They were in Yahebah by the dozen, and it was a suprise they were not torn down yet. But, then again, Hirem was mad. Lost. Who would try to even find him? The sheets of parchment read, in hasty Shiber,
My fellow Benshirans, we had been slaves to Eypharians when the Valterrian shook our world. We lost our cities, but we could flee the tyrants. It killed our noble line, but gave us a chance for life! My fellow Benshirans, I will not say the Valterrian was for our good. But it gave us a second chance! Quickly, I say, before the Eypharians notice us again! Join me, Hirem the strong, in pressing the attack on our opressors! Come! Join me, and fight in Yahal's pure name!
Most people ignored them, for now was a chance to rebuild, not to fight. But sometimes a young soul would attempt to find Hirem, and when word from his sources in Yahebah told him that one set out to find him, he found them first. He would openly declare them part of his tent, and they would follow him back to his tents, and join the small war-band he had set up.
It was this process that Hirem reflected on as he studied one of his posters, carefully observing his wording. He had angered many Benshiran tents already with his plans, but he truly believed it was all what Yahal told him to do. He was not in this war to profit, but to liberate. He shook his head, and stood up from his sitting position on the sands. Soon, soon, he could bring the fight to his enemies, and fulfill Yahal's holy wish.