Event Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas!

Postby Gossamer on December 25th, 2018, 5:45 pm


Greetings Mizahar!

Merry Christmas from Mizahar! This year we have a lot as a site to be grateful for. We have amazing storytellers, inspiring characters, and a storyline that keeps going on and on. We have a wonderful admin Tarot that keeps popping up to keep us going, over and over. I want to thank each one of you personally for being involved in this site and acting to keep the community going. I know a lot of you have expressed how much this site has meant to you through the years and how its been a release and escape for a lot of hard times in life. The same is true for me.

Now is your chance to express some love to your fellow players, storytellers, and admins. Tell us what the site means to you. Feel free to place your Christmas Cards to fellow players here in this thread. And if you manage to take time out of your busy schedule and link at least one IC post you make today, at the end of the day I'll pass out some special token items as a thank you!

Lots of Love,

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Merry Christmas!

Postby Kynier on December 25th, 2018, 10:19 pm

There are a lot of people that I talk to that don't really enjoy the Christmas season. Sure, there's the social pressure of finding gifts, and the financial implications that come with that. How it's become a holiday that is centered around greed. It's comforting to know that not everyone feels this way though. Christmas should still be about the gathering of family and acknowledging that their presence and support is the best gift one can have.

The Mizahar community is a bit of a gift as well. The storytellers, the Founders, Tarot, and the graders all give their time and energy to help the other players. Those of you that have been Dungeon/Game Masters for tabletop games can understand and appreciate this. Sometimes, it's not a small amount of brain matter that gets sacrificed to generate a plot that can be over before it begins. So, I want to thank all of those with Staff Accounts that do what they can to keep this site running as well as it does.

I also wish to thank the other members of the community. Without each other, it would be difficult for some to have the motivation to sit down and write whenever they can find the time and energy. There are so many friendly people in this little online community. It's wonderful that we managed to find each other.

Speaking of Christmas Greed...Here's my link to the post I managed to write today. For the others that have been waiting for me to post, I hope to have something up for you in the next day or two.

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Merry Christmas!

Postby Crylon Stonecraft on December 26th, 2018, 12:05 am

So I've been around Miza for awhile, quite a few years, and I keep coming back. I can thank Miza in my early college years for pushing me to type a lot, which helped me actually learn how to type properly, something that is quite a necessity for my current job. I've had fun. Met people. Enjoyed plots. Fought giant mutant rabbits caused by the release of powerful djed, and many other odd or interesting plots and events and things.

But the reason I have kept coming back all these years, are the other people. The community:

The other rpers, ones who stick around for a season and I enjoy 1 thread with, or ones who stay for years and truly delve deep into plotting and things and who feel like true friends as you talk and plot and plan things for your characters, and who you think of and miss when they are gone.

The staff, storytellers, mods, graders, who help keep the sight running, plan overarching plots, arbitrate scuffles in and out of character, and do the small things that keep us all rolling in sweet xp and thread rewards. Goss who has been around consistently since the beginning, and has put up with all of my numerous, numerous, questions, some quite stupid, and who calls me on it when I need it. Tarot doing his coding magic in the background, and all of the other people helping the site grow and expand and deepen and keep from going stagnant.

Wherever I've been in life, trying to figure things and myself out, dealing with stuff. Going to school. Still going to school. Having an actual job. Living life. I've that whole time been able to go to Mizahar, hang out with some like minded people(I mean have you ever tried bringing up half the stuff we talk about in chat to non-Miza people?), chat, do some posting, create, plot, thread, level up, and see myself and the person I am rping grow and change and learn while I interact with others.

So I just want to say thanks to everyone involved for all the great fun and plots.

Also, in the theme of the season, started a thread where Crylon sings (quite horribly and off key) his praises.

Magic is Music.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good posting!

Crylon Stonecraft.

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Merry Christmas!

Postby Lani Stranger on December 26th, 2018, 1:47 am

Merry Christmas!!
Luckily I’m Jewish so Christmas is just a free week off to visit family and not filled with stress about showing love in a language that may or may not be yours (some people just don’t like gifts). That being said as far as I understand the holiday it is for getting together with your loved ones and enjoying each other’s company and their spots in your life, so it’s only fair y’all get a gushy little letter from me too. I wanted to give shout outs to some of my amazing thread partners! I know I haven’t been back too long, but there are a few who made an impression on me, and I think they deserve recognition (and a little bit of advertisement if I can give it). I recognize that I get too excited about things, but I’m happy to flatter those who have earned it, so get ready to get the spot light.

Merry Christmas to Kynier who writes extremely detailed and extremely entertaining posts, there is never a dull moment in the story with you! He isn’t afraid to pull the plot forward, or go with whatever spins you give him. I am going to call you out for making awesome and creative solos as well. I get most of my reading material from the weekend challenges, and so I’ve been enjoying your solos, especially so because you always arc them into greater story lines and plots.

Merry Christmas to Madeira Craven as well, whose words are like gold. Your writing is truly poetic, and you know I’ve been crushin’ on it for a while. It is a great experience to write with you as well, especially in the odd creative ways we have come up with (Dreams and letters and whatnot)! You have interesting takes on magic and make the political plots seem truly fun, as well as all kinds of creativity that pulls me in as a reader and inspires me as a writer. If you haven’t indulged in one of her solos yet, seriously,
go check her out!

Merry Christmas to Kailani! You didn’t create a long tragic and detailed backstory like some of us chumps, and instead are showing off you’re dynamic character and creativity through actual play, which is so awesome to read and take part in. I know I enjoy our IC interactions (and our OOC ones too) and I like reading your interactions with others as well. I eat up your writing and enjoy the way you have your character shift and progress as a person, I can’t wait for our future plots!

If I’m writing with you and didn’t give you a personal shout out, I still want to say Merry Christmas! Perhaps we are new partners or I haven’t gotten around to reading all your other writings. No matter what I wanna say I appreciate all the amazing writers on Mizahar. There are always wonderful plots going on and something interesting to read (and wish that I could write with, even though it may not be possible IC). We build a supportive and tight-knit community that I find important for collaborative writing.

Last shout out goes to the mods who work really really hard to give us all what we want. Y’all pull the administrative stuff that lets us pursue our outlandish plots while maintaining continuity. Y’all bring cities to life that make players want to play in it even when there is a stark lack of writing partners (Looking at you Sol), simply because your calendars are entertaining and also partially because you give us lots of attention and we are greedy (*cough* me *cough*). You also reign us in when we are being doofuses without shooting our dreams down but merely pointing out that gravity is a thing, and we gotta respect it (Thanks Goss). Merry Christmas to the Storytellers who work hard to help us write within the world of Mizahar, and give us the boosts and rewards us for having fun.

And Merry Christmas From The Equines!!
Christmas is now the only time of year I get to go home and visit my beloved animals so I’m going to stuff them in y’all’s faces, because they are adorable and whatnot. They are technically work animals for the farm but we love them dearly and pamper them so. Delilah and Marley are the farm muscles and Ebony is the ex-show horse who doesn't really do anything anymore, but still looks majestic af without even trying.
Delilah :
ImageThe resident cuddlebug.
Marley :
ImageWho only cares about food.
Ebony :
ImageWho also only cares about food but still loves me a little bit.

ImageBonus: Trying to get a picture of Ebony, who thinks it’s time to eat, and Delilah is being greedy about the pets.
All Three :
ImageSuccess! (Thanks to their favorite toy, a large red ball).

ImageBonus: Me attempting to round them together for a good picture (Delilah is as Delilah does).

ImageBonus2: Obligatory Selfie.
Bonus :
ImageThis is tiger, the cat who helped me post this my nudging my screen a lot and playing with my mouse when I wasn’t using it. We also have two bears (giant malamute dogs) somewhere on the property, but I was too lazy to get up and go find them.

Also, because all I have planned today is Chinese and a movie, I caught up on all my posts with Lani (
Red and Madeira). I finally caught up on Ixzo (Kailani, and Anja, so far), which I must apologize to my thread partners who watch my try and figure out what I am doing with my lion and how crazy she is going to be for the moment. Shout out to Crylon for rapid-posting with me while I fly across continents and oceans.

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Merry Christmas!

Postby Duncan Rightstone on December 26th, 2018, 2:05 am


This time of year always makes me think of the past and of Christmas' long past. There have been so many good ones; each with its own loves, memories and enjoyment. There are many who I wish I could spend the time with again yet they are long gone. While there are fewer people to spend Christmas with, those who I do have are even more important.

When it comes to Mizahar, I've found a place where I can express my joy and love for fantasy and writing without the pressure of other outlets such as classes or submission to publications. Mizahar is a free, fun, creative and motivational place that I feel free to explore, expand and embrace.

The players, the staff and the world that has been created is something we all should be proud of. With that, I hope everyone has an enjoyable time of the year, no matter what they believe in. In the end, I see it as a time for coming together with friends and family, reflection on what has been, what is and what could be and just enjoying life and all that that entails. Merry Christmas and all that this time of year entails.

As far as a link for my IC Post, here is a continuation of a thread for acquiring a new magical power for an existing item. Fear Can Be A Powerful Motivator
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Merry Christmas!

Postby Anja Nightwatcher on December 26th, 2018, 3:00 am

Gosh, I could go on and on about how much I love everyone here. I'm incredibly grateful to all my thread partners, y'all are such great writers (and very patient with me considering my slow posting speed, heh).

Kelski is always wonderful to roleplay with. Our PCs click so well, and it seems like whenever we wind up writing together we just keep on going on and on, and our posts getting longer and longer until one of us has to be all 'maybe we should wrap this up huh?' I love being able to get lost in writing like that. I read your posts all the time too. You're so prolific and no matter what you're writing I enjoy reading it.

Kailani has been wonderful too! I know we've only done one thread so far, but I enjoyed it a lot. Kailani is a really neat character. I love the way she tackles situations with such enthusiasm, and you can always think of the perfect thing to spice up a post. You're also wonderful to talk to OOC. We've had a lot of fun conversations.

I know we haven't had much of a chance to write together with Anja yet, but I'm already super hooked on all of Ixzo and Lani Stranger's stuff and I've been eating up pretty much everything you write on both your PCs. Also (since I'm pretty sure everyone knows already that this is Solstice, heh) I want to add that I'm really grateful to have you playing in my domain. Things were SO quiet before you showed up and I felt like I was pretty much just sitting around twiddling my thumbs. So thank you for helping breathe life into Wind Reach, and writing not just a little, but a LOT and giving me a lot more to do!

Also I'm going to hijack this thread for Rook, and add how much I love my three main thread partners in Ravok, Shiress, Elias, and Belugnir. Ya'll were the first people I started roleplaying with, and you guys gave me such a brilliant introduction to things. Shiress is an absolute joy both in and out of thread, and I couldn't have picked anyone better for my bondmate, Belugnir has one of the funnest damn writing styles of anyone on this site as far as I'm concerned, and Elias is another one of those prolific writers who makes things happen and pushes plots, and makes the world move around you. Plus all three of you are awesome outside of play too. I love talking to you guys, you're all great friends and I love you bunches.

Finally I'm gonna link the post I did today, another addition to Welcome to the Sun. Here's looking at another great year with wonderful writers!
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Merry Christmas!

Postby Caspian on December 26th, 2018, 3:48 am

Short and sweet, this, nodding off even as I type this out -

Wishing everyone at Miz a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season. I’m not as active as I’d like to be, real world of course taking its course as the real world does, but I’m very glad to take part in this as much as I’ve been able to. I don’t think I’ve ever found another online community as supportive and enthusiastic.

Looking forward to writing through the rest of this season (and hopefully the next, and the next)!

(Here, also, is the post I managed to throw out in Ravok tonight...)
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Merry Christmas!

Postby Oresnya Cacao on December 26th, 2018, 4:01 am


Merry Christmas!

I just wanted to pop in and say Merry Christmas to everyone here. I haven’t threaded with most of you, but I’ve enjoyed popping in and out on reading many of your stories. To those I have threaded with, it has been fun writing with you all. Miz has been a boon to my writing, and even though I’m still slow as hell, my writing has improved, both in quality and quantity. I’m looking forward to hopefully becoming a part of a lot more of your stories. I’m thankful to have a place like this.

Anyways, here’s a thread for the Christmas challenge. First IC thread for this one. Here’s to hoping the future is bright for this PC and for all of you in the upcoming year and beyond. :)
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Merry Christmas!

Postby Kelski on December 26th, 2018, 4:07 am

Hey Miz.

I guess I'm going to try to approach this in the view of a PC since I've already addressed it in the view of an ST. I just want to thank everyone that stands by me through thick or thin in character. I want to thank the long standing RP partners that aren't afraid of just being themselves and doing what they'd do regardless of who or what I am. I want to thank the people that look at my PC and see my PC and not the big bad Founder behind her.

I've been discouraged lately in game. I've tried to throw in the towel at least three times in the last few months - weeks - only to be talked off that cliff by several very special people that have let me a little bit more into their lives and left me with a deep understanding of how much this game means to them. And also importantly how much it would be missed if it wasn't here anymore.

I put so much time into Miz. But it has been feeling like empty useless time lately. And I always feel like no matter how hard I try, someone is always right there to add to the plethora of heartbreak both IC and OOC this fucking site brings.

It happened again today. I don't know why its always on the holidays that these sorts of things happen. It's funny how someone can say nice things about you, but the one thing that rings with truth is the bad thing they say... where they turn some phrase and it echos over and over again in your mind.

And so, I apologize to everyone I've ever been overbearing with, intimidated or pulled the rules nazi act on. I apologize to all those suckers out there that have naively RP'd with me and thought it would be easy or fun. I'm honestly done... true and and honestly done. I'm going to finish out the group threads, stick to solos, and keep to myself because that way no one needs to be dragged into the situation where they are rping with a Founder which evidently is not that fun.

It only took me nine years to figure out why the rest of the active Founders stopped doing anything IC and just stuck to all OOC. I'm kinda slow like that at times.

And I'm saying this publicly so I can make it manifest and truly stop getting involved. NPCs are your friend. You can control them and you don't actually ever let them down unless you intend too. They are in this fantasy reality grateful to get created, used and get some active thread time. And they won't be mad if IRL swallows you whole and you are slow posting for them.

I had hoped that hearing all the Merry Christmas posts would help cheer me up today, and they have slightly. But the truth is I'm as human as the rest of the bunch, and I'm going to slink off and lick my wounds and probably bury my head in the sand for a good long while. Rejection hurts. Sometimes RPing flawed isn't for everyone. I get that. Maybe perfect is out there. But I know damn good and well, its not me. I'm far from perfect. I'm loyal, excessive, and stupid. They aren't good qualities in thread partners.


Post: http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic74828.html
They laugh at me because I am different.
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Merry Christmas!

Postby Gossamer on December 26th, 2018, 5:30 am

Merry Christmas folks!

I'm posting this since I'm heading to bed. Feel free to keep submitting entries up until Midnight PST. I am just not going to stay up that late since I'm working tomorrow..


You can all acquire, in thread, a very unique looking golden ring with a red gemstone. When you pick it up and slide it on your finger, you will know instantly what it is for. It will be like someone stood there and told you, but you will not remember that happening. If you take it off immediately, nothing will happen. But if you leave it on, it will activate for its once-per-season usage then and there. What the Ring of Transference does is allow you to take one skill you know well (say a high level skill) and transfer that knowledge for a 24 hour period of time once per season to another skill you already know at the level of the first skill. The second skill acquires the first skills stats, while the first skill acquires the stats of the second skill. You are in essence flip-flopping one set of stats for 24 hrs.

For example, say you have a 76 in Glassblowing. Once per season for a 24 hr period of time, you can transfer that 76 in Glassblowing to Great Axe which is normally only a 15. You do this by sliding the ring on your finger and leaving it there in which it will activate and concentrating on the two skills you want to 'transfer'. The first skill, Glassblowing, will only be at a 15 for the period that its skill set transfers to Great Axe. This must be used for skills you already have.

Again, this works once per season for 24 hrs. And like always, this item can't be transferred or gifted away. I will add it to your SS threads.


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