Physical Information: Race: Dhani - Constrictor Date of Birth: 77th of Spring, 387 AV Gender: Female Height: 6' 0" Weight: 170 lbs
Character Description:
People who meet Rhysati for the first time often get the impression that there is something reptilian about her. Perhaps it's the cold glint in her eyes, a pale bluish-gray hue with the twinkle of a naked dagger. Or perhaps it's from the way she moves, hypnotic and sinuous. More observant persons would describe her approach as something akin to a predator stalking its prey rather than a graceful fluid motion. She has an enigmatic smile, one that promises many secret pleasures or unimaginable agony to the one on the receiving end of it. Her long, wavy blonde hair is pale, and almost looks like its been bleached white in the sunlight.
Of course, for those who knows that Rhysati is Dhani would find that the outward signs and signals she exudes are typical of her race.
In her snake form, she is quite a formidable predator, 42 feet long of pure muscle. She is half that length in her Dhani form. In both forms, Rhysati has milky white scales with yellow and black patterns on her back.
Character Concept:
- Personality:
Rhysati is not well-liked, even among her peers in Zinrah. She is selfish and self-serving, prone to lying and manipulating others for malicious ends. She can be charming if she chooses to be, though oftentimes she only uses her feminine wiles for personal gain or to torment someone with poisoned words. Others should be wary if Rhysati has taken a special interest in them, for it is highly likely that she is after something they possess. If there is a warm side to her, it is one not seen by many.
Vicious when angry, Rhysati is very vindictive when one makes an enemy out of her. She tends to hold grudges, never forgetting a slight until she has destroyed or ruined the lives of those who have wronged her, doing everything in her poiwer to achieve these ends.
While preferring to avoid direct confrontation or using others to do the dirty work for her when it comes to fights, Rhysati is still a decent fighter. Like she would backstab another with her words and schemes, when it comes to enacting violence on another, Rhysati enjoys sneaking behind her target and then using her superior strength and grappling to overpower them. She hunts the same way in her Dhani and snake forms. She has a sadistic tendency to prolong the suffering of her prey, inflicting the most painful of wounds that would lead to slow and excruciating deaths.
- Ethics:
Rhysati believes that one should take what they want if they have the power to do so. She would stop at nothing to get what she wants. Rhysati has very little moral values.
- Likes:
Like most of her kind, Rhysati enjoys torturing others, and for her, it does not matter if it's someone from another race or one of her people. She simply enjoys tormenting others, be it physically or emotionally, though she has a penchant for knowing where to hit, cut or prick where it hurts the most. The term 'pouring salt on the wound' is something that can be taken quite literally with her.
She has taken an interest in brewing poisons, and particularly enjoys creating those that amplify the pain felt by her victims. If she has the antidote available to her, she would use to poison on herself to test its effects, finding the burning sensation as it courses through her veins pleasurable in a perverted and masochistic way. It is also her way of building up resistance to the poison, such that she would need higher and higher dosages to attain the same level of agony. Often, she would inject herself along with her victim so that they could ride its effects together.
Rhysati likes causing mischief and havoc wherever and whenever she can.
- Dislikes:
Rhysati hates Myrians with a passion, though she also has an equal amount of hatred for those who get in the way of her achieving her wants and desires.
Character History: Rhysati's true nature was made evident as soon as she broke through her shell as a hatchling. Left unwatched for but a moment, she teamed up with one of her sisters, Ideydi, who hatched at the exact same time as she did, and they bit one of the smaller hatchlings to death with their sharp little teeth and fed on the corpse, essentially cannibalizing one of their siblings. This mean streak would continue as she was growing up, easily feeding lies that her elders often believed to get out being punished for her mischief and manipulating others with words or threats to get them to do what she wanted. Usually, Rhysati would use her much stronger sister as an enforcer to keep her peers in line, a role that Ideydi did not seem to mind and rather enjoyed.
The pair of them soon developed a knack for sneaking past the Myrian blockade encircling the borders of their underground city, and as they grew older, they were given the task of leading the hunters out into the jungle to bring in food, as well as escorting visiting Dhani from other cities in and out of Zinrah. Often, Rhysati would pull off malicious pranks on those she led, sometimes skirting too near a Myrian patrol for their comfort, or bringing them into dangerous situations where the other Dhani had to use both wit and skill to get out of the tight spot. There had been no casualties from her cruel tricks, only a few scrapes and a couple of close calls for the parties involved, but others have begun to grow wary of Rhysati. She did not seem to care and would sometimes even taunt those who were less skilled than her if she knew she could get away with it. The few times others dared to stand up to her, the mere mention of Ideydi paying them a visit for her was enough to deter anyone from retaliating or at least openly opposing her. Even the lovers she took into her bedchamber never returned for seconds as Rhysati enjoyed inflicting pain in new and creative ways while in the midst of lovemaking.
One particular event, however, led to a death of a Dhani, though it was that no one else knew, not even Ideydi. A visiting Viper needed to be escorted to the Northern Pass. Ideydi was not around to accompany her, so Rhysati agreed to bring the Viper there. She even dared to bring the Viper's personal belongings, using her Dhani form to carry the viper's bags as she snuck past the Myrian blockade while the viper trailed her in his snake form. They traveled without incident and Rhysati even took the time to learn the basics of poison-crafting from her smaller companion. Being non-poisonous, she was very interested in the art, thought the Viper had no idea just how much until Rhysati used his own brewed poisons on his body.
Pretending to agree to let him lie with her one night, Rhysati lulled the Viper into a vulnerable position before using a paralyzing agent on him. She then proceeded to use each and every one of his poison on him to test their effects. She had memorized what each one did and made sure to use them in the order of their severity. The Viper's cries echoed throughout the jungle that day but nobody within earshot cared to investigate, assuming that whoever the cries belonged to just became another victim of the dangerous wilds. Rhysati thoroughly enjoyed herself then, and when the Viper expired, she devoured his body to hide the evidence of her deeds and kept his possessions for herself.
Days later, as she lay content in her Dhani form in an underground cave, digesting the last of the fine meal she just had, Rhysati heard a movement coming from the mouth of her hiding hold. Thinking that she had been discovered by a Myrian patrol, she reared back and prepared for a fight to the death. She was cornered and had nowhere to run. But instead she was greeted by the sight of the most beautiful Dhani woman she had ever laid eyes on. It could be none other than Siku herself!
Rhysati prostated herself at the goddess' feet, saying that she would have saved half of the boar she had eaten had she known that the goddess would pay her a visit - blatant lie of course. Such was Rhysati's nerve and gall, that she would attempt to deceive even a deity. But Siku saw through the whole thing and merely laughed; the goddess had been watching her since the day she was born, waiting for the day when Rhysati would show all the qualities she valued in her minions. Siku offered to mark her with Venenum - a sign of her favor.
Rhysati's words?
"I would accept anything you give, my goddessss. I asssk only one thing: Pleassse, make it asss painful asss you can."
And Siku smiled.
Now, armed with the knowledge of poisons and with the goddess' favor on her side, Rhysati is out to expand her experiences in torturing others. Currently, she lies in wait near the Kandukta Basin, ambushing any lone Myrian unfortunate enough to cross her path. So far, no one knows yet that she is responsible for the disappearances of these Myrians.
Skills, Lore and Gnosis:
Skill Name | SP/RB | Earned | Total | Camouflage | - | +2, +1, | 3 | Hunting | - | +1, +1, | 2 | Intelligence | - | +2, | 2 | Interrogation | - | +2 | 2 | Intimidation | - | +3, +3, +1, | 7 | Observation | - | +1 | 1 | Poison | 20 | +1, +1 | 22 | Rhetoric | - | +3, +5, | 8 | Seduction | - | +1, +3, | 4 | Stealth | 20 | +2, | 22 | Subterfuge | - | +3 | 3 | Torture | - | +4, +4 | 8 | Unarmed Combat | 20 | +1, +4 | 25 | Weaponry: Dagger | - | +2, +1 | 3 | Weaponry: Launched Needles | - | +1 | 1 | Wilderness Survival | - | +2, | 2 |
Inflicting excruciating wounds | Poisonous Plants in Falyndar | Sensitive Areas of Myrian Males | Vine Bondage | Recognizing the Myrian Language | An Eye for an Eye | Making Nemeses | Hand Suffocation Method | Fragility of Babies | Manipulating Ghosts | Shades of a Vantha’s Spirit | Waiting For the Big Catch | Unarmed and Unafraid | Liar, Liar… | Wilderness Survival: Find Water |
- Snake-Tongue - Fluent
- Common - Basic
- Myrian - Broken
Possessions and Ledger:
Item Name | Cost | Acquisition/Thread | Description | 1 Set of Clothing | N/A | Starting Package | Includes basic clothing, undergarments, cloak and footwear. | Waterskin | N/A | Starting Package | - | Backpack | N/A | Starting Package | - | 1 Set of Toiletries | N/A | Starting Package | Includes comb, brush, razor and soap. | Food for a week | N/A | Starting Package | - | Eating Knife | N/A | Starting Package | A knife used for cutting meat. Never been used. | Flint and Steel | N/A | Starting Package | Used for lighting fires. | Book on Brewing Phantom's Shell | N/A | Heirloom | An instruction manual detailing the steps needed to create the poison called Phantom's Shell. This book was recovered from a visiting Viper merchant. Rhysati kept it after killing the Viper. | Portable Poisoncrafting Kit | 150gm | - | - | Phantom's Shell (x2) | 100gm | - | Two tiny bags containing a brown powder with the odor of wet fur made from the ashes of various types of sea-weed. Enough for 8 doses. | Blue Whinnis | 175gm | - | A small vial that contained an odorless, light blue liquid extracted from concentrated whinnis root found in forest environments which causes mild weakness followed by unconsciousness for up to three hours. Enough for 4 doses. | Stiletto Dagger | 2gm | - | A steel stiletto dagger. | Utility Bracers (Pair) | 16gm | - | A pair of thin leather bracers that can be easily concealed under any loose-fitting sleeve. Custom-made, each one is outfitted with a needle launcher and sheaths for three vials of poison. The launcher can only hold one needle at a time while one of the three sheaths have been modified to store needles in. | Needles (40 pcs) | 10gm | - | Tiny, very sharp slivers that do not cause any real harm but can be coated with poison. Fired using the utility bracers. |
Item Name | Debit | Credit | Starting Package Fund | 0gm.0sm.0cm | 100gm.0sm.0cm | Forfeiture of Housing | 0gm.0sm.0cm | 500gm.0sm.0cm | Portable Poisoncrafting Kit | 150gm.0sm.0cm | 0gm.0sm.0cm | Phantom's Shell (2 tiny bags) | 100gm.0sm.0cm | 0gm.0sm.0cm | Blue Whinnis | 175gm.0sm.0cm | 0gm.0sm.0cm | Dagger | 2gm.0sm.0cm | 0gm.0sm.0cm | Bracer, Utility (x2) | 16gm.0sm.0cm | 0gm.0sm.0cm | Flutegun Needles (40) | 10gm.0sm.0cm | 0gm.0sm.0cm | Spring 511 AV Living Expense (Poor) | 45gm.0sm.0cm | 0gm.0sm.0cm | Summer 511 AV Living Expense (Poor) | 45gm.0sm.0cm | 0gm.0sm.0cm | Total | - | 57gm.0sm.0cm |
Relationships, Contacts and Enemies:
N/A Contacts