Sadie's Plotnotes and Toolbox!

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Sadie's Plotnotes and Toolbox!

Postby Sadie Sundown on January 17th, 2019, 5:22 am

Sadie's Notes

The Anatomy of a Knife :

The Anatomy of a Knife

There is more to using a knife than the common person might expect. Different parts of the blade can be used in a specialized ways that efficiently cut down the amount of time and effort you put into preparing your ingredients, and also help to enhance your dishes.

Getting to the Point
The point of a knife is more than for simply stabbing your enemies, it is also used for piercing and scoring to increase the amount of surface available for spices and other flavours to be absorbed into, and also to release flavours. The point is also an essential part, especially for a boning knife. A boning knife is used for removing the bones from meat, fish, and poultry, and is a slender and precise instrument for it's purpose.

The Tip
Not only including the point, the tip can also be considered the first third of the blade or so, and is used for fine slicing ingredients such as garlic, onions, mushrooms, spices, herbs, and other softer ingredients. Around this area of the blade, it is easier to make more precise cuts and do some fine chopping.

The Blade
This is the main body of the knife, and its characteristics vary widely depending on the knife's purpose and specialization. Although the edge is most commonly straight, it can also be serrated (like pointy teeth), scalloped (like waves), or granton (as if someone pressed their fingers into the sides of the blade and edge.).

The Belly
Also known as the cutting edge of the blade, this is the most common part of the knife to use when chopping and slicing. It is important to sharpen this part on regular basis.

The Backbone
This part of the blade is known as the “Spine” s the name suggests, this part is the top of the blade, and offers a safe place to hold the knife for better stability for a variety of purposes, such as finely chopping nuts and herbs, or adding a bit more force slicing harder ingredients.

This is the area of the blade that lies closest to the handle, and is a knife's strongest point. It excels in shearing and crushing through tougher ingredients, such as bone.

The Tang
The tang is the last part of the blade that continues on into the handle. While not always visible, the tang does help to add strength and balance to the knife. The best knives will be ones that are “fully forged”, where the blade and tang or made from one piece of metal.

Bolster Up
The bolster is a thick piece of metal that sits between the handle and the blade, adding some weight and counter balance between the handle and blade.

Get a Handle of Your Knife!
Just as essential as the blade itself, the handle plays the important role of sitting comfortably in your hand, whether it is made of bone, wood, or metal. Try holding your knife before you decide that it will be your partner in crime.
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Sadie Sundown
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