33 of Winter, 510 AV
The cat wandered the wilderness for some time, and has been days, weeks, sense he as seen another person. Travelers were uncommon as it was without him sticking slightly off the beaten trail to avoid and dangers that might traveling them. Humans and other race might be good to socialize with but can also bring great deceit as well. He wasn’t too far off the road though, he could still hear the footsteps of anyone walking the trail and maybe the occasional voice or two. Its not that he was avoiding people, he loved people, he was avoiding the danger that some of them brought, and in a strange land, without a traveling guide or companion trust was going to be a hard thing to get. Total trust in someone is what he is seeking but he finds that almost impossible, and although he might think and act like this now, actually meeting a person or talking to them the situation might come out totally different.
You see, Ageru isn’t one to hold grudges and only wishes the best for people, both good and evil. Though he finds good and evil silly concepts that were made up by society he tries not to judge someone on their actions or words but by who he sees them as. So, naturally, first impressions matter with this cat, and are extremely important to gaining any sort of trust with him. A tad bit judgmental, in his own mind, he isn’t nearly as harsh as he likes to think he is.
The kelvic wore only a pair of tattered and rather dirty and old looking leather pants and the rest of him was covered, mostly, by the warm and insulating fur cloak that he holds so dear. His hair disheveled with the constant travel, but by looking one could tell he at least tried to make it look decent. Though decent for a cat, for him, is nearly impossible to obtain and normally he would spend hours trying to make it look right and feel right and be clean, he had to give that up for a couple hours of travel. A nasty exchange, but necessary if he were to get anywhere at any reasonable time, which was one of his goals.
Anywhere was a relative term though to the kelvic. Anywhere could be that rock a couple steps in front of him or that tree, which he is surrounded by, in the distance or maybe even a couple more hours up the road. Anywhere, sense he had no idea at all where he was going was a really loose term. Maybe he could head to some civilization, or place with people. Somewhere where he could feel alive and actually talk to someone. Traveling alone sucked. That was a fact that he had found out days ago. No one to talk too was the most horrible thing to him, no one to laugh with or even make sure they were alright before drifting off to sleep, but most importantly no one to serve. He was a servant and was born one and now he had nothing, no master, nothing. He felt complete yet incomplete towards this painful reality of freedom. Who could have guessed freedom would have sucked this much? He had dreamt about these days, and yet, as cold reality sets in, dreams are only dreams.
Finding he has traveled enough for today, at least he didn’t have someone to keep him going, he found the nearest tree and leaned his back against it; slowly slid down until he was sitting. A sigh would escape him as he contemplated how far he had gone for the day, which wasn’t very far at all in reality, but was good enough for him. He tilted his head back until the back of it hit the cold bark of the tree and he closed his eyes for a moment. Perhaps he should just make what camp he could here, and although there still was plenty of sunlight out, the day not ending so fast as he would like, he knew when he would wake up from his nap it would be plenty dark.