Winter 36, 518 AV
She had returned. It had only been a few days since she was last at The Library. Today she came after her errands were finished, she went and visited her brother, fed him and left once more, wanting the rest of the daylight to read before the shadows descended.
The library was as quiet as ever and her book, Common Corruptions was perfectly still in the spot she left it. She sat on the ground, once more, and opened the book to the table of contents. Here the different poison families were listed with their accompanying page number. Last time she learned about Fungus, and today she would have to decide what else she wanted to learn.
There were some words she recognized such as minerals, though it did strike her as odd that a mineral could be poisonous. She passed over that family though, as she wanted to learn about something she could actually have access to. Adriana was no miner, and minerals were much too expensive for the homeless child. This would have no use to her.
She recognized the word Roots, of course, but that's seemed a bit boring, and difficult to find. You cant really see roots. There was one word, and she didn't know what it was, but for some reason it interested her. 'Aquatic'. She flipped to the page, just quickly to see if it was interesting. If not she would simply page back and pick something else.
But as she skimmed the page she realize something, "...made from any kind of material that grows lives or dwells in aquatic, or water, environments." Water? Like the rivers that snaked through the city and the ocean to the direct east? Adriana giggled a bit. Water might be just as common as the Fungus she previously learned about.
Code credit to Antipodes for original base code.