[Wind Reach DS Office - Solstice] Clear Skies Ahead

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Within this forum, all Storytellers of any level may feel free to create their office threads. These threads are then used for active thread lists, XP requests, and other communications that aren't necessarily PM required.

Moderators: Junior Storytellers, Liaisons, Assistant Storytellers, Scribes, Regional Storytellers, Domain Storytellers

[Wind Reach DS Office - Solstice] Clear Skies Ahead

Postby Solstice on August 22nd, 2018, 1:39 am

Welcome to the Nest

As the Domain Storyteller of Wind Reach, there's plenty of things I can do to help you get your stories underway! I can help with the following:

  • Approve of Castes
  • Grant Wages
  • Moderate Threads
  • Grant Seasonal XP
  • Assist With Plotting
  • Answer Questions

If my help is needed, all that is required is to post the details below! Also feel free to send me questions on discord or through pm here on Miz. Both will get answers, but you'll likely get your answers a bit quicker with discord.
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The Sky Awaits
Posts: 221
Words: 184384
Joined roleplay: June 3rd, 2018, 3:05 am
Location: Wind Reach
Race: Staff account
Medals: 1
Featured Contributor (1)

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