by Baeye on July 28th, 2018, 1:21 am
Storm Venture Consequence
Constant intense itching'; so starting the day after being exposed to the storm, Baeye will start to feel itchy. Her skin will look fine, but she'll feel as if she has a few bug bites. This will progress over the next few days until every inch of her skin is intensely itchy, as if she had a severe rash, which will cause irritability, sleeplessness, and scratching to the point of self-injury. Salves, herbs, and creams, will only temporarily relieve this itching, and any medical examinations will turn up no problems. How this affects Baeye mentally is up to you, but it is bound to cause some issues, possibly paranoia due to the lack of an obvious cause. Towards the end of the season it will start to fade, and by the 1st of fall it will have stopped entirely