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Vasin decides to take his book out for a read

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A read by the sea (Kelski)

Postby Vasin on December 13th, 2018, 12:49 am

Timestamp: 2nd of Winter, 518 A.V.

It was midday the sun sat overhead, a gentle sea breeze wafted through, and the commotion of sailors and dock workers could be heard. A man in his early twenties sat at the edge of an empty dock. He sat by himself paying no mind to the people around him. Only occasionally glancing up to see if he was in someone's way. The sound of the waves coming up against the shores and docks helped him to concentrate. The scent of the sea comforted him as he sat there quietly. The young man is Vasin, a mercenary by trade though perhaps more accurately a loan shark at this point. He had the look of a sellsword about him as well, but instead of a sword in his hands was a book. Of course, he had a sword at his side, it would be foolish to not have protection in this city. A lesson he had learned a fairly long time ago, at these very docks. Vasin would watch as a boat passed by for a moment before he grumbled about being distracted. It was hard not to be distracted by such things, especially considering the book he was reading.

The book he was thumbing through and rather enjoying was named 'An Account of the Circumnavigation of Mizahar'. It had captured his imagination and reminded him of a time before he came to this city. It may look rather odd to people that a sellsword thug was reading, very few people in sunberth held any value in reading. For a time Vasin was one of those people, but this book had caught his eye, as a distant memory brought right to the surface. Vasin had not been given a chance lately to sit down and read this book, so he was making the time to now. Reading through the preface which gave a hint of things to come. In his mind, he separated the words on the pages into chunks in an attempt to digest it better in his mind. He did not have a piece of paper to take notes and believed he might look silly doing so out here. A smirk came to his face as the words he read sparked in his mind. That some of the places in this book had been unvisited since Captain Kenabelle Wright!

With that he flipped the page into the very first chapter of the book, he struggled of course as his reading was a bit rusty. But he would double back and whisper out the words to sound them out. This first chapter was about the beginning, or as the book mentioned it what led to the construction of the ship used in the voyage. It spoke of Zeltivan trading routes which went to the very edge of the Suvan Sea. A shadow appeared in his mind, but he brushed it aside knowing that is where his father came from. There was also a growing curiosity about what had come of the realms of Suva after Valterrian. As this trade network did not directly touch them action would have to be taken to find out. So the University of Zeltiva set about having the College of Navigation prepare for an expedition. Vasin as he read this scratched his beard a little as his eyes rolled over the pages. He was not at all familiar with this University of College and wondered too about the Suva. He himself had never gone to the Suvan sea, an unfortunate consequence of what had happened.

Indeed, there was terminology, places, and people in this book he was unfamiliar with. Something he would have to rectify later, maybe ask around town? See if any merchants own books? He couldn't afford to buy an entire collection after all, and this book kept raising questions in his mind. Vasin decided he would just have to hope the book answered some of them later. As he read he became more and more absorbed into it, he glanced around him became less common as the light above provided ample opportunity to read. He became more comfortable as he read the remainder of the chapter which did its best to explain this early stage. To him, it seemed a considerable number of resources, and information was needed for expeditions like this. Also, something to do with Cartography was required, as it seemed the maps they had did not map out the area? That was fairly weird Vasin thought to himself as he would adjust his position.

Before he knew it he reached the end of the first chapter and thumbed the next page over to chapter two. Relaxed and enjoying himself he found he grew less and less distracted as he became used to the scenery and surroundings.
Last edited by Vasin on December 26th, 2018, 1:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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A read by the sea (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on December 15th, 2018, 4:08 pm

The Kelvic needed a break. It had been a long night in her workshop and she’d missed the sunrise and her normal patrol flight in the dawn’s light. She’d been at her jeweler’s wheel longer than usual and her arms ached so she had decided to forego the flight in favor of a walk. She was in the process of building inventory back up after a series of festivals and events in Sunberth had cleaned her out of both high-end and low-end inventory. And she was trying to think of things to restock with that were different than what she’d offered before because she didn’t want to feel stale as a business owner and always offer the same things.

The problem with Sunberth is that it lacked a solid middle class. People were either very very poor or had gained wealth and rested on the higher end of the economic spectrum. There were very little that fell somewhere in the middle like most cities and their working classes. Kelski couldn’t help but feel like Sunberth would thrive more if it had more diversity of its population, much like Lhavit had. Lhavit consisted of a bloated middle class of workers that constantly drove the economy. Middle classes worked to earn coin in order to consume and what they consumed were luxuries, comforts, and things that drove businesses beyond just food and shelter. Lower class individuals consumed to just survive.

And so, it was that Kelski turned her booted feet towards the docks, wiling to walk among the sailors and foreign visitors of the city in order to see if any sported any new sorts of jewelry she hadn’t seen. Trends in Sunberth didn’t always…. well truthfully never… followed the outside world’s interests. But she liked to be current on what was popular everywhere else. Maybe down by the docks she’d spot something new, gain inspiration from the curve of a ships masthead, or even just meet someone interesting.

The Midnight Gem had been doing well and Kelski’s clothing reflected that fact. Dressed in black and grey leathers, the Jeweler wore leg hugging britches that were belted at the waist, mid-length boots, and a grey silk shirt that was covered over by a dark leather vest. A bandolier of daggers crossed her chest from right to left with another bigger black dagger tucked into the small of her back. It was winter, so a deep grey cloak covered her form as she walked. Loose ombre hair that started out black at the roots and went lighter until it ended up white on the tips fell loose around her shoulders. She didn’t walk with confidence, but rather with purpose as if she weren’t going to linger and didn’t overly rely on. A pack was slung over her shoulder.

She wasn’t at the docks long before she spotted the man sitting and reading. It was an odd sight on the docks, and she wondered who he was. Walking closer, she tried to spot what the book was he was reading. She caught its title and tilted her head in puzzlement. “An Account Of The Circumnavigation of Mizahar”. The Kelvic puzzled over the word moving closer. Kelski knelt down beside the man reading, resting her rump on her heels with a slight squeak of leather, and watched him at eye level.

“Circumnavigate.” She said softly. “I’ve never heard the word before. What exactly does it mean and why did they do it?” The Kelvic said, her silver eyes meeting the reader’s quiet gaze. Kelski was wary and watchful of the newcomer, but somehow with him holding a book instead of a sword, he seemed less of a threat and more of someone she’d like to get to know.

“My name is Kelski. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” She said gently, hoping she wasn’t interrupting the man’s concentration and perhaps some stolen quiet time. She herself, after all, was out for a walk to take a break and get some time alone.
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A read by the sea (Kelski)

Postby Vasin on December 15th, 2018, 10:04 pm

Absorbed in his reading Vasin was unaware that he had caught the curiosity and attention of someone. Sure he had come to expect the occasional glance of curiosity, but he had grown comfortable with that notion. That people would find him odd but find his activity to be of little note. If people were to approach, he would think in his mind it would either be someone he knew, or someone who saw him as a potential mark. He wanted little to do with the latter, which is why before he was so diligent with keeping an eye out. But this book, it had taken him in and made him sloppy in that he had stopped checking some time ago. His attention fully on its pages, and not on the person who was trying to peek a glimpse of what he was reading. At first, he did not even notice when they knelt down next to him. The pages spoke to him, but so did the person now kneeling next to him shortly afterward.

He paused in his reading, caught mid-sentence as the voice soft yet audible touched his ear. Vasin would blink surprised as the world around him would come back into focus. Quietly Vasin would look to his visitor and fellow reader his gaze locked onto her face. Then eye contact, his blue eyes met with her silver ones and held there. Thoughts quickly shot through his mind trying to assess both her and the situation. But at no point did he let go of his book, holding it in the same reading position as before. Before he could complete his thoughts she spoke again now introducing herself. Well at the very least this Kelski as she introduced herself seemed friendly. Not the fake kind of friendly either then again he wasn't always the best judge of character... Vasin figured he should see where this goes. Then he realized he had not said a single thing this entire time."Oh um, hello Kelski..." he would say glancing from her to his book then back again."I don't think you really interrupted, I was just starting the next chapter..." he said lowering the book a little as he looked at her with curiosity.

He was not entirely used to people asking him stuff out of the blue like this."But um, I was hoping to find out what it meant myself." he said with a slight pause."Circumnavigate." he added to clarify."So far I think it has to do with exploring the world, or at least part of it." Vasin would say with a small nod as if to confirm his thought to himself."My apologies, my name is Vasin." he said realizing he had not been a professional and introduced himself as well. Vasin had not thought people would be curious about his reading. A good number of people he knew were dismissive of books. Some of his coworkers had believed that his purchase had been a waste of money. Not to mention a considerable amount of people in Sunberth simply didn't know how to read. So, in turn, his curiosity and attention were now on Kelski.
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A read by the sea (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on December 15th, 2018, 10:47 pm

She offered him a half-feral smile and nodded. “It’s a big word. Not one I know. Though I love to read, I’ve never ran across it. Whatever it is, it must be something rarely done.” The jeweler mused. She studied Vasin as she replied, nodding at his name. “Well met.” She answered, noting his name for the future. It had a nice ring to it, though she couldn’t place any accent to his voice. Was he from Sunberth or someplace else?

“Are you new in town? I’ve never seen you down here before. I came down to walk the docks and see if there was anything new or interesting going on. I’ve been working a lot and needed a break. Sometimes going for a walk can do that.” She said to him, shifting slightly, but otherwise remaining balanced with her rump on her heels. It was a way to sit without sitting in the trash that tended to line what went for streets in Sunberth. The docks themselves were worse, since the visitors to the city itself tended not to respect it because its citizens didn’t.

Kelski herself lived in Baroque Bay and was doing her best to better it. That meant learning its ins and outs. And as such she greeted a lot of people she met there, hoping to get to know them, to find the good ones among the bad apples and see what the little community needed to thrive. She didn’t think she could change Sunberth as a whole, but she hoped to carve out a bit of the city and make it safer. They were tall aspirations for the Kelvic, but her life was short and she wanted to do something with it while she was around.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt your reading. Books are just so rare its unusual to see someone reading one. What’s yours about?” She asked curiously. If the man didn’t want her bothering him, she was certain he’d tell her to go or otherwise chase her off if he was inclined to do so.

And in a way she was glad he didn’t know what circumnavigate meant. Often times, in Kelski’s life, people made her feel inferior for what she didn’t know. A person, a human at that, admitting he didn’t know something reassured her in a way that she thought perhaps she might end up liking Vasin. One didn’t admit shortfallings in Sunberth unless they were comfortable in their own skin. And so many people here were not comfortable.

“There’s a place in town, a library, that is filled with books. I go there sometimes to visit Remmy. She lets people read the books she has collected as long as they keep them in the library. You can copy them though, if you want too, with your own handwriting. She can copy them for you too, but it takes a long time and is expensive. Did you get your book there?” Kelski asked curiously, wondering if Vasin knew Remmy as well.
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A read by the sea (Kelski)

Postby Vasin on December 19th, 2018, 2:18 am

Vasin was host to a diluted accent, the hints of which were visible to those who were observant. In his early years he had been raised by Svefra, and originally had their accent. But all this time alone in his new home had slowly but surely ground that remnant down. It had happened so slow that even he had noticed, even if it was possible for him to do so. But he gave a slight and almost amused smile at her question of if he was new in town. He would give a slow shake of his head and then speak."Not new in town, but I wouldn't be surprised if you have not seen me before. I tend to blend into the background for the most part." he said memories of when he put that to use came to mind, an almost nostalgic yet conflicted feeling came to mind."But I suppose I've lost my knack for that." Vasin sat up a little straighter as he got more into this conversation. He had seemingly cleared out a spot, which required dirtying his hands in a somewhat literal sense. Luckily there was water right bellow, but that was not entirely clean either."My visits here, in particular, have been fewer and fewer, but I just well..." he said looking out to the water."Sometimes I like to look out and think. So I figured this would be a good spot to read." he reasoned to her.

Vasin lived in the tent city, his meager belongings kept in a tent or on his person. If he couldn't see himself parting ways with something he usually lugged it around. Someone at any-point could thieve from him if he was not careful. But that is why it paid to have friends or family who were willing to keep an eye out for you. At times it was far more beneficial to becomes friends with someone then to prey upon them. But in his line of work, that was not exactly always an option.

"Well..." he said as his eyes rested on his book once more after she had asked about it."It is about the voyage of an explorer named Kenabelle Wright. So far it's been about the preparation for a journey to the Suvan sea. Apparently, they want to find out about what happened to the lands of an ancient empire." he said explaining what he had read so far."They don't know what the entire world looks like so far when the book starts. So it's a massive mystery." he said not entirely sure himself what it looks like now. That is why when she mentioned a library he perked up ever so slightly."I actually got this from a vendor. It had sat there for a little while, not too many people were interested in it. But I suppose that the vendor did not know about this Remmy." he said interest in his eyes."I have never seen this library before... never heard of it either." he said thinking hard for a moment."Did you say its full of books? That I could just go in and read?" he asked his curiosity taking over."Would you by chance... be able to tell me what part of town it is in?" he asked though wondered briefly if there was a catch.
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A read by the sea (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on December 26th, 2018, 1:06 am

Kelski nodded at him saying he wasn’t new to the city. Sunberth boasted thousands of people. The Sea Eagle wasn’t sure how many exactly, but there were probably ten thousand at least, sometimes more, maybe less on bad days after riots. That she hadn’t met this one individual wasn’t surprising. She was certain she would have noticed someone like him had she crossed paths before.

“You do a good job of that blending. It will probably keep you alive here.” She said softly, looking thoughtful. “I would have passed right by you not noticing if it wasn’t for the book.” She added, glancing once more at the cover. Kelski wished she had time for more reading. She was busy though, constantly moving, flying, working in her workshop… but maybe… just maybe reading would be a noteworthy past time.

His explanation of the book satiated Kelski’s curiosity. She nodded when he told her where he got it. Occasionally books were for sale in the market, but they tended to be rare and of no importance. Perhaps this one was copied frequently because it had adventure and the promise of something more in it. At least that’s what Kelski could see from what she was hearing from Vasin.

“I have heard of the Valterrian, mainly because of Valterrian Day on the first of Spring. I wonder what that was like, living through the whole world changing so drastically. People forget that there are creatures in the world that hold so much power that they can change the way we live. But I’ve never seen a map of the world to know the shape of it. I know some vague things, like the world has a sea in the middle of it and sea all around it. I once lived in Lhavit, and I know too that it is a very long way from here.” She said gently, looking thoughtful and wistful a moment.

Maybe it was time for her to go home. Sunberth had grown on her, but there wasn’t a lot here for her any more…. Lhavit was the only true home she’d ever known where she’d been happy. But Master Li probably had other apprentices and certainly another shop competing with his wouldn’t work. He was the finest jeweler she knew.

The Kelvic sighed softly and brought her attention back to Vasin.

“I could tell you where it is, but the way is complicated and with the streets being unnamed and convoluted I could get you close but you might not find it. It would be easier to perhaps show you where Remmy keeps her books. I know she would not mind if you dropped in and looked around. I was doing nothing but walking to clear my head from work, so I could actually take you there now if you’d like.” Kelski said, wondering suddenly why she was getting herself involved in a human’s life, even if it was just for a moment. They brought pain to her kind, more often than naught.

But too she was trying to get to know Remmy more. The woman seemed mysterious and while fierce, also kind. It was a combination that Kelski wasn’t used to seeing in women in Sunberth. In a way the ex-slave admired Remmy for her independence and the fact that despite how Sunberth was, she truthfully walked her own way by providing an obscure off-the-beaten-path library for the city. And if she made a bit of money off it, all well and good.

“Her place is about a half bell walk from here, maybe a bit longer, depending on whats out and about today on the streets. The gangs have been fighting lately… the Daggerhands and the Sun’s Birth I believe. So if there are any skirmishes, we’ll have to go around.” Kelski added, knowing that the fighting had been intense off and on.

There was more she wanted to ask him, but maybe if they started walking, that would give her a chance to learn more about him. She thought perhaps he was a Svefra, but she wasn’t certain and she wanted to be sure before she attempted to perhaps make a friend.
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A read by the sea (Kelski)

Postby Vasin on December 27th, 2018, 2:44 am

Vasin looked to the book for a moment and considered what Kelski had said to him. Indeed for years, he had just been another face among the crowd. He preferred it that way, best for strangers not to recognize him. A memory came to him of when he was younger, back when it really was a matter of survival. Taking part in schemes required that he not draw suspicion or gain a reputation. Something that grew ever more difficult to not do as he worked more and more for Goldfinger. So far he was just an average thug in their employ and blended into the landscape of that loan agency rather well. Vasin then looked to that book, it really must have been odd to someone like him reading this in such a place. In general, the people of Sunberth were not known for being avid readers."Hmm, perhaps I shouldn't do it out in the open from here..." he said almost to himself as he thought it over. Vasin then shook his head a little before looking back to Kelski.

"I think it would have been scary..." he said trailing off a little taking pause. He cleared his throat a little a darker memory floating to the forefront of his mind."For the world to change so drastically? So quickly? For the Suvan sea to have swallowed the Valterrian up? It would of left people lost." he said with a shrug."Leaves a lot of questions." he said shaking the book a little."Which I think the people in this book tried to answer." he said smile partially forming on his face."I think that is the interesting part out of this. Trying to find the truth and exploring the new world that was left for us." he added."I don't know this world very well myself. But if I a not mistaken Lhavit is fairly far away..." he asked the spark of curiosity lit up in him.

Vasin was a little surprised when Kelski offered to take him to the Library right then and there."Right now?" he asked looking to his book and back to her. Without a doubt, even with directions Vasin knew given the nature of some places in Sunberth he could easily become lost and end up at the tip of someone's blade."If it is no trouble then I accept." he said appreciatively. It was strange, Vasin was not used to people or strangers being this helpful or nice towards him. Then again he had never had someone approach him in this way before either. Something about talking to Kelski and sharing his book with her made him trust what she had to say."Maybe the library will have something with a map of the world?" he said a little quietly remembering how she had mentioned before that she had not seen such a map before, and neither had he.

"Yeah, best not to get involved in gang wars. Or go near them." Vasin would say as he would slowly stand up with a powerful stretch."Too much crossfire." he would say as he saved the page he was on before stashing it on his person.
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A read by the sea (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on December 27th, 2018, 10:26 pm

Kelski had been in situations that were frightening. Terrifying in fact. And so when Vasin said it would have been scary, Kelski nodded, but she didn’t let it die with that. She said something in response, something she thought might help explain things.

“I’ve been in situations that when looking back were terrifying. The thing is, when they happen to you, you don’t focus on the fear. You focus on surviving them. It’s not ‘this is going to kill me’ its dodge, duck, swing, run… it’s using your head, really thinking…. and not giving up. You have to lock the fear in a tiny little box inside you and know that you can scream and cry later, when its safe… when you realize you are still living.” Kelski said softly, almost to herself and not really speaking to Vasin.

“Vasin you should read whenever you want, wherever you want. Maybe someone who admires you will decide it is okay if they like reading too. Or maybe someone like me will ask you to teach them the letters so they can see what this adventure was about. If we all…. “ She didn’t know how to put it, but she rose as he did, still wanting to talk about what he said about reading, even if she was backtracking a bit in the converstation. “If we all did what everyone in Sunberth expects, things will never change here. Things will always be dark and dangerous and a little bit less than what it could be if someone was confident enough to sit on a dock and enjoy a book about exploring…. without anyone giving him trouble.” Kelski said softly, looking up at him.

She hadn’t realized how big he was when he was sitting down and she was resting on her heels beside him chatting. The Kelvic had to take a step back, in fact, just to get him all in her line of vision.

“Right now.” She said with a grin, flashing a neat set of white teeth that were complete. That was something else rare in Sunberth. “Life in this city is short. There’s often no better time than the now to do things. Besides, we might not meet again. And maybe we ran into each other just so you could find the library. The Gods work in many ways.” Kelski said firmly, glancing around. When she deemed Vasin ready, she set off, lengthening her stride to match his longer one. The trip from where they were was lengthened by the fact they needed to cross the Mudway, and that meant a ferry. So Kelski lead him inland, along a winding course of streets, past ruined bridges that would have been nice had they been functional.

They cut through buildings, down alleys, and past ruined buildings. Sunberth was a maze of these things, some rebuilt and habitable, some far beyond repair. They made it to a little dock beneath one of the bridges and Kelski handed a few minor coins to a Svefra who took them across the lumbering river that was more mud than water since the tide was out. Passing into the northeast quarter of the city, she turned down a maze of rows and stopped abruptly.

“This is Stumble Alley.” She turned to him, stepped closer, and made sure her cloak was adjusted so that she could get to her daggers easily. “The Daggerhands control this place. It looks quiet but that can change in an instant. What we are looking for is deep in the maze. Let’s go. Look… bored if you can.” She advised, walking onward and following what seemed to be no discernable pattern between buildings. They seemed to be built here and there, no rhyme nor reason, until they opened up slightly. A tall building sat on one side that had a partially falling off sign that read The Majestic. Across the street, was a building that wasn’t marked at all, but had a wide open porch with a heavy door that lead to an inside that looked at least two stories. Both the Majestic and the unmarked building had complete roofs, which were rare in Sunberth.

Kelski grinned, pushed the door open, and stepped aside for Vasin to proceed her. He’d find himself walking past several tables, a counter, and a small area completely and utterly packed with books. A woman was up on a ladder down the hall a ways, setting a few books up high.

“Remmy! Are you around? I brought you a customer and came with a question. Do you have a world map?!?” Kelski asked, shouting cheerfully down the hall. The woman on the ladder smiled a return smile to the Kelvic’s grin, finished what she was doing and scurried down the ladder and walked closer.

“Hey Kels. Whats going on? Who’s your friend?” The woman asked, looking Vasin over. She was in her thirties, had brown hair and an oddly pretty face that had a clever look to her eyes.

“This is Vasin. I met him on the docks reading a book about Circumnavigation… a word neither of us know.” Kelski advised, including Vasin in on the conversation and nudging him forward a bit. “Do you have any insights?” Kelski asked, glancing between Vasin and Remmy.

The woman answered immediately. “He wouldn’t be reading Kennabelle Wright’s book would he? You know she disappeared in very mysterious circumstances! Circumnavigation means to sail around. She was trying to sail around the entire continent to see if she could. That’s probably one of the most notable books from her time. A great read. I have a copy around here somewhere but the last chapter is damaged. You wouldn’t by any chance let me look at your copy? I might be able to replace the damaged parts if I had another good copy to work from.” Remmy said thoughtfully, tapping her chin with a finger and looking like she was about ready to pat Vasin down for the said item.

Kelski simply grinned. She was used to the woman and her odd behavior. Books were her life. She loved books like Kelski loved gems. It was an obsession the Jeweler could relate too.
Last edited by Kelski on December 30th, 2018, 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A read by the sea (Kelski)

Postby Vasin on December 29th, 2018, 12:36 am

Vasin said nothing for a moment as he listened to Kelski explain her take on it. As he listened to what she said clicked in his mind. That was what happened, there was no mistaking it for anything else. It was something he had to learn to do the moment he was left here alone. But then he remembered she was responding to how he believed people must have reacted back after it happened. Even still, it was all too familiar, what she spoke of certainly seemed like she spoke from experience."I suppose people back then were like those who survive today. They didn't have time to worry about the state of the world, it was as you said trying to duck, dodge, and weave through their new life..." he said with a momentary pause."Probably the reason the world is as it is now too. When you are in danger you don't think about what it takes to survive, or what you need to lose to survive, you think about what you can gain to survive." he said with a nod knowing without a doubt not many people would have been worried about preserving cultural artifacts when they struggled to survive.

Vasin shifted in position a little as she spoke about how things in Sunberth won't get better if people carry on as is. There was ultimate freedom here as he had come to find out. But that freedom was self one and at the expense of whomever, you could crush beneath your feet as you used them to build a staircase to your castle in dreamland. Or at least that is how it seemed to work with the most successful people in this city."I'd like it if things could change here..." he said quietly and with thought ad, he would stare down the dock. A distant memory as he looked back to her."If it means I do my part, and if it only changes things a little bit for the better... well... It would be worth it." he said with a slight smile. He had a feeling that the powerful people in the city would rather the people remain as they are. But he doubted if any changes happened it would happen in his lifetime."Plus, it's bee fun talking and sharing this book. I'd like it if more people could share that. Heck, I'd like it if more people could well..." he glancing out to the ocean."See the world as an opportunity for adventure. Not all dark and gritty like you said before." he said though not entirely sure if it was possible.

Vasin would nod with vigor when Kelski confirmed they could leave right now. Indeed, there was no time like the present, and in a city like this, the could indeed not see each other again."Short and sometimes violently so." he said knowing there were multiple ways to end up dead here. So with quickness in his step Vasin would take to following her. He was very interested in seeing this library, he wondered what was within its walls? Vasin had never seen an actual library before. As they walked he would keep track of where they went. Making mental notes so he could always remember this route from the docks. Of course, it was a given that they would need to catch a ferry, as he had to every day to go to Goldfinger's Loan Agency.

As they entered Stumble Alley he kept close by and looked around. He didn't recall being in this part of the city much if at all before."Look bored but be on the lookout of danger..." he said affirmatively as he tried to both keep his eyes to himself while also glancing around. There was an air about this place that made him want to keep on his toes."I don't think this place was built with any easily read plan in mind." he said a little jokingly as he noticed how maze like it seemed."Kind of like the forests I see in the distance..." he muttered as they would come to the opening. As they approached he saw the sign which he quietly read to himself sounding it out. This must be the place he thought as they came up to it. He smirked as Kelski pushed the door open and stepped aside gesturing for him to enter. To which he did and blinked as his eyes adjusted and then in surprise as he saw the piles of books."That is... a lot..." he said a little excitedly a spark in his eyes.

Vasin would look to Kelski as she called out to Remmy, and then to Remmy herself when she came. He smiled as Kelski introduced him and the two of them spoke to one another. Given how friendly they were with one another he figured that they were indeed friends. As he observed Remmy in somewhat of a similar except much shorter fashion as he did Kelski the thought occurred to him of course that if Kelski was all right then this Remmy should be as well. He, of course, would keep an eye out, but he let his guard down mentally."Around the whole continent? That certainly sounds like a long journey." he said thinking that sounded about right. Well, at least he knew now for absolute certain that his book would have some very interesting things in it."I think that may have been what father was trying to do..." he said thoughtfully a little to himself more than to anyone."Too bad they disappeared. Probably an adventure that didn't go too well." he said in regards to Kennabelle Wright and he doubted the answer to where the went would be in the book he had.

He smiled somewhat when Remmy became so very interested in his book."Damaged you say?" he asked in confirmation. He thought for a moment but figured that since he was going to use the library he should be helpful. Plus someone else would certainly find it annoying to find the last chapter missing."Sure you can take a look at mine. I wouldn't want to be someone t read something only to find the last part is gone." he would say in a friendly gesture as he would reach into his person and take out the book where he stored it."Here. Should be in good condition." he said the conversation he and Kelski had fresh in his mind. Every little action mattered he figured."I know it might spoil some parts of the book, but if you have a map could we see it?" he asked her.
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A read by the sea (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on December 30th, 2018, 5:52 pm

Kelski hadn’t missed much. She heard Vasin mutter something about his father and gave him a sharp look. Was he missing family? Had they disappeared? The Kelvic appreciated how he’d thought about what she said about fear and dangerous disastrous situations. He could have been dismissive, waving her opinion off like it was inconsequential, but instead he gave her words the weight of his consideration and she appreciated that. So many people in Sunberth considered others dumb, especially women, and looked to exploit them any way they could. They often looked down on each other to a point that drove Kelski somewhat mad because in her eyes most people were equal unless they proved themselves pieces of dung best left with their throats cut. Vasin wasn’t coming off as one of those people. He had a curious intellect and a slight thirst for adventure she admired. But he was also cautious and slow reacting, which meant his temper was probably more even than most.

It was too soon to tell, but so far she liked what she saw.

She also liked the fact he was open to change, open to doing something … his part as he called it… to change things, even if it was just for a little change. It was worth it. Kelski firmly believed if every single person in Sunberth opted for a little change, there would be a huge one. It was just convincing others of that reality that was difficult.

“I think there is room for both views… adventure and dark and gritty.” She said firmly, knowing sometimes compromise could reduce fears. If people gave a little and got a little, sometimes it made for the steps to get easier. She almost said something, but they were at their destination before she anticipated and Remmy was already jumping into the conversation with a slight grin as Vasin produced his book.

The Librarian snatched it, opened it to the back, then carefully set it on the table. She went to fetch another book that had the last inch of its book torn away. Then blank parchment was brought out along with writing materials. And Vasin’s book was studied thoroughly. Then Remmy soon had quill and ink flying across the loose parchment, replacing the missing section of her book. “This was so casually torn off, I swear someone probably used this for toilet paper rather than preserve it.” She muttered, then gestured vaguely in the direction of another short hall and a room at the back.

Kelski could tell the conversation with the owner was over for now. But she also knew Remmy would give Vasin high marks and be eager to help him locate anything he needed in the library now… because he’d been so helpful to the woman.

“Maps are in the back.” Remmy muttered, waving her hand vaguely in the direction of where the maps were. There was a room in the back with a big table and scrolls everywhere. Kelski turned, glanced at Vasin with a raised eyebrow, and headed in that direction. They walked down the hallway together, came into the dingy room, and Kelski immediately went over to a window and pulled back a curtain so they could see. Dust motes sparkled in the air as the sunlight shot through the gloom, flooding a bit of the table with enough light at least one could see anything unrolled on its hard surface. Kelski glanced around. There were scrolls everywhere. None of them were labeled, and much of it looked like it wasn’t even sorted or organized.

“Uh… how do we find a map in all this?” She asked, glancing at Vasin. Since she hadn’t actually ever seen a map of the world, she didn’t know where to start or what one looked like. She didn’t even know how big one would be or what sort of thing to look for. So instead, she simply started at one end of the room and slowly and carefully began to investigate the different piles, carefully labeling them in her mind as she exposed writing - if she could read the type of writing – and trying to figure out the way Remmy had the room organized if there was any organization to it at all.

Dust was everywhere, and soon enough the Kelvic’s black leather was tan with it. She coughed occasionally, and blew dust off of piles of things when she needed to look to see what the pile was of. And so as she went, soon enough she started cleaning as well, vanishing to find a bucket of water and a cloth from Remmy’s broom closet and the well just down the street in the alley. Wiping away dust as she went and polishing the shelves as she restacked the scrolls in her search for the map was satisfying. And Kelski didn’t mind helping Remmy out.

“Any luck?” She asked, from where she knew Vasin searched, on the other side of the room.
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