Plot NPC
Synopsis: Introducing a new category of NPC to fill in the gap between the City, Travelling, and Personal NPC types.
A Plot NPC must be submitted to the HD for approval. Should it be approved it is then sent to the DS of the domain the Plot NPC will be making an appearance. Once the DS grants their approval the submission must be added to the character’s Plot Notes forum. A Plot NPC has three subcategories. When making a submission to the HD the chosen subcategory must be listed. The subcategories determine the NPC’s skillset. Any skills that are Lost Disciplines of Magic must receive a special note during the submission and may require a separate HD submission.
Master NPC:
These NPCs are people that are well-respected or at least well-known to certain groups. In general, they are older individuals due to the time it took for the to gain an understanding of their skillset to become a master. If the NPC is not an older individual, then they are probably eccentrics, savants, or a combination thereof. For their skillset, a Master NPC can have between 1-4 skills at Master level, though they can never have a skill above 97. Teaching may not be selected as one of a Master NPC’s Master skills. They can also have up to six skills at Expert level. Any additional skills worth noting will be Competent.
Expert NPC:
Certain individuals come close but never actually acquire a Mastery of their talents. This could be caused by life events or simply them reaching their maximum potential already. There is no recommended age range for Experts. An Expert NPC may have between 5-8 skills at Expert level and twice that number of skills at Competent.
Rival NPC:
The Rival constantly creates a challenge for a PC to improve themselves. In general, a Rival is someone that is only a few years older or younger than a PC and at a similar state of development in their life. Their skillset is less fixed than the other two categories. Select up to ten skills to be Competent. Then select as many as five skills for their Rivalry. These five skills must be skills that the chosen PC has as well. The Rival’s selected skills can never be five points greater than or less than the chosen PC’s skill level. As the PC improves in the selected skill so shall the Rival, and sometimes the Rival can increase their skill faster than the PC. Meaning the PC could have three more points in Unarmed Combat than the Rival, but once the PC increases their Unarmed Combat the Rival could receive a greater increase and exceed the PC’s new level.
Once the subcategory has been determined, and their skillset has been selected, the purpose of their involvement in a PC’s plot must be written out. Common questions that should be answered by this explanation are:
- Why is this NPC important?
What sort of relationship are they expected to have with your PC?
Why are they being made a Plot NPC and not any of the other three categories (City, Travelling, Personal)?
After that, the duration of expected use of this Plot NPC must be listed. Is this NPC going to make frequent appearances during a whole season, or multiple seasons? Is there a set number of threads that they will be present for? Try to give as accurate of a timetable as possible. At the end of that timetable, if the Plot NPC’s purpose has not been fulfilled then another submission to the HD will be required for further use. A detailed explanation must be included to explain why an extension is needed. Also, a plan must be already determined for what happens to the Plot NPC when they fulfill their designed purpose. This can include them staying as a City NPC, leaving the domain that the selected PC is in, or even death of the Plot NPC.
As with any other NPC type, a background story must be included. If the NPC has a preexisting relationship with the selected PC that must be included with details explaining their current relationship status. There is no established length requirement for the background story, however, keep it below one thousand words.
Submission Template
Must be added to Plot Notes upon approval
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Relationship to PC:
Plot NPC type:
Lost Disciplines:
Expected Duration of Use:
Background Story:
Plot NPC Retirement: (Leaving, Death, Convert to City NPC, Oher)
Purpose of Involvement: