Var Kiris

Gender: Male
Age: 29 Years
Birthday: 90th of Summer, 489AV.
Race: Akalak
Parentage: Akalak father, Human mother
Height: 6.0" (182cm)
Weight: 168lbs (76kg)
Birthplace: Riverfall
Location: Lhavit
- Fluent: Tukant
Basic: Common
Faceclaim: Nils Kuiper
Var and Kiris are immediately notable within Riverfall for their physique, although outside of Riverfall, where Akalak are less common, they are no more noticeable just for being an Akalak. Within the city, however, they are an anomaly. Standing on the shorter side of Akalaks, at 6.0", they are the classic ectomorph, slim shouldered and wiry though well muscled with the training all Akalak undergo for the rites of trial and passage. It is a source of some discomfort for Var, although Kiris has embraced their body as they approach manhood and plays to their strengths when in training and combat. Their height is less troublesome than their weight, however, and they eat near constantly in addition to training in an attempt to gain muscle.
They keep their hair long and in the classic warrior's ponytail that falls to roughly between the shoulder blades, but rather than shave the sides of their head as is popular, Kiris tends to braid it back for them and let the rest hang loose. He maintains that the roguish look is more aesthetically pleasing, and Var lets him as it doesn't matter to him one way or another.
They inherited their mother's eyes, although paler in colour, and their father's straight, slightly hooked nose. Var and Kiris are somewhat grey-toned, for an Akalak, which is an advantage to blending into the colourless night that they so love. Aside from their weight (and to some degree, their height), Var and Kiris are relatively nondescript in appearance, favouring no particular clothing style or mannerism that would cause them to be notable. They are deep-voiced like many Akalak, but faintly husky, and Var can be distinguished from Kiris by quieter tones and an absence of vulgarities in his speech.
They keep their hair long and in the classic warrior's ponytail that falls to roughly between the shoulder blades, but rather than shave the sides of their head as is popular, Kiris tends to braid it back for them and let the rest hang loose. He maintains that the roguish look is more aesthetically pleasing, and Var lets him as it doesn't matter to him one way or another.
They inherited their mother's eyes, although paler in colour, and their father's straight, slightly hooked nose. Var and Kiris are somewhat grey-toned, for an Akalak, which is an advantage to blending into the colourless night that they so love. Aside from their weight (and to some degree, their height), Var and Kiris are relatively nondescript in appearance, favouring no particular clothing style or mannerism that would cause them to be notable. They are deep-voiced like many Akalak, but faintly husky, and Var can be distinguished from Kiris by quieter tones and an absence of vulgarities in his speech.
Var Likes: Warm weather, writing, learning and magic.
Var Dislikes: Being disturbed from his work, Gods-botherers and small animals.
Kiris Likes: Dusk, mysteries, climbing and practical jokes.
Kiris Dislikes: Bright sunshine, hesitancy and looking messy.
Both Like: Stone buildings, fish (cuisine), training, swimming and word play.
Both Dislike: Spicy food, fruit, rain, Zith and the undead.
Var and Kiris are characterised by eternal struggle, though with what, whom and why tends to vary. Though stoic and calm when communicating externally, internally they are a rabbit warren of desires, disappointment, determination and despair. They live their life fairly simply in practice; after Kiris' manifestation, both souls shared equal time within their body, trading back and forth to eat, sleep, train, interact and explore, although they have their preferences as to whom does what, at which time. If addressed, Var will introduce himself with his name and then his soul-brother's; to outsiders, the second name is merely a surname of sorts. In turn, Kiris will use Kiris Var. It helps to remember which stranger has met which brother, and therefore whom the stranger is most used to speaking to.
Both souls are devout in their own way, although Var favours Wysar and Kiris, Akajia. The influence of their Gods is prominent in their lives. For all their prayers and actions, however, there is a lingering discontent in the trajectory of their lives, as though they have failed in some way to exemplify what they aspire to. Var in particular is disillusioned with his strengths and abilities, seeing the favour of Wysar as a goal he cannot hope to achieve. Ironically, it is Kiris who displays the discipline that could attract Wysar's favour, but his eyes are for Akajia alone, whose shadows hide secrets that call to him. They both yearn for knowledge above all things, and wish to use that knowledge to elevate them in reverence to their Gods, to help those they care about and, in all honesty, to have fun.
As friends, Var and Kiris are loyal, affectionate and steadfast, although Kiris is more mischievous and a bit of a tease. It can be a shock to be so dourly insulted one moment, only to look up and see a twinkle in a pale blue eye that invites you to fire back. Var is an observer, primarily, and Kiris is a soul of action. They know well enough to listen to one another, acknowledging the other's strengths, but as they are still young; occasionally there will be discord.
Though they have been at odds at times, Var and Kiris have a combined purpose, and that is to be more than of use to the Gods and the community, but of true value. Having left Riverfall, shame from their failed trials has fostered bitterness towards their home as a deflection from the disappointment in themselves, and it was this that prompted the long journey to Lhavit, though the city itself was the real attraction. In time, they may return to Riverfall, but if they do, it will either be when they think they are worthy, or when they know they are.
Var Dislikes: Being disturbed from his work, Gods-botherers and small animals.
Kiris Likes: Dusk, mysteries, climbing and practical jokes.
Kiris Dislikes: Bright sunshine, hesitancy and looking messy.
Both Like: Stone buildings, fish (cuisine), training, swimming and word play.
Both Dislike: Spicy food, fruit, rain, Zith and the undead.
Var and Kiris are characterised by eternal struggle, though with what, whom and why tends to vary. Though stoic and calm when communicating externally, internally they are a rabbit warren of desires, disappointment, determination and despair. They live their life fairly simply in practice; after Kiris' manifestation, both souls shared equal time within their body, trading back and forth to eat, sleep, train, interact and explore, although they have their preferences as to whom does what, at which time. If addressed, Var will introduce himself with his name and then his soul-brother's; to outsiders, the second name is merely a surname of sorts. In turn, Kiris will use Kiris Var. It helps to remember which stranger has met which brother, and therefore whom the stranger is most used to speaking to.
Both souls are devout in their own way, although Var favours Wysar and Kiris, Akajia. The influence of their Gods is prominent in their lives. For all their prayers and actions, however, there is a lingering discontent in the trajectory of their lives, as though they have failed in some way to exemplify what they aspire to. Var in particular is disillusioned with his strengths and abilities, seeing the favour of Wysar as a goal he cannot hope to achieve. Ironically, it is Kiris who displays the discipline that could attract Wysar's favour, but his eyes are for Akajia alone, whose shadows hide secrets that call to him. They both yearn for knowledge above all things, and wish to use that knowledge to elevate them in reverence to their Gods, to help those they care about and, in all honesty, to have fun.
As friends, Var and Kiris are loyal, affectionate and steadfast, although Kiris is more mischievous and a bit of a tease. It can be a shock to be so dourly insulted one moment, only to look up and see a twinkle in a pale blue eye that invites you to fire back. Var is an observer, primarily, and Kiris is a soul of action. They know well enough to listen to one another, acknowledging the other's strengths, but as they are still young; occasionally there will be discord.
Though they have been at odds at times, Var and Kiris have a combined purpose, and that is to be more than of use to the Gods and the community, but of true value. Having left Riverfall, shame from their failed trials has fostered bitterness towards their home as a deflection from the disappointment in themselves, and it was this that prompted the long journey to Lhavit, though the city itself was the real attraction. In time, they may return to Riverfall, but if they do, it will either be when they think they are worthy, or when they know they are.