing out the knots incredibly easy. Oiled and combed, Nieve's hair lay silky and straight when she was done, the tips brushing just past her shoulders as opposed to her chin, where the strands normally ended.

Marveling at the difference, Evie screwed the top back on tightly, setting the jar and comb aside and tucking her newly combed hair behind her ears. Pleased, she stood, wiping the remaining oil off her hands and onto her thighs, her loincloth swinging around her knees.

With that taken care of, Nieve decided it was time for breakfast. Perhaps she'd actually get geared up and try to hunt something in the jungle...there were plenty of small critters near the treeline. Then again, she mostly relied on her animal form to hunt; a kukri wasn't very useful in that regards. Perhaps she'd just be better off going to the Tidepool Bar.

Nieve thought about it for a long moment before deciding she might as well take a look around the jungle, and see what sorts of prey animals lurked near the treeline anyhow. It would be useful in the future. Perhaps she should learn how to use a bow...

With that in mind, Evie took the time to gear up; her scarf and loincloth were swapped for her jungle-faring clothes. Leather pants, shirt, leather jacket, cowl, boots,, climbing claws in her pocket...check. Nieve sheathed her kukri, safely in its scabbard, in her waistband and applied some insect repellent before leaving her tent.

Suitably dressed, Nieve trotted over to the edge of the jungle, peering in. She had yet to venture into its depths alone, but she didn't plan on going far. Stepping into the underbrush, Evie ducked under a vine, not bothering to be quiet just yet as she wandered some ways in, passing the small stream that snaked through her portion of land.

Deep enough in the jungle for the ocean to be nothing but a distant, muffled sound, but still close enough to the treeline to be able to see the beach, Evie decided it was a good place to stop and see what sorts of animals lurked around.

She stopped moving, going perfectly still. Quietly, she called out to the shadows, trying to coax them nearer to help hide her, but they simply laughed. She had become familiar with the ones along the beach, but the ones within the trees were new to her, and had no reason to listen to her.

"Fine then," Nieve huffed in Makath, but there was no real anger in the words. Slowly and quietly, Nieve crouched down, her sharp eyes peering through the foliage as she went still. She inhaled deeply, and while the lingering scents of animals were plentiful, nothing in her immediate area was fresh enough to catch her attention...until suddenly a familiar, canine scent entered her nose.

Her head perked up. Was Jace around? She cocked her head to listen intently, and sure enough, Nieve could hear footsteps through the undergrowth not too far from her. Quietly as she could, she crept forward, still in a crouch. It didn't take her long to see Jace.

She had no idea what he was doing, but a grin slowly crept over her face; if she'd been in her animal form, her tail would have been flicking back and forth. Trying to be mindful of any twigs or branches on the ground, Nieve lowered herself further, hunching her shoulders as she crept up behind Jace. She steadied her breathing, almost holding it. The shadows, amused by her, held silent as they observed.

Feeling she'd gotten as close as she could, Nieve suddenly sprang upwards out of the underbrush; she wasn't foolish enough to actually pounce on the other Kelvic, knowing she could easily be mistaken for a genuine threat and thus attacked by mistake, but instead leaped forward with a yelled greeting and chorus of giggles as she landed in front of him, whirling on her heels to face him with a wide grin. "Hello, Jace!"

I rolled a 64 in chat for stealth. :D If you want to roll a d100 and maybe add your observation to it to try and beat that then by all means go for it!

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Nieve Glass
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In the Jungle (Jace)

Postby Jace on July 1st, 2018, 4:45 am


Today, like any other since he had arrived, Jace was all geared up and familiarizing himself with the jungle surrounding Syka. The wood of his bow was warm in his left hand, and he could feel sweat dripping down his back underneath his leather tunic. The tall trees provided some small relief from the heat with their shade, and a number of shadows that snickered and made snarky comments every time Jace walked past them. They seemed to find it amusing how often he needed to stop and drink from the waterskin hanging from his waist beside his hunting pouch.

He wasn't far into the jungle at this point, but far enough that the sound of the ocean was only very faint among the other sounds permeating the area. The rustle of leaves in the wind, the whispers of the surrounding shadows, birds singing their songs and the rush of water in a nearby stream were all sounds that could be heard on any normal day. He had gotten used to these sounds, and he was quickly getting better at picking out those that shouldn't be there. It helped him to survive out here while he worked. A Ranger needed to be aware of his surroundings and adept at surviving in the wilderness alone.

Jace wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his right hand, making sure to not let it get into his eyes, before taking a drink from his waterskin.
"So, any chance you guys might want to lead me somewhere interesting instead of just watching me wander around?" he asked the snickering shadows nearby. He had heard their whisper of secrets since he got here, but that was pretty much all he heard. The shadows in the forest were more helpful than the ones at the beach, seeing as that's where Jace spent most of his time, but even they weren't exactly forthcoming. They just laughed at his question and went back to talking about him in low whispers.

"Right, thanks for the help." he said, half laughing to himself and shaking his head. He should've known they wouldn't be much help. They just liked to tease him with promises of secrets and mysteries, and then watch as he struggled to find what always lay just beyond his reach. He took another sip from his waterskin before placing it back at his waist and taking out the hunting knife instead. He walked over to a tall tree to his right, marked it as he had so many before to point in the direction he had come, and then replaced the knife into his hunting pouch.

He was about to continue on his path when a strange noise reached his ears, followed by a familiar scent. A familiar feline scent. Nieve. Was she close by? He stopped in his tracks, straining his ears for the location of the sound he had heard. It was coming from behind him. He couldn't help but smile at the thought of the Kelvic girl trying to sneak up on him. Before he could say anything, she jumped out from the bushes and, at the same time, Jace stuck his shorbow out into her path for her to run into and potentially knocking her to the floor. The shadows around them bust into laughter, finding Nieve's botched ambush overly amusing.

"Hi, Nieve," he said, looking down at his friend with a smile. "You should know better than trying to sneak up on me on the forest. What are you doing out here alone, anyway?" When they had first met, Jace was barely able to get a few words out without stammering and stuttering. Of course, having spent the night with her in the jungle had calmed him a bit, and he was more used to her presence now. The stammering was gone, and he didn't feel as awkward around her now as he had then. Hopefully soon he would get used to everyone like that. He absolutely hated how he stammered like that.

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In the Jungle (Jace)

Postby Nieve Glass on July 1st, 2018, 6:21 am

Nieve had thought she was doing a fairly good job at being stealthy, and so she was not prepared for the outcome of her sneak attack on Jace.

Her yelled greeting was cut off with a highly undignified squawk as Jace stuck his shortbow out, and Nieve ran into it chest first, sending her sprawling back onto the jungle floor, spluttering and winded.

Catching her breath, she stared up at Jace with wide green eyes before bursting into laughter along with the shadows, giggling wildly, her shoulders shaking with her mirth. She absolutely deserved that, and she was impressed that the other Kelvic managed to get the drop on her despite her sneaking about as she had been.

"You're right," She agreed, her giggles trailing off as she scrambled to her feet, brushing leaves and dirt off her pants. "You know this place a lot better than I do." While slightly put-out about that fact, she had nobody to blame for it but herself, and her voice had a hint of admiration to it; she was impressed that Jace was learning his way around the jungle so quickly.

She noticed that he wasn't stammering as much as the last time they had met, and it pleased her. It was nice to see that he was getting more comfortable with her, at least. She didn't know how he would fare around Okara or Iolara if he ran into them again; perhaps he had seen them again since their expedition. She had no idea.

"Hmm? Oh! I was just looking around, trying to see what sorts of animals are good for hunting near the treeline. Though, I don't have a way of hunting them, really..." She trailed off with a slight frown. She felt too vulnerable still to venture into the jungle in her feline form; while better armed with teeth and claws, she was just too small to really feel safe.

"What about you? Are you out hunting?" Evie asked, tilting her head somewhat and gesturing to Jace's shortbow. "Or are you just exploring?" Her tone was playful, her words gently teasing as she reminded him of their first meeting.

"Either way do you mind if I join you?" She could probably learn quite a bit from the other Kelvic, and her hunger was momentarily forgotten in the face of a new adventure. Her plans of a quick look around the forest was being extended, meaning the following plans of dinner and sunning herself could wait. Besides, a good meal and relaxation was always more satisfying if something exciting was done beforehand. It made it feel all that more deserved.

"You must know what sorts of animals are around here, right?" Nieve continued to question the man, walking closer to him, peering curiously at his shortbow. She had yet to see a bow close-up, and given that she'd earlier been debating learning how to use one, she was interested in taking a look at the weapon.

"Anything small? Like rodents?" She glanced up from examining Jace's bow to peer at him curiously, absently wiping some sweat from the side of her face. No matter the weather, within the trees was always humid, and the layers necessary for safety didn't exactly help. A few insects buzzed around her face, prompting Nieve to bat them away irritably as she waited for Jace to respond to her questions.

Word Count: 564
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Nieve Glass
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In the Jungle (Jace)

Postby Jace on July 1st, 2018, 5:43 pm


This girl was really something else. She was laughing almost harder than the shadows were at being knocked down like that. At least she seemed like she was having fun. Jace scratched his head distractedly with his free hand, a slightly uncomfortable look on his face. Being around Nieve was one thing, and he was only barely comfortable with that, but she was very close as she examined his shortbow.

"Um, well," he started, trying to think of what animals roamed the edge of the forest that his friend could hunt. There were so many different types of animals living in the jungle, but he hadn't payed much attention to the smaller animals that made their homes in the trees and at the edge of the greenery. His train of thought was broken when Nieve teasingly reminded him of their first meeting. He smiled at her, the memory made him happy, while also feeling a bit foolish.

"A bit of both today, actually" he replied with a coy smile and a wink. "Sure, you can join me. Since you're asking about hunting, um, maybe, maybe I could, could teach you while we explore?" he suggested meekly, stammering just a little bit. It seemed like whenever she was around, or any other woman really, he was a walking tomato with how much he blushed. Today, to his dismay, would apparently be no different.

"I mean, that is if you really want to. You don't have to. It's not like I mind your company or anything. Of course I don't mind. I mean, I enjoy having you around." Even more blood rushed to fill his cheeks as he realized what he was saying. "Not that anyone wouldn't enjoy having you around. You're, I'm, I mean, just, but," his speech had quickly devolved to incoherent sentences and he was becoming more and more flustered. He couldn't help himself from looking away from the Kelvic, and found his eyes darting to settle on everywhere except hers.

"Just, yes. You...can join me if you want. I'd, I'd like that." What was wrong with him? He had started off so good, too. Now he was back to being embarrassed, flustered, and stammering like a fool. Good job Jace. Hopefully she would agree to come along still. He wasn't looking for anyone to join him, really, and was quite enjoying the time alone. Now, however, he found he was actually looking forward to spending time with Nieve, hoping his awkwardness wouldn't make her change her mind. It would be nice to have her with him, teach her a little about surviving out here on her own. Maybe even how to properly hunt.

The surrounding shadows had been snickering even harder as they watched Jace stumble over his words in front of the feline Nightstalker. He couldn't be sure, but he thought he heard them mocking him from a distance, and he felt a little dumb because of it. "Shhh," he hissed at them as he waited for his friend's answer.

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In the Jungle (Jace)

Postby Nieve Glass on July 19th, 2018, 9:54 pm

Nieve listened intently, though her gaze was busy examining the bow held in Jace's hands. She grinned when she heard his stutter start to peek through his words again, stifling a laugh, not wanting to be mean. It was sweet in a very boy-ish, almost child-like way.

"Sure, I'd love to tag along!" She chirped, finally looking up; she had little concept of personal space, and it didn't cross her mind that perhaps she was just a bit too close for comfort, so she stayed where she was. "If you don't mind having me. I have to admit, my survival skills in the jungle...aren't the best." Sheepishness crept into the yowlwing's voice as she rubbed the back of her neck briefly.

She giggled as he kept stammering, finally stepping away to dance over into the watching shadows, their constant whispers and snickering a distraction. "Did you all tell him I was coming?" She accused them, in Makath; she received laughter and various denials, and chuckled.

"I'm sure you're much more familiar with them than I am," She said to Jace, as she turned back to face him again. "They probably like you more." She beamed at him when he admitted he would like for her to join him, nodding decisively.

"Good. I wouldn't want to be a burden." She padded back over to him, swatting at a few insects buzzing around her head. "I'll defer to your judgement and know the jungle a lot better than I do."

Evie watched Jace hiss at the shadows, amused. "They think they're funny, huh?" Protests reached her ears at that; they didn't just think it, they knew it! Nieve giggled again.

"So, you say you're exploring...where were you headed?" Nieve asked, curiously; she motioned for Jace to lead the way, following close behind as he continued into the jungle. "Did you have somewhere in mind, or are you just...looking?" She didn't mind either way; the jungle was a wonderful, awe-inspiring place, with many hidden secrets...if also slightly terrifying. She knew that now better than she ever had.

"I haven't been very far into the jungle, aside from with you, Okara, and Iolara." She hesitated; it was sort of a lie, but she had yet to tell anyone of her strange experience; while she liked Jace, and she trusted him, she didn't think she wanted to tell him either. Quietly but intensely, a pang hit her heart, an ache for that special someone whom she could trust with anything and everything.

Nieve shook it off with a physical shake of her head, curls flying around her face. Somewhere up ahead, she heard a small animal run through the underbrush with a squeak, and her head lifted in interest. "Did you hear that?" She asked Jace, in Makath, her voice a hushed whisper; her stomach rumbled silently, reminding her of why she had entered the forest to begin with.
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Nieve Glass
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