Threading the needle for the umpteenth time that day, Kamilla waisted no time, pulling the thread through the two components that would fuse to become the bodice of Uta’s summer dress. She’d decided to use a cross stitch, not the quickest choice, but it would ensure thst the seams of the dress were quite tough. Although it would keep her busy to have to repair the dress every so often, it would ultimately be bad for business. Kamilla wanted her creations to be associated with quality, comfort and fashion... if she had a choice.
As she continued the very slowly, very deliberate stitches, Kamilla couldn’t help but think about the opportunities she’d been offered in Syka. There was the choice of being granted land by the founders along with s significant loan in order to build a home and business. Both were quite enticing to the mage, but she’d been uncertain of her plans upon arrival and while the settlement certainly had its charm, Kamilla certainly hadn’t made up her mind and decided she’d be staying.
The benefits of staying and starting a business in Syka were that, the settlement itself was beautiful, a literal paradise and she’d be getting land and a home for far less than she would have in any of the other cities she’d visited. On top of that, if she were to start a clothing business in Syka while it was still in demand, it might be possible for her to establish herself as the main clothing supplier in the settlement before it grew too much. That would certainly be something, to become the owner of a business similar to the ones she’d worked at.
While it seemed there were plenty benefits to settling in Syka, Kamilla certainly hadn’t fooled herself into thinking there weren’t negative aspects too. First and foremost, Syka was a settlement, not a town or city, meaning that its population and supplies were limited. Above that, the mage wasn’t sure she would survive in a place so devoid of activity, everyday in Syka felt like a holiday, even when she was working. The second problem with staying, was that Kamilla thought she might have a hard time with her magic studies being in the middle of nowhere. To learn anything new, she’d have to rely on books and the potential arrival of other mages, both of which weren’t reliable possibilities. And third, and most importantly, the jungle.
While Kamilla had barely been in Syka for half a season, she’d already experienced enough of the Falyndar jungle to not want to experience anymore. After only two excursions the mage was already bruised and bitten, she shuddered to think what would happen if she continued to live in the settlement, since even refusing to enter the jungle again didn’t stop the jungle and it’s inhabitants from coming to her.