Hello Fellow Mizaharians!
Keeping with our tradition, the Founders Circle and Regional Storytellers are proud to announce that the Featured Character of the Month of August is Kreig Messer. Kreig is one of Mizahar's long time denizens. Kreig has seen it all, and been here through thick and thin from way back in 2012. He probably has forgotten more about Mizahar than most newbies know. So, please join us in welcoming him to the elite club of Featured Character! His interview is below! |
The Interview
1. What was your inspiration for initially creation Kreig? I know we’d love to hear the story of how you found Mizahar and what made you stay.
Wooof, my initial inspiration, huh? If I'm completely honest there wasn't much inspiration needed. Miz wasn't my first rodeo in forum RP so to speak, though it was the first rodeo of its kind I've partaken in. Since the forums I'd partook had a combat focus and I have a fondness for such RP, I decided it would be best to 'write what I know' and Kreig's basis orginated from that.
When I found Miz I was in an unhappy state in my life and living abroad, going along with assumptions expected of me rather than anything I wanted particularly, I was simply lost and going with the flow. During that period I found Miz via google and at the beginning I was intimidated by it. The rules and standards were a lot more than what I was used to but the lore was pretty great and I was greatly intrigued, but at the time I was a bit too chicken to sign up. Some time later I fell upon the site again and this time... will I stayed.
2. What do you look for in a thread partner? Do you usually come up with the thread ideas or do you like to collaborate with others and come up with thread ideas on your own?
What I look for a thread partner is nothing complex really, my main criteria for a thread partner is that both they and myself end up enjoying whatever thread we're doing. With regards to thread ideas, I prefer collaboration because a) I'm not too good with coming up threads I feel and b) I feel its a way for participants to try and hash out what is they want from the thread, try and establish a clear path that gives solid form to the thread.
3. What is Sunberth’s draw for Kreig? What keeps him there? Can you describe the strengths and weaknesses of the city?
To put it simply: Its 'free'. Kreig's mother, who'd been a major figure in his life, raised him up on the idea that Sunberth is the best little city in the world by virtue of it not having a government like the other cities and at its most worst everyone will come around for each other. There's no feeling of someone up above stifling you or trying to force to follow their rules.
In Sunberth, you could do almost whatever you want barring most kinds of magic. There's no one to tell you what to do, and if there is? Just knock 'em down flat and step over 'em! And if there's something that threatens the entire city well the city just rises up against like a swarm.
At the same time though, Sunberth has no laws save unspoken one, has no direction, and ultimately only knows no other way than the life it lives now. So most of its citizens are poor to outright squalor, being stepped upon by gangs who they themselves are largely composed of people who want to escape the very same fate but the alternatives are either this or leaving.
Ultimately what keeps Kreig coming back to Sunberth, especially after Syliras and Kenash, is that he see's potential, a way to grow it away from its stagnation while keeping it free as he always saw. The only things stopping him is how to steer it toward that potential and the fact he can't do it alone.
4. If you could write any thread with Kreig, what would it be?
That's not an easy one to answer, mainly because I want to write many kinds of threads and I'm the type who has a hard time just answering yes or no questions. If its something that just pops into my mind however, I guess its more social threads, establishing bonds with people that make up the population of Sunberth
5. What is Kreig’s favorite possession and why?
A plain ol' pair of gauntlets given to him by his mother which was left behind by his father. Its one of the last things he has of them both being that his mother died and his father is... somewhere, what he does know is that he has at least one sister from his father who is also... somewhere.
6. What has been one of your favorite character interactions to date? Why was it your favorite? This could be something you wrote or something you read that someone else wrote.
That is too much to count, but I'll say its my threads with Fallon Skylar or any threads of hers really. Her character helped shape part of what Kreig is today and I have to admit she's just an awesome writer.
7. What are the best and worst things your PC has ever done in thread?
His best is that he was able to prevent an arson in Tent City, because he felt like he really contributed in helping people and well... that's what Kreig ultimately wants. His worst is a case of accidental child murder during a time when the Crimson Edge were still marginally a thing, sending him into a deep guilty depression.
8. What is Kreigs relationship with Yahal and Dira? What do you want it to be? What do you tend to do (if anything) in thread to promote your relationship with them?
The relationship Kreig has with Dira is that he views death the ultimate end to things, the one truth that beats out all others. The truth of that again stems from his mother, who wanted to harden her son against death in a way that wouldn't embitter him "Everyone dies at some point at some time, only real reason to be sad if that the life gone ain't had time to live" Which also plays into the part of why he feels guilty about murdering a child, because the child has yet to live for better or worse.
Yahal, who came much after, came from his time as a squire of the Syliran Knights. His patron had introuduced him to Yahal, during a time where Kreig was feeling lost. From his view, Yahal was a god that valued family and generally being one of the 'good' gods sort of gave Kreig another shape and anchor for his morals. Wanting to have faith in people while ultimately being someone they could put faith in.
For Dira there hasn't been he could do to show his faith to her, save perhaps prayer. For Yahal it feels easier, he just has to help people and try and steer 'em on a better path, even if he doesn't exactly know what that better path is.
9. In Kreig’s CS you state “What he finds most fascinating is chaos, as he knows it as a state that is constantly changing yet is also in stasis, eventually repeating itself without anyone actually realizing it.” Can you elaborate on this?
This was something I wrote up when I first joined, and in a way still holds kind of true. To him Sunberth is always hectic, always something going on, always somebody that needs help and thus in a state of chaos and has been so for centuries. Especially now as the older gangs have lost some of their bite and newer ones try and rise up in their place. Sunberth goes through so many changes... but it never really does, its just that faces are changing.
10. Can you tell your adoring fans what’s up with this obsession about other characters being taller than Kreig? It is a known fact that EVERY male he’s ever met is taller than Kreig… and Kreig isn’t anyone extremely short standing at 5’10”. Do you think if and when Krieg finally meets another male shorter than him it will somehow break time and space creating a Mizaharian Black Hole?
Oh this was initially something I noted as a writer that simply wormed its way IC, because it seemed almost every PC male character I meet has been eating their vegetables and milk. For the most part its not every male he's met, but a large majority of them are and well... he has to eventually notice.
As to the last bit; Yes.
11. Here’s your soap box question! Is there anything you want to talk about in regards to your character and or the game itself? You have an audience so feel free to jump on the soapbox and talk a bit about anything you want!
Being on Mizahar on and off no matter for years, having met folks good and bad and no matter the drama, I always find myself coming back here for some reason. Even at my worst states of mental burnout and depression-induced irrationality, I find Miz to be a large part of my life and the writers here fantastic people. Now as I've lasted through writing this... I feel myself at my limit and must demand something: GIMME SOME HUGS!