His hands rummaged through the innards of the slain boar, his cuffs now ringed a dark crimson. Remulus searched for anything edible to put on his fire, it was nightfall and he had not eaten for almost three days. Famished, was the only word that could've described him at that time. His bow lay beside him, with his last remaining arrow lodged in the boars thick flank. It had been a slow kill, though if it was enough to slay the boar, Remulus was pleased. Of course, he never liked tampering with nature, though without this boar he surely would have been too weak to continue moving through the wilderness. He had not seen civilization for almost a month, and his beard had grown well beyond his particular liking. Remulus looked more beast than man, and even his clothes smelled of decay. His boots were tight on his feet, and his soles rubbed against the leathery bottom, which proved quite uncomfortable for the hunter. He had set up camp in a forest clearing, the ground littered with fallen leaves from the trees above. The clearing itself was big enough to provide him room to set up camp, while the trees sheltered him from the downpour of rain that had gone on over the last few days. It was a lucky find to have the boar come close enough to camp, and to whomever had made it come here, he was greatful.
"Ahh, not again." Remulus whispered, as he pulled out his hands, now stained and dripping with the boars blood. There were no lakes nearby, nor water supply, so washing them would prove difficult. He had managed to scavenge the liver and some meat from the flank, just enough to get him by for another few days.