Spoiler, I'm not the most complex of people. I'm still learning who I am which is something that never changes. As you grow older I think you have a better understanding of the basics, but you will never truly grasp who you truly are, not for long at least.
-Pessimistic: I always expect the worst in situations. It keeps me from being punched in the face by the bad things in life, and it leaves me pleasantly surprised when things don't turn out as horribly as I thought they would. I know many (At least in my life) would like to brag about being a realist, but I'm just not one I suppose.
-Not Arugmenative : I am a firm believer that everyone has an opinion because...we're all humans (Hopefully) Social issues, religion, politics, etc. Doesn't matter, unless someone is pro-horrific crime, I don't care. We're all entitled to our opinions, no reason to get mad about differing ones.
-Scaredy- Cat: I'm scared of...pretty much everything. Ladybugs, parasites, illness, consuming tap water, the ocean, etc. My most horrific fear is just above my head, however; Space. I don't like what I can not understand and I just don't understand space. We live on a huge chunk of rock that orbits around a flaming ball of gas of which other huge chunks of rock also orbit? There are black sphere looking things that turn light into God-knows-what...Nuh-uh, no thanks. Did I mention that the huge ball of gas will one day engulf us in its flame as it grows?! How do people not find that horrifying? I'm scared even though I'll be dead by then.
-Fascinated with Death: Just gonna jump straight the point on this one; I'm fascinated with all things related to our inevitable demise. The one thing humanity has ceased to fully understand. It terrifies me yet intrigues me at the same time. There is a beauty in death, our bodies becoming a part of the earth once more, one with the trees and flowers.
-Loves criticism when it comes to writing: I
love criticism when it comes to my writing. I will be the first to tell you that I am far from the best writer, or even a good writer at that. Obviously one learns through hard work and practice, but I think it is impossible to grow as a writer (Or person) without criticism. I don't care if it is presented in a kind of mean way as long as it has some thought behind it. Here are examples since I know you are Oh-So-Interested;
Example of what I do like-
- (Intellectual Anon): Your stuff would suck less if you didn't say ____ all the time.
Example Of what I dislike; - (Anon): You're stuff sucks, you should stop writing.
Things to Talk About; Politics and Religion: I love sparking up conversation over typically uncomfortable subjects. Humans are social beings, we are meant to communicate, so do it. I love educating myself on others' viewpoints and I like to assume others do too.
-Low Self-esteem: Yup, I'm human. Cool Cool.
-Doesn't know what else to add: I don't have much to add right now.