[Withering Rose] Blood and Roses [Vizyous]

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

[Withering Rose] Blood and Roses [Vizyous]

Postby Hadrian on February 8th, 2011, 3:48 am

37th Winter, 510 A.V.

Somehow Vizyous had found him out of all the winding, illusory streets of Alvadas and its thousands of occupants, or perhaps Ionu Itself had a hand in nudging them together. Certainly it seemed that a divine sort of order underlay all the chaos of seeming that made the city what it was. But whatever the cause, the effect was clear, and they found themselves at the Withering Rose to get out of the cold and speak.

There wasn't steel or ice in his eyes that got him past those loitering in the entrance, but he was unflinching as he led Vizyous in. He knew as little about the symbolism of the roses as he did about the blood-laws of the Symenestra, but after a glance at Vizyous to make sure he hadn't lost his companion, he angled toward a white-rosed table. Perhaps it was instinct, or just an understanding of symbology in general after years of studying magic.

Of course, he wasn't leading an army, and was indifferent to where they sat. The hum of conversation was loud enough for a sort of anonymity so long as they weren't shouting, and that pleased him. Even if he wasn't spouting secrets, he didn't like people listening in on his conversations.

"Is this all right?" he asked.
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[Withering Rose] Blood and Roses [Vizyous]

Postby Vizyous Aconitum on February 8th, 2011, 9:46 pm

The Withering Rose held a soothing environment of black velvet and candle light, conversation between patrons a constant mummer that seemed to blend into one noise. The restaurant was warmly welcomed by Vizyous after he'd been outside for most of the evening, searching stubbornly for Hadrian despite the bitter wind and constant changing of the streets destinations. Three times he had passed by his cottage, as if Ionu was telling him to give up and go home.

He was rewarded in the end though, and here he was, following Hadrian through the small crowd that was mingling in the entrance of the Withering Rose. Vizyous knew little about the single roses laid on each small, round table except that they matched the restaurants name and atmosphere, oblivious as to the meaning of each color. The table Hadrian had picked was close to one of the velvet-curtained windows, more surrounded by other patrons than Vizyous would have liked simply because he disliked being enclosed in large crowds. But the restaurant was packed and there was no escaping strangers, so it would have to do.

"Yes, this is fine." Vizyous quietly pulled out one of the two chairs at the table and sat, his long legs bending to tuck beneath the seat. Two tall people trying to share leg room beneath a small table would probably not end very well. Vizyous had never been one for proper etiquette, especially with those he already knew, but the Withering Rose's atmosphere urged him to keep his manners in check so he sat with his arms to his sides and his back straight.

The Symenestra waited for Hadrian to sit, and when he did, Vizyous felt a smile of triumph come on. It had been a long, long search throughout Alvadas to finally find the magic user, but it would be well worth it. "How has your stay here been since we last met?" He asked, expecting that Hadrian had probably been up to more interesting things than himself.

He'd spent the majority of his time researching since their encounter, one of the subjects he glanced at being magic that could change it's users body. Glance was the keyword, though. Vizyous was still cautious about becoming involved in it, knowing it could be his downfall if he became too curious. Their meeting wasn't meant solely for idle discussion, but after walking around for so long, the Symenestra wanted to relax and wind down a bit before talking about more serious things.
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[Withering Rose] Blood and Roses [Vizyous]

Postby Hadrian on February 9th, 2011, 1:11 am

Hadrian had not sought out the Symenestra directly, assuming that if they were meant to run into each other, they would. And they had. Certainly, he was happy to see a familiar face, and an interesting one. He always hoped to learn more about other cultures when he met an example of one abroad, with the hopes that he might one day survive among cultures not exactly amiably disposed toward his own. With his long legs tucked under the table, he was used to bumping knees or accidentally kicking fellow diners, and if the same happened this evening, he would apologize.

"Busy," he acknowledged, quickly going over the past eight days since he had seen the Symenestra. "Got lost in that labyrinth, met some people, learned some things. I will have a lot to think about on the trip back to Syliras, I'm sure. Anyway, eventful rather than restful, but I'll rest on the way back. And you?"

He didn't even pause to look around, having taken the place's measure in a sweeping, calculating glance upon arrival. His eyes were a steely blue in the dim, flickering light, and they were trained on Vizyous. He wasn't exactly a specimen, but Hadrian was a curious young man.
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[Withering Rose] Blood and Roses [Vizyous]

Postby Vizyous Aconitum on February 9th, 2011, 11:55 pm

Labyrinth? Vizyous wondered if he meant the hedge maze, Alvadas itself, or some other place. "It's been pretty unexciting but the library was fun, I enjoyed playing in the water more than reading. It's a wonder I didn't get kicked out." He snickered, a sheepish look coming across his face. Speaking of water, he was pretty thirsty. After a quick glance around the restaurant and a moment of locking eyes with a waitress, Vizyous had caught her attention. She'd be over to take their order soon if she was a good hostess, otherwise she'd probably get a hushed scolding from Raenah. Nothing that happened within the Withering Rose escaped the owner's gaze.

"I've been here for almost forty days now," His eyes returned to Hadrian's, and had Vizyous not met him before the human would have appeared threatening in the dim light. Then again, he must have appeared the same way. "Alvadas has been fun to say the least, but I haven't really achieved what I came here for yet. I've decided to leave with you to Syliras, though, after I've finished up one last thing..."

A mischievous look appeared in Vizyous's eyes as he finally gave in to his true nature of lacking manners, elbows coming to rest on the table as he leaned forward. "Have you heard of the House of Mirrors, Hadrian?" His voice had lowered but wasn't threatening, rather it was rich with awe-- the sort of tone one held when feeling that what they were about to say was far too important for others to hear.
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[Withering Rose] Blood and Roses [Vizyous]

Postby Hadrian on February 12th, 2011, 8:58 pm

"I've been to the Sunken Conundrum several times myself," he said, nodding and smiling a bit. "I found it quite enjoyable, figuring out the morphing magic it applies to its guests, swimming... Well, I'm not much of a swimmer, but I figured it out, I think. And the books..." But Vizyous didn't seem all that interested in the books, and Hadrian allowed him to direct the flow of their conversation.

"You lasted longer than I did," he noted, and accepted the fact that Vizyous was going to come with him without batting an eyelash. It seemed like he might be leaving Alvadas with a bit of an entourage, but he suspected not everyone would take the actual plunge once all was said and done. "Oh?"

He considered things, and wondered if all Symenestra had as mischievous a nature as Vizyous. He found that he rather liked it. Smiling at the hint of trouble lurking in the other man's voice, he nodded.

"I've certainly heard of it," he agreed. "What of it?"
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[Withering Rose] Blood and Roses [Vizyous]

Postby Vizyous Aconitum on February 14th, 2011, 2:49 am

The thought of Hadrian spending most of his time at the Sunken Conundrum, absorbing material from books while his dark hair floated about didn't surprise the Symenestra. The human had probably meant he studied how to morph gills onto himself, just as he had learned to morph Vizyous's own hands in less than an afternoon. What at first would have taken a while to comprehend came easily to Vizyous now, and he began to learn at least a little bit more what to expect from Hadrian.

All the human said in return to learning that he would be getting a new traveling partner was a simple exclamation of, "Oh?" It made him wonder if possibly Hadrian expected it, but the Symenestra paid it no mind. He would be going, that was for sure, but before that he had to discuss his plan with Hadrian-- which would be much easier since the human already had heard of the House of Mirrors.

Encouraged by his companion's smile, Vizyous continued what he had begun. "The House of Mirrors calls for me." He simply said, as if that one sentence would explain all of his intentions. There was a small gap of silence in which the Symenestra looked into the others eyes, observing while Vizyous considered his next words. "Something drew me to Alvadas. I know now it was the mirrors tempting me and I must visit before I leave..." His words paused and he took a moment to look around in slight paranoia of someone overhearing.

His paranoia paid off, and just a second later the waitress dressed in velvet from earlier appeared to offer them a drink, if they so desired, and take their orders. Vizyous slowly leaned back into his chair, dropping his arms to his sides once again. "Just a glass of wine for myself." His eyes went from the waitress to Hadrian in a brief moment of distracting curiosity. Did the human drink?
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[Withering Rose] Blood and Roses [Vizyous]

Postby Hadrian on February 14th, 2011, 6:46 am

"What is it about the House of Mirrors that calls to you?" he asked. "You know, sometimes hearing voices just means a person is insane." His smile was bordering on a smirk, but it was meant to be humorous. "Anyway... So the House of Mirrors called you to Alvadas, and the non-sexual blood-bond between us is calling you to Syliras... What do you want, regardless of calls?"

He didn't mean to be offensive, but he was certainly trying to cut to the important bits. Of course, Vizyous hadn't exactly invited him to join the jaunt into the House of Mirrors, but Hadrian would not have been surprised if he did. Or perhaps he was being honest about his reasons for seeking Hadrian; the young enchanter didn't have a lot of what a normal person would call friends, so he didn't have a lot of experience upon which to draw.

"Wine for me also," he said quietly. When in Alvadas...

When the server left them to their own devices, he turned his attention fully upon Vizyous again, curious as ever.
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[Withering Rose] Blood and Roses [Vizyous]

Postby Vizyous Aconitum on February 16th, 2011, 9:56 pm

He let out a small laugh at Hadrian's words, agreeing completely, "Indeed, perhaps I should ignore these voices to preserve my sanity!" His wide smile turned into more of a slight upward turn of the lips when he was asked what he desired as opposed to what he felt he needed to do. "It's not just the bond that makes me want to leave Alvadas with you," Vizyous pointed out, feeling it was important Hadrian knew so, "while certainly it's a reason, it's my own desire to move on that makes me want to leave for Syliras."

He could tell his companion wasn't very sure why he'd been sought out, so Vizyous told him in all seriousness what he wished to do. "I want you to join me in the mirrors. What better way to learn of illusion?"
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[Withering Rose] Blood and Roses [Vizyous]

Postby Hadrian on February 17th, 2011, 4:31 am

Hadrian smiled back, but was quiet for a few moments, thinking. He was still shaken by many experiences in Alvadas, the previous day's not the least, but he knew he wouldn't really be able to put everything into a proper perspective until he had left the City. Like Sahova, it was good to have had a dose of Illusion, but he could not stay for long. Not this time.

"I suppose another glance into the fractured reality of Alvadas won't shatter my mind," he said, though Vizyous might have noticed that he was looking more worn out than the last time they had met. "We leave in five days, though. When did you wish to do this?"
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[Withering Rose] Blood and Roses [Vizyous]

Postby Vizyous Aconitum on February 18th, 2011, 2:44 am

Perhaps... was Hadrian not ready for the mirrors? The locals certainly seemed to think that one had to be prepared to enter the House, that they had to be ready to face what was inside lest they face death or insanity. Vizyous didn't want to lead his new traveling companion to a horrible fate.

The Symenestra was quiet, also, considering the little time they had left before departure. "I'm comfortable with walking in there this night, however you look to need rest." Vizyous became silent as their wine was set on the table, then picked his up and pressed the smooth, glass rim against his lips out of habit, inhaling the scent of the wine deeply. "Mid-day tomorrow or the day after may be best. I've heard that after entering, it can be quite hard to get back out."

Vizyous took a sip of his wine and then forced himself to put the glass down, not intending on picking up his old habit of drinking too much.
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