It's Levioooosa... nevermind Winter 80, Winter 505 AV "Clear your mind," The Shinya spoke softly, but all the children could hear him. His voice carried through the room, like a whisper on the wind, yet the message it carried was clear to all the Acolytes who sat on the reed floor. Raiyari straightened her back, settling into the meditation posture. She'd been practicing, trying to get the feeling back into her left pinkie through projection via much meditation. It was no use, the finger just stayed there, unmoving, limp as a soggy noodle. Luckily, no one had noticed it yet. But there was one benefit to all of this, she'd had much more practice with meditation. It hadn't accomplished what she'd wanted, but at least it gave her a bit of a headstart among her peers. "Straighten your backs, but don't make them too tense. Cross your legs and keep your eyes partly open. Now, place your hands as I showed you last time, just so," The Dian instructed the young teens, showing them the proper placement of the hands. The Acolytes began shifting their positions, following what the Dian said. After a brief minute where all Raiyari could hear was the shuffle of their movement, they grew silent, confident that their posture was correct. Their instuctor wove among them, correcting positions. This hand here, straighten up a bit, don't lean forward so much, each Acolyte was given a quiet tap on the shoulder and told how to fix their posture. Finally, the Dian came to Rai. He peered down at her, taking in her posture. After a moment of concideration, he asked "Good. Have you been practicing, Acolyte?" "A bit, Dian," Raiyari blushed in response. Great, just great. Now everyone in the class would be looking at her. She could feel their stares boring into her. No one wanted to look like a goody two-shoes. "That is wise, child. For if we do not seek out learning, how will we find it?" The Dian left her and walked back to the front of the group, facing the students. Rai and her peers were left a couple of seconds to try and puzzle that out. |