Chocolate Mousse Cake Extreme!![Image](
Alright, so. I kinda got wicked creative and combined three different recipies for this scrumtrulescent...thing.
First: Just a simple Milk Chocolate Mousse Cake
Chocolate, Cream, whip whip whip flour, eggs, fold the the fluffy goodness till all combined, put in a 9" pan and volia. Delicious.
Second, the actual Mousse.
3 cups heavy whipping cream
1/3 cup of sugar
6 egg yolks
12 ounces milk chocolate
3 ounces bittersweet chocolate
Follow any mousse recipe for this part, it's all the same. Let cool, refrigerate, yada yada.
Third, Classic Genoise for the frosting. I took a picture of the recipe but I actually can't read it and I am far too lazy to look it up right now. If anyone is really interested in recreating this, I will for sure get the recipe upon demand.
Fourth (I know I said three recipes above, but...well looks like I can't count) I melted chocolate and spread it on some parchment paper, let it settle and then put another piece on top, flipping the slab of chocolate over. once that cooled, I broke it into uneven pieces. I did this with milk and white chocolate, simply for decoration.
Spreading the Mousse over....everything. Not only did we split the cake in half and fill it with mousse, but we had some left over so....we also covered it in mousse.
I thought about you, Jen.
Okay, so I got a little over excited with the Genoise. It all hardened down in the plate too, after I let it set. Those are the pieces of chocolate that I used for decoration that I stuck all throughout.