Warning, a venting session is underway: I love Miz, I really really do. Otherwise, as you may have guessed, I would have left a long time ago, and deemed the site a waste of my time. Now, that didn't happen... obviously, because here I am. But lately, I have been getting really irritated about a few things. The leveling system is an ingenious thing really. Kudos to whichever of our founding fathers, (and mothers), came up with it. The whole thing is designed to make sure we have checks and balances. It is designed to keep us from being unrealistic, and too good at everything, if that makes sense. I really like that. I like to have fun, but if I'm playing a game, I want it to be realistic fun too. Now, I know I have struggled with it in the past, but I always do my best to play to my levels. That's why we have levels. That is why we write about certain things... to practice writing first of all, and secondly for the story, and thirdly for the company and friends we make here... and of course, for the levels. It seems to me, that the more that I rp here, the more and more I notice what some people would call "power players," or people who just don't rp to their skill set. For example, if you are a novice reimancer with wind, your pc isn't going to be able to blow my pc over with your magic, unless maybe, my pc is like 5 pounds, and has a bad leg or something. Period. Another thing, if someone hits your pc with a chair, and it breaks on you, the LEAST that will happen to you is you get a nasty bruise, but you will more than likely stagger backwards, fall to the floor, and/or be knocked out. You are not going to walk out of that attack straight, and be ready to keep on fighting, period. I don't care if your pc is a body builder, or uses flux. That is simply common sense. And another thing... if your pc is a novice in say flute, your pc is going to suck. No heart wrenching songs. The same for novice levels in painting- no masterpieces. Your work is going to have issues- whether that be in the mixing of your paints, or the proportions, shading, realism as the picture, I don't care, it's just not going to come out perfect. Oh... this is my personal favorite. If we are fighting, and my pc has an expert level in a skill, and your pc has say... 10 pts in combat, or no points at all, unless my pc is seriously injured or lets you win, you will lose. Period. A note to mages: Magic is a give and take as I understand it. Each time you take something, you lose something. Each time something good happens, something bad happens too. I have three pcs that use magic. One is a leech and reimancer. One is a spiritist and aurist. The other is just an aurist. They are pretty magic heavy pcs. Which is fine. You know magic is pretty cool. (Thank you Gossamer and Tarot). Anyway... I digress. Each time I rp magic, I have something bad happen to my pcs. I let them over-give, even if it is only a little bit. For example, whenever Cara uses reimancy, her heart rate tends to speed up, and her eyes get bloodshot. Sometimes she even hallucinates... and gets to be even more a-social than usual. Ariel tends to blink a lot when she uses auristics, which is something a pycon would not usually do. It is her way of getting tired. Sometimes she gets headaches... Aello is paranoid. She is also just plain certifiably crazy. This is over-giving. That is what happens with magic, at least every once in a while. I am sick of people with low-level magic skills or magic skills in general who use it for the majority of the thread, and don't write out over-giving at all. It is simply unrealistic, and just obnoxious. With everything you gain something, and you lose something. YOU NEED TO LOSE SOMETHING. Even if it is only temporary. A note specifically to flux users: just because you use flux, doesn't mean you are superman. Especially if you are a novice. You are not going to be able to run up hills with 300+ pounds on your back, or jump extra high, or really far. You're not going to be able to throw five people off you... A note to hypnotists: if you are going to use your skill on me, please describe how, and quit making me do your work for you. About controlling my pcs: I am the only one who can control my pc period. So if you want to pick Ariel up, at least ask. If we are fighting, you can't just stab my pc, or push her down. You can sure as hell try, but that doesn't mean you're going to be successful. You can't just make my pc pass out randomly either. You can't steal her things... you can't just break her arrows, or say that her wooden practice sword snapped in half. The exception to this is modded threads, with a mod, when the mod temporarily takes over. I actually signed up for that, so the rest of you players, lay off. The bottom line: I do not enjoy when people do not play realistically. When your PC acts godly, or like a super-hero and has novice skills, I get a little pissy. You just don't have the experience to back that sort of behavior up, and it simply takes the fun out of the whole game. I don't like posting in these situations, and suggest that unless you can learn to play to your levels, you leave me alone. Unless of course, you want to experience a slight sense of surprise when my pc tries to kill yours. Grammar and Spelling: And that reminds me. This is not aim. Please spell out your words. Don't abbreviate "through" as "thru," or "for" as "4" or "to" for "2." Lastly, you're is short for you are, and your refers to something belonging to another person. Example: That is your cup of coffee. I don't mean to sound so grouchy, but this is getting annoying. Period. The lists: Ariel: -leave Endrykas -modded Ganny thread -Sama'el thread -thread with Kayiri that is on its last legs Cara: -modded Chessies thread -leave Avanthal -bar thread needs grading -work on animal husbandry Blythe: -finish up flashback with Gural -work something out with Ser -modded Alice threads -figure out how to meet with Kams, Satu... and others -find out what happened to Keyta -work threads -buy a katana -train in katana -find family members -possibly apply for Stesha as an NPC (at least look into it) Aello: -modded threads with V -don't die in the quest -figure out how to incorporate ghost nails into a thread -finish up the stuff with the dagger and Charlie -auristics lesson? -thread with Haddy -flashbacks in Lhavit and Avanthal -develop her relationship with Dira more, (prayers, etc) Lesson 8: Ariel has OCD, and is a huge fan of proper grammar. Anything improper makes her angry. Seriously. |