[Verified by Solstice] Oresnya Cacao

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Oresnya Cacao

Postby Oresnya Cacao on July 3rd, 2018, 3:49 am


Oresnya Cacao

(Completely Petched)

Other Names: Sibeanya or Endanya (only to other Symenestra), Widow (to those less than thrilled by her presence)
Race: Symenestra
Gender: Female
Birth Date: 17th of Summer, 495 AV (24 years old)
Birth Place: Kalinor, Kalea
Height: 5’2” (157 cm)
Weight: 99 lbs (45 kg)
General Appearance: Oresnya has the ashen appearance to her skin that is typical of members of her race. The veins beneath appear grayish through the ashen skin and create a delicate, web-like pattern across any skin that is visible. Her hair is the off gray of cobwebs, but when the light catches it right, it shines like spider webs do when covered in dew and caught in the morning light, and her eyes are amethyst colored. Also typical of her race, she has slightly elongated limbs and fingers with long, black nails that she keeps filed somewhat shorter than is normal for her race. Her canines are slightly elongated, though this is only visible if she smiles.

As is typical of many of her race, she tends to dress in leggings with the rest of her covered in silk spun in Kalinor. She has a single strip of Ranekissra moth silk dyed a deep purple (about 6 inches wide and 16 yards long) that she and her mother wove together when she was a child. She wears it wrapped around her torso and upper legs. She begins at her back at waist level, wraps downward to her hips, down one thigh and back up, then down the other and back up her torso to wrap over each shoulder, and back again to where she began to tie it in a bow. On colder days, she can be found wearing a coat.

Special Characteristics:
(LOW-LIGHT VISION): Due to her Symenestra nature, Oresnya has eyes with a reflective tapetum and the ability to dilate at will that allow her to see in low light situations. What would appear as complete darkness to others is merely foggy to her.

(VENOMOUS FANGS): She also has retractable fangs (her canine teeth) that can release a corrosive venom. Due to the very limited abilities of the Symenestra digestive tract, she has to inject this venom into food and allow digestion to happen prior to actually ingesting a meal. The longer she has gone between meals, the more corrosive (and deadly) the venom becomes. Arousal can also cause more venom to be produced.

(MASTERFUL CLIMBING): Finally, due to microscopic hooks on her skin, as long as she is wearing very light fabric or her skin is not covered, Oresnya can scale nearly any surface with ease. These hooks can be extended at will to allow her the ability to climb almost anything (equivalent to master level ability in climbing).

Languages: Symenos (Fluent), Common (Basic), Nari (Poor)
Oresnya is soft spoken, perhaps due to the nature of her native language. She is quiet, especially when not in her home. Within the confines of her home (and she considers being in the company of family as being home), she livens up, becoming a jubilant and cheery individual, sometimes speaking over everyone else.

Symenos was her native tongue in the caverns of Kalinor, and it is what she is most comfortable speaking. As her brothers began to learn the Common language in preparation for their Harvests and Gleanings, Oresnya learned along with them, helping them to practice, as she had a more natural gift for language than they did.

In her early teens, Oresnya had a sister named Yora (betrothed to one of her brothers from a Harvest) from Wind Reach. This woman had experience with languages and seemed to have a greater affinity for language than Oresnya. During the short time Yora spent with them, little over a year, the Inarta taught Oresnya as much as she could of her native language. The chirps and clicks of Nari were a difficult thing to learn, the language being so different in structure and not drawing from the common base of the ancient tongue that so many others did. Oresnya learned some basics and some of the important words, things like “Endal” and “Dek” and “Avora.”

Current Location: Wind Reach, Kalea
Employment: Felicity’s Fabrics Wherever
Caste: Chiet Dek

Last edited by Oresnya Cacao on April 22nd, 2020, 10:10 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Oresnya Cacao

Postby Oresnya Cacao on December 9th, 2018, 4:41 am




It had always been a part of Oresnya’s life. Viratas demanded it. The Viratassa commanded it. And through her childhood and adolescence, Oresnya had watched her loved ones pay that price. She knew, through teachings of her elders and her own readings of the Viratassa, that Viratas was not a bloodthirsty god and didn’t revel in the useless shedding of blood or loss of life. What was required was loyalty to that which made one’s identity, namely one’s family and one’s people. No. Sacrifice was not required, but Oresnya had watched her sister and friends perform the ultimate sacrifice for family, death in childbirth. It came with being Symenestra.

Oresnya didn’t remember her birth mother. As with most Symenestra, the woman died the day Oresnya was born. But giving birth to someone didn’t make them family. The woman’s sacrifice was not forgotten. In fact, Oresnya honored it every year when her birthday rolled around. But those she considered family were the ones who impacted her life. Even if unrelated, they became one’s blood. That was the way it was for Oresnya and her mother Senessa, mate to her father Davulod. Senessa, like all good Symenestra mothers, considered any offspring of her mate’s to be her own, and so she took Oresnya under her wing as she did with all her children and taught her the many things she’d need in life, things for survival and things to advance her in their culture, things that taught her to honor Viratas.

Oresnya had a passion for learning. Anything she was taught, she tried to better herself at. With how important it was to Kalinor’s economy, weaving was the first thing she was instructed in, and she took to it with a great liking, but what perhaps interested her more was other cultures and languages. It would have been better if it was men who needed harvesting, because Oresnya would have taken to it better than her brother. When the time came to begin training them for what they’d need to draw mates to Kalinor, Oresnya devoured the knowledge more eagerly and with greater comprehension than her brother and any of her cousins could demonstrate. In the end, she was teaching them what they would need to know.

Before her brother had left for his Harvest, Oresnya had already become familiar with death. Her elder sister had fallen in with the influence of the Esterians, though not for any benefit of the surrogates. Her sister, like herself, had been raised on the teachings of the Viratassa. Blood was what mattered above all. Symenestra blood was holy, and her sister believed it was the Symenestra right to bear their own children. So she had given Oresnya a nephew and taken from her a sister. To Oresnya, who believed wholeheartedly in the sanctity of blood, the process still felt futile. She found herself doubting.

And then, it came time for her brother’s Harvest. No one had faith in him. Every web, even his own, was certain that he would return home empty-handed. His mother and father doubted him. His cousins doubted him. Even Oresnya, who had spent much of her free time instructing her brother on language and proper social interactions of the varied cultures and cities he might visit, would have bet against him. It was thought that the Cacao web might be coming to its end. While it had been large in the days of Kalinad, that time had long ago passed, and they were much diminished.

So when Deshvelon returned a year and a half later with a beautiful redhead on his arm, the entirety of Kalinor was stunned but celebrated his success. Furthermore, he had done what few of his fellow Harvesters could. His surrogate had been brought back willingly. While many surrogates ended up segregated to keep them in check, Yora lived with Oresnya’s family, bringing with her a spark of joy that had been lacking. She knew what her coming pregnancy would mean for herself, and yet, she did not despair.

Yora thrived in Kalinor. Her skills and passions were many, and she put them to use in her wait for a child. Languages and writing were the biggest of these, and many up and coming Harvesters found themselves under her tutelage. Kalinor’s library, the Cribellum, found itself with many copies of their existing materials written in Yora’s elegant hand. She had perfected the art of calligraphy in Wind Reach and was certain that she put care and a personal touch on anything she copied. The Cribellum also found itself with several new tomes with snippets of the history and culture of Wind Reach and the Inarta.

But while the teaching and recording of knowledge gave her happiness, what brought her the greatest joy was her family. Family, as Oresnya and every member of a web understood it, did not exist in Wind Reach. There were no ties to family, only the responsibility and privileges brought by one’s standing in society, one’s caste. The thought of dedication to someone based solely on their relationship to her was jarring to her at first, but she quickly grew to love the idea and to love the people in her new family. Though Yora loved every member of her new family, Deshvelon and Oresnya held a special place in her heart. Both of them were hers by choice. Deshvelon was her lover, because she had chosen him. The whole of Kalinor was still unsure of why. When Oresnya had asked Yora about it, Yora herself wasn’t sure why. His charm, for that is what she called it, came from his inability to string sentences together around her, his lack of confidence, and his overall clumsiness.

Oresnya had accepted Yora as her sister the moment the woman had arrived willingly. Perhaps it had something to do with Oresnya’s sister having died only a few years prior and her ache to have sisterly guidance once more. Perhaps it was Yora’s infectious personality. Whatever it was, Oresnya and Yora became inseparable.

Eventually, Yora became pregnant, but the knowledge that she would be dying in nine months didn’t dampen her spirits. Laughter was hers. Yora could laugh to lighten a room and bring laughter to the overly solemn, and she did both. She continued on as she always had, immersing herself in teaching and being taught, loving and being loved by those she considered her family. But the child in her grew, and as its time came near, its venom began to spread. Slowly, Yora’s smiles became fewer and faded, but she always held one ready for Deshvelon.

And Oresnya, too. When the little sister realized that, Oresnya wept for a day. And then realizing that her sister was holding back tears and fear for the benefit of those around her, Oresnya stopped and spent every available moment with Yora, giving as many smiles in return as Yora gave her.

Then the day came. It was over more quickly than Oresnya had imagined. Yora was giving birth, and then, she was gone. Once again, Oresnya became more familiar with death than she would have liked. In Kalinor, the birth of a child was cause for great celebration, but Oresnya and Deshvelon grieved. As kin came to see the child, their congratulations died on their lips at the sight of the siblings’ eyes. No one spoke to Deshvelon or Oresnya, but rather, bade the girl’s grandparents the fairest of wishes for the child’s future.

It wasn’t until a month had passed that Oresnya realized that this was not what Yora would have wanted for her and her brother. She vowed right away to live her life as Yora had, full of laughter, smiles, and joy. Despite her heartfelt vow, though, it took Oresnya a long while to bring a genuine smile to her face. It took her even longer to teach her brother how to smile again, but she did. Together, the two rediscovered the joy Yora had brought in Ynessa, Deshvelon’s daughter, Oresnya’s niece.

As the girl grew, joy once again returned to the Cacao web, but Oresnya’s thoughts often turned to her lost sister. The light of joy was often in her eyes until thoughts of Yora surfaced. When those thoughts reared their head, a distinct change came over Oresnya. Joy was there no more, only an odd, empty anger. Her friends and family avoided her when this look entered her eyes. She didn’t realize it, but it frightened them.

Deshvelon found new purpose in his daughter, but Oresnya, despite her joy, felt that she was contributing nothing to her family, and family, blood, was the most revered of all things. As she began to search for a way to honor her blood and better her family, Oresnya found it in what she thought was the oddest of places. Yora. Yora had died far from the place of her birth. Her passing went unknown to those who had known her, and though family meant nothing to the Inarta, Oresnya thought it better that Yora’s legacy not be forgotten in her home city.

In secret, Oresnya prepared herself for travel, packing the things she thought she might need to journey to and establish herself in Wind Reach. One thing she was certain she took was a copy of the Viratassa written in Yora's hand. When she was satisfied, she said goodbye to her family as she had done every day when she headed off to weave silk for export. To them, it meant nothing different. To her though, she knew its full intent, and her embraces lasted a little longer.

Her first route took her to the coast. It took nearly a fortnight for a trading vessel to travel close enough to the coast to see her and be willing to take on a traveler. Oresnya was ill equipped to handle the rigors of surviving in the wild and was half-starved when she was brought on board. The sailors were skeptical of her at first. She wasn’t strong and had no experience on the waters. They were certain she would be dead weight until she was dropped off at the closest port.

But Kalinor did not thrive by idle hands. Oresnya put herself to work doing what she could, and putting her will to learn to work, she found herself slowly gaining familiarity with the nautical jargon, their many varied knots, and the basics of sailing. Unfortunately, they were headed south, away from Wind Reach, but by the time the first port, Black Rock, arrived, the sailors found themselves fond of her. At their invitation, she stayed on board, working for her passage across Mizahar. It was another year at sea before they found themselves leaving Lhavit, northbound for the northern coasts near Wind Reach. Near the end of autumn, she found herself saying goodbye to new friends too soon. All of them were sad for the parting of ways but knew Oresnya’s mind wouldn’t change. Unable to dock in Thunder Bay, they left her on the coast as near as they could, leaving her to walk the rest of the way.

And at the end of autumn, Oresnya found herself working her way across the coast toward Wind Reach in the middle of a storm.

Last edited by Oresnya Cacao on December 25th, 2018, 9:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Oresnya Cacao
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Oresnya Cacao

Postby Oresnya Cacao on December 9th, 2018, 4:42 am



Skill XP Sources Total Mastery
Acrobatics +10 (RB) +2 12 Novice
Climbing Racial Skill 100 Master
Endurance +1 1 Novice
Land Navigation +1 1 Novice
Linguistics +10 (SP) +2 12 Novice
Observation +3 +4 +4 11 Novice
Persuasion +2 +1 +2 5 Novice
Poison +10 (SP) 10 Novice
Sewing +5 (SP) +4 9 Novice
Socialization +2 +1 +4 7 Novice
Storytelling +4 4 Novice
Unarmed Combat +2 2 Novice
Weapon: Darts +5 (SP) 5 Novice
Weaving +20 (SP) 20 Novice
Wilderness Survival +1 1 Novice

*Poison Families: Fungus, Araneida, Roots
*Survival Domains (Primary: Mountains)
Moderate Resolve (26): +26 (SP)
Last edited by Oresnya Cacao on March 3rd, 2020, 3:09 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Oresnya Cacao
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Oresnya Cacao

Postby Oresnya Cacao on December 9th, 2018, 4:47 am



*Endurance: A Long Uphill Walk
*Eshryd: Hard, physical worker
*Eshryd: A mute Dek who enjoys stories
*Felicity: Above Oresnya in station- can demand what she likes
*Felicity: Won’t tolerate the use of Common
*Felicity’s Fabrics: Basic shop floor layoiut
*Inarta: Don’t hide their emotions
*Inarta: Don’t Track Family
*Kaden Avin, The Valintar: Location, Appearance, & Personality
*Language: Strategic use of basic words to convey meaning
*Location: Wind Reach: Felicity’s Fabrics
*Location: The Fighting Pits
*Location: The Sanikas Gates
*Location: The Sanikas Road
*Nari: Some basic, everyday grammar
*Navre: Demigod of cats
*Oresnya: Chiet, title given by Kaden
*Oresnya: Hated by Her Fellow Apprentices
*The Physical and Mental Strain of Self-Imposed Starvation
*Persuasion: Don’t let pride cloud the argument
*Persuasion: Using a gentle tone of voice to convince
Religion: Viratas
*Sewing: Adding buttons to vinati
*Sewing: Matching thread color with button color
*Sewing: Removing broken threads
*Socialization: Making conversation with a mute
*Story: Nyranel & Mabdanav, a story told to Oresnya by her mother
*Storytelling: Adjusting tone of voice to convey emotion
*Storytelling: Pausing for dramatic effect
*Storytelling: The story of Nyranel & Mabdanav
*Storytelling: Telling a story in Symenos
*Symenestra: First Rule of Fighting- Don’t Get Hit
*Symenestra Folklore: Mabda, the Good Mother
*Symenestra: The Effects of Toxin on Human Flesh
*The Valintar: Leader of Wind Reach
*Valtrrik Imsun: A Kind Man
*Valtrrik Imsun: Location, Appearance, & Personality
*Valtrrik Imsun: Will Teach Oresnya Nari
Weaving Pattern: Plain Weave
*Wilderness Survival: Weathering a Storm
*Wind Reach: Castes, Culture
*Wind Reach: The unbalance of power in the caste system
*Wind Reach: The use of the Common tongue is unwelcome
*Yora: Has a Twin
*Yora: Oresnya’s Sister
*Yora: Was an Avora
Last edited by Oresnya Cacao on March 3rd, 2020, 3:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Oresnya Cacao
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Oresnya Cacao

Postby Oresnya Cacao on December 15th, 2018, 1:51 pm



Long silk strip worn as a top (heirloom)
Leggings (5)
Shoes and traveling boots
Shirts (2)
Scarf and coat
Dart board with 6 playing darts
The Viratassa
Backpack and rucksack
Bedroll, hammock, and silk rope
Water skin, toiletries, flint and steel

*Oresnya’s home is a small cave apartment in the Darniva Commonrooms with a hearth, a bunk, a chair, a table, and a chest.
Last edited by Oresnya Cacao on February 4th, 2019, 4:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Oresnya Cacao

Postby Oresnya Cacao on December 15th, 2018, 1:52 pm


Starting Amount Source NewTotal
+100 gm Starting Package 100 gm
-40 gm Copy of the Viratassa 60 gm
-5 gm – 4 sm Clothing 54 gm – 6 sm
-5 gm Loom 49 gm – 6 sm
-10 gm Dart Board with 6 playing darts 39 gm – 6 sm
-17 gm – 3 sm Traveling Equipment 22 gm – 3 sm
-2 sm Vinati and a shirt (for Eshryd) 22 gm – 1 sm
-4 gm – 5 sm Party Get Up 17 gm – 6 sm
+0 gm (Too old to receive wages) Winter 518 Wages 17 gm – 6 sm
-160 gm Winter 518 Taxes 142 gm – 6 sm
-5 gm Washbasin 147 gm – 6 sm
+0 gm (Incomplete and too old) Spring 519 Wages 147 gm – 6 sm
-160 gm Spring 519 Taxes 307 gm – 6 sm
+0 gm (Imcomplete and too old) Summer 519 Wages 307 gm – 6 sm
-160 gm Summer 519 Taxes 467 gm – 6 sm
-160 gm Fall 519 Taxes 627 gm – 6 sm
-160 gm Winter 519 Taxes 787 gm – 6 sm
+500 gm Leap Weekend Challenge (Useless Reward) 287 gm – 6 sm
Petched Petched Petched
Restart at Nothing Demotion to Dek 0 gm

Bottom Line: Petched
Last edited by Oresnya Cacao on April 22nd, 2020, 10:10 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Oresnya Cacao
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Oresnya Cacao

Postby Oresnya Cacao on December 19th, 2018, 5:22 am


On the Seas (Flashbacks)

Thread Date Description Status Rewards
Wasted Efforts Spring the 29th, 517 AV Oresnya finally gets a ride on a ship headed the wrong direction Incomplete (Solo) Not submitted

In the City of Eagles- Chiet Days

Thread Date Description Status Rewards
A Cold Welcome Winter the 6th, 518 Oresnya arrives in Wind Reach and finds herself unwelcome Complete (Modded) 9 XP + 14 Lore
Broken Threads Winter the 6th, 518 Oresnya begins her work at Felicity’s Fabrics Complete (Solo) 21 XP + 25 Lore
The Beat of Two Thousand Hearts Winter the 29th, 518 A masked party at Inclement Weather (Solstice- Lani, Red, and Oresnya) Incomplete (Event) Not Submitted
Chirpy Winter the 34th, 518 Oresnya takes Val up on his offer to teach her Nari Incomplete (Solo) Not Submitted
Needle and Quill Winter the 39th, 518 Oresnya meets Lani, a fellow outsider Incomplete (Lani and Oresnya) Not submitted
The Wind’s Mercy Winter the 72nd, 518 Lani, Red, and Oresnya stumble on a body Incomplete (Lani, Red, and Oresnya) Not submitted
The Ache of Hunger Winter the 85th, 518 Oresnya’s starvation gives her an opportunity to meet Wind Reach’s poisoner Incomplete (Solo) Not Submitted
Unexpected News Spring the 10th, 519 Oresnya receives letters from The Dot. Bad news arrives for Wind Reach Incomplete (Solo) Not Submitted
Of a Different Color Spring the 15th, 519 When the stubborn Dek Tawn needs clothing mended, Oresnya realizes there are those who don’t fit the caste system well Incomplete (Solo) Not Sumbitted
Reminders of Home Spring the 20th, 519 Oresnya discovers Kalinor-woven silk on Market Day Incomplete (Solo) Not Submitted
Poisonous Preparations Spring the 25th, 519 Leo and Oresnya have differing ideas on a poison for the beast Incomplete (Solo) Not Submitted
The Shifting of the World Spring the 28th, 519 Oresnya helps clear rubble from a landslide Incomplete (Solo) Not Submitted
An Almost Broken Fast Spring the 31st, 519 Oresnya gets dragged to the Fighting Pits Complete (Solo) 10 XP + 5 Lore + Injuries
When the Pressure is On Spring the 34th, 519 Oresnya returns to work after the ordeal at the Fighting Pits Incomplete (Solo) Not Submitted
Resolute Spring the 35th, 519 Oresnya meditates and ponders hunger Incomplete (Solo) Not Submitted
Venom’s Call Spring the 40th, 519 The madness of starvation leads Oresnya on a hunt Incomplete (Solo) Not Sumbitted
One Lunch for Another Spring the 46th, 519 Oresnya meets Comet and joins her on an errand to feed the Wind Eagle chicks Incomplete (Comet and Oresnya) Not Submitted
Memories Bound in Ink Summer the 32nd, 519 AV Oresnya gets her first lead on Yora Incomplete (Modded- Solstice) Not Submitted
Something Handy Summer the 40th, 519 AV In which Oresnya finds a weapon Placeheld Not Started
Mending Broken Things Summer the 51st, 519 AV Oresnya attempts to make a friend of an enemy Incomplete (Solo) Not Submitted
Calling Us Friends is a Stretch Summer the 57th, 519 AV Oresnya joins a coworker for rehab at the Infirmary Placeheld Not Started
Dying for Something Summer the 70th, 519 AV Oresnya learns of the Beast with the rest of Wind Reach Incomplete (Solo) Not Submitted
Eyes in the Smoke Summer the 72nd, 519 AV The hunt for the Beast dawns Incomplete (Modded- Solstice) Not Submitted
Fangs Fall the 21st, 519 AV Oresnya runs into another feral creature Abandoned before started Not Submitted
A Long Overdue Freedom Winter the 11th, 519 AV In her search for something wilder, Oresnya runs into Kelski at the Outpost Incomplete (Kelski and Oresnya) Not Submitted

In the City of Eagles- Dek Days (Post Financial Petching)

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Oresnya Cacao
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