Completed A Trip to Think

Rohka leaves on a ravosala to head towards one of the few effective places for raw, unbridled thinking... a place for the mind to be seeped in immortal pleasure.

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

A Trip to Think

Postby Rohka on June 20th, 2019, 4:08 am

3rd day of Summer, 519 AV

Rohka needed a better place to think. To reflect on what her father had asked of her the night before. She’d refused his request to come back home, to the Calico Lumber Company on the Lakeshore near the Southern Outpost. She was sure there was more to the story, her father had been so vague about his reasons for departing towards Zeltiva. As the primary architect for the company, Meer was surely needed for the ever expanding business locations and upgrades to the city structures. How could her father possibly be able to leave the family? What exactly would he be doing for work in Zeltiva? Who would do his work here, in Ravok? There were too many questions and she needed to find answers, either within herself or from grasping at threads of information around the city.

Luckily, she knew exactly where to go.

The sybil had her pack in her hands, her few gold mizas, and her silk headscarf wrapped around her dark, voluminous, uncombed hair that flowed over her shoulder and down to her mid-back. She skipped down the wooden steps of the Malt House, waved her usual hello & goodbye to Grayson who nodded in return, and rushed out the door towards the first ravosala in sight.

“Hello!” Rohka stopped a portly young man rowing along an empty one with plush, colourful seating. “One trip to the House of Immortal Pleasures please!” The young man blinked and paused for a moment before answering monotonously,

“Sure, that’s four gold mizas.”

“Four?!” Rohka was surprised but then noticed the large, dirty blue seating with simple geometric carvings on the side. “Oh come on, look at your upholstery, will you? I can’t pay four mizas for that!” She huffed, her brows twisted in disbelief at the man trying to swindle her.

“Standard fare, ma’am.” He gave her a once over without skipping a tick, “Try the next pilot,” and with that, he turned his head and pushed along.

“No! Wait!” The sybil was frustrated with herself, more than she already was, knowing she’d done a poor job of negotiating with the man. She tapped her foot on the walkway with her hands on her hips, waiting for the next one to come along. Sure enough, one did, a couple chimes later.

“Hey! You! Two gold mizas for a ride to the House of Immortal Pleasures please!” Rohka yelled out to the older woman rowing her ravosala towards her. The sides were engraved with multiple birds, and as the craft got closer, she noticed the simple dark green seats and smiled, happy to see her favourite colour and secretly hoping the ravosalawoman would take her coin, purely to have her headscarf match the interior.

The ravosala woman had short grey hair, braided to one side, with a plain wide-rimmed black hat atop her head. She came forward with a warm smile, the strength in her wiry veined arms evident and the experience in her lovely hazel eyes bringing an ounce of joy to her heart. Roh loved seeing smile lines on women. It showed a history of laughter.

The ravosala approached and centred itself in front of her. The woman wiped the sweat off her forehead and flashed a grin.

“The House of Immortal Pleasure, eh? Young lady, I think you must be new to the city. There’s a curfew out, and its getting late! Not only that, but two mizas is hardly enough dear. Now what’s a girl like you heading to the house for?” The genuine smile stayed on her face, the curiosity seemingly sincere.

“So here’s the thing,” Roh began, excited to able to ask questions of her own. “I totally know about the curfew. But it couldn’t be that bad, right? I’ve lived in this city my whole life okay, and Rhysol has been so good to us! Honestly seems impossible that anything seriously dangerous could happen, and we always have guards around, right? If they see me coming from the House, I’ll take my chances and bat some eyelashes and they’ll take me home, won’t they?” The sybil laughed as she spoke, seeing the ravosalawoman’s eyes sparkle. “And okay, so this is serious. I really need to think. I have, like, things I need to figure out. I do that best after a good petching session.” The woman began to chuckle, and it grew into a laugh as Roh joined in. “I’m serious! I’m really good at thinking after I’m thoroughly petched. And there’s things that I think I can find out from the slaves there,”

“Sexy things?” The woman asked, completely enjoying the revelation being told.

“No, work-related!” Rohka responded, adjusting the pack on her back. “See, so, I work at the Mystic Eye and it’s been a dream of mine to continue learning and growing and doing things on my own instead of always having to be needed by my family, but my family actually seems like they need me this time! And I have to choose, ya know? I have to choose what matters more to me. And the slaves there, they…” Rohka paused, wondering if she should say the next part. She looked into the lovely woman’s gaze again and decided at once that she trusted her. “The slaves, they’re from far away places sometimes! And I can figure things out about my family from them.”

The ravosalawoman shook her head in disbelief, still smiling. “What’s your name, dear?”

“Rohka,” the sybil responded, hesitating.

“You don’t have a last name?” A hint of a smirk played at the woman’s lips. Ravok was known for their famous family trees. She wondered who this young sociable woman would be aligned with.

“Um,” Roh looked away for a tick, almost as if looking around to make sure people wouldn’t hear her. Like an instinctual reflex that the sybil wasn’t even aware of doing. “Calico. Rohka Calico.”

“Aaah,” a couple brief memories clicked in the woman’s mind. “Well Rohka, I’m Ambro. Ambro Wright. Come, get in. For five mizas and I’ll tell you a story you’ll want to hear.”

A sudden warmth filled the sybil’s heart. She took Ambro’s outstretched hand and hopped in. “Ambro, can we do four please?” Roh asked with a tone that sounded like a playful whine, yet the smile still stayed on her face.

“Alright sweetie, just for your arse,” they both laughed “Four mizas.”

And off they went.

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A Trip to Think

Postby Shiress on June 27th, 2019, 6:58 pm

Shiress strolled along the edge of the dock, thoughts a whirl, though still mindful of the impending curfew. She had been out in the city once again, seeking out Ebonstryfe soldiers or anyone else that might offer her any information as to where her lover had disappeared to. Elias had come to her in the early bells of the morning following a rather impromptu dinner party and had told her that he would be gone for a few days, kissed her deeply, and had left. Shiress hadn't thought anything of it; this was not unusual, Elias was an Ebonstryfe commander, and his duty often called on him for days, if not weeks at a time, but he had asked the servants for a week's provisions and Elias had kissed her goodbye nearly 50 days ago.

Though she tried to keep her thoughts from leaning to the worse possible outcome, Shiress's heart often strayed in that direction. No one in her household knew any more than she did on where the commander had gone, she had questioned them thoroughly and often, but when Shiress spoke with Alaric who repeated exactly what she already knew, the longtime Caldera butler's reply seemed....cautious? Reserved? That could mean any number of things, though, and Shiress had taken him on his word.

Another concern for Shiress was that, as far as she could tell, Elias hadn't taken any of the soldiers under his command with him, though she couldn't be sure. Her questioning of those soldiers she managed to find resulted in the same information which was nothing at all and in the days since he had left, his soldiers were becoming increasingly hard to find. Shiress didn't know enough of the Ebonstryfe to discern who was Elias's superiors, save a scant few Lark soldiers, and she was going nowhere near that name. Besides, Elias had always told her that the fewer questions one asks, the safer they are. So, as it was, Shiress knew nothing of the whereabouts or wellbeing of the man she loved so dearly, and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it but worry.

A raised voice made Shiress lift her head, bringing her thoughts back to where she was. Just ahead, a dark-haired woman was hailing a ride, evidently, having been already turned down by one Ravosalaman, the woman was bartering with another. Shiress smiled at the exchange as she passed by, but a called out name made her pause, face crinkling in a frown as she tried to recall where she had heard the familiar name before.


Fumbling at the strap across her chest, Shiress drew her pack around from her back and plunged a hand within its opening. After a tick of rummaging around its contents, she pulled out a small card like a piece of parchment, eyes quickly scanning its surface before going wide with recognition. By the time Shiress spun around the woman Rohka had already climbed aboard the boat and was underway to where ever it was she was going.

"Rohka!" she called, running to the edge of the dock. Shiress couldn't see if Rohka had turned at her shout, but a hat covered silver head swiveled to regard her curiously. "I need to speak to her!" Shiress produced her coin purse, waving it before her, "Please?" The Ravosalaman, or lady as it was, turned her head toward the Sybil, obviously seeking consent, but Shiress called out again. "Rohka, please, I need to talk to you!"

The hand holding the coin purse lowered and the other wielding the paper lifted, waving it back and forth as she balanced on the tips of her toes. "It's about your..." Shiress didn't rightly know what to call what the woman had done, so she settled for the best word she knew. "It's about the prophecy you gave me. The cards. I need to speak to you, it's very important!"

Shiress settled her feet back against the wooden planks of the deck, looking both worried and hopeful at once. If anyone might help Shiress find answers to where Elias was and if he were okay -it would be Rohka. After all, every bit of what the woman had predicted for Shiress in the past had come to be.

OOCGoodbye Elias :((
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A Trip to Think

Postby Rohka on June 30th, 2019, 7:48 pm

“You know her?”

She did. At least, she thought she did. It had been over a year since they’d seen each other last, and all Rohka could remember was she was one of her very first partners—a slave that had come in without coin. Her name… something ‘-ess’?

The sybil slowly nodded to Ambro, a slight and hopeful smile on her scrunching face as she strained to hear what the shouting woman was saying. When Roh heard that she’d wanted to talk about the reading, she let out an audible gasp. She watched as the slave waved a piece of parchment in the air.

“It works!” The sybil exclaimed, her glee so obvious while she raised a hand to her forehead in a bit of shock. Her means of promoting her business was working, and that made her heart sing with joy. “She’s holding the card I made for her, Ambro! That’s why she remembers my name! Goodness, can you believe how simple that was? You could do it too, and I would tell everyone I know about you, and they would remember your name because they kept a tiny piece of parchment!” The sybil was just overwhelmed by the prospect of discovering a working method to market a business, and was at once wanting the entire city to know. She felt like hugging the slave, purely for having the mind to keep the small card. “Please, Ambro, let her join us,” she pleaded, noticing the ravosalawoman’s amused grin.

The idea she was proposing sounded slightly confusing, but she was getting the gist of it. It seemed like this exchange was made possible because of writing down a name. Ambro wasn’t sure how useful that would be for her, since it was easy enough to gain customers while floating along the canals. She didn’t think she needed people to remember her, let alone slaves. The city was busy enough for every ravosalaman and woman. She had no real need to expand her customer base. Although maybe with some extra coin, she could buy a few more hats. The thought was shrugged off with a smile and she returned her attention to Roh.

“If she has the coin, I have no problem with her joining us. It seems you two will be telling me a story before I tell you mine,” the woman replied, gently, smirking. Ambro stuck her pole out and stopped the motion of the boat by the edge of the walkway, allowing their new rider to catch up. Rohka wasn’t sure what to expect, remembering her experience from before, but she was more than willing to speak with her former partner.

Once the ravosala stopped, Rohka would reach a hand out, her face beaming.

“You kept it! I’m almost surprised, you must have a really kind master or mistress to allow you to keep little things like that. Come in, I want to hear everything. I’m so sorry though luv, I forgot your name! Tess? Bess?”

The sybil hated the fact that she couldn’t remember. It almost pained her as she wracked her brain to find a name, the struggle written on her face when suddenly,


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A Trip to Think

Postby Shiress on July 26th, 2019, 8:06 pm

Shiress couldnt help the smile that slid across her lips, hearing the woman butcher her name. "Shiress" she corrected, still smiling as she settled herself down beside the dark haired female "and yes, I managed to hang on to it." she glanced down at the tiny parchment, a look of nostalgia crossing her features. "We have been through a lot together." she laughed.

Shiress glanced around momentarily as the ravosala set off again. "I'm sorry to intrude like this." she said, returning her attention to Rohka "I recognized you and..well, I wanted to talk to you about this." She held up the card the woman had given her upon their first meeting, smile broadening. "It all came to be!" she said, excitedly "Well, most of it, anyway."

Shiress fell silent a tick before continuing. "I'd like to have another.." she paused, thinking for the proper word "reading?" tucking a loose strand of hair behind an ear, she reached for her coin purse "I have coin!"

A thought suddenly struck her and her shoulders slumped, bottom lip slipping between her teeth. "I mean, if you have time." she peered around curiously "Where are we going, anyway?"
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A Trip to Think

Postby Rohka on July 28th, 2019, 7:11 pm

The sybil blushed hard in embarrassment at having misremembered the woman’s name, clicking her teeth but reflecting the smile, still glad that the card had sparked recognition. Rohka slightly gasped when told that the reading came true, and then nodded in excitement when asked for another.

“Yes of course! Goodness, Shiress, I’d be happy to, I have my cards in my pack right here!”

Ambro watched the two ladies in silence and pushed off the edge of the pathway, beginning their journey onwards. The ravosalawoman was glad for the coin that the extra customer had brought and listened closely to the exchange that began between her passengers.

“I can definitely do a reading for you on our way to the House of Immortal Pleasure! I’m going there because, well,” she paused, glancing at Ambro with a smile. “Honestly, I need to be petched tonight.” Rohka said it with a laugh and continued. “And I don’t have a lover, so I’ll go ahead and buy the means to satisfy my craving. At least after that, I can concentrate better on solving a dilemma I have. I keep getting distracted by my need to be touched and enjoy intimacy, and I know if I can just answer that need fully, I can go back to making clear, logical decisions. Or else I’ll just recklessly decide on whatever gratifies me in the moment. I told Ambro this too,” the sybil pointed up to the ravosalawoman. “The other thing is that there’s slaves at the HIP, and if I talk to them, I might be able to find out a bit more information to help me solve my dilemma. My father came to see me yesterday and I just can’t deal with anything he asked of me until I do my best to figure out what’s going on. Plus, this stupid curfew really shouldn’t be a big deal right? I’m sure I’ll be fine on my way back to my apartment. It would certainly help to have company, though. Join me if you like! I’m not sure if you were heading someplace else, but I’d love for you to come with me. Have you ever been to the HIP before?”

Rohka adored the House of Immortal Pleasures, or the HIP for short. They were always professionals, and on the rare times she’d gone, she discovered more about herself than she ever thought she could feel. It was a soothing place. A place that made her feel entirely herself.

“Shire,” she began, directing her attention to her lovely and polite partner of the past. She put her hand out for her to hold, yet also gestured to the seats. “Shall we sit together over here? I have dice now, but that would be harder to use in this boat, so I’ll stick with cards, okay? Tell me though, which parts came true? And what do you need to know?”

At Shiress’s answer, the sybil would either sit close or give the woman space, depending on whatever she was told. The HIP was a short distance away, in the Place of Dark Delights. Rohka knew that it was just enough time for a card reading with one question, answered by one to three cards. If Shiress needed any clarity, she would be happy to provide it.

OOCI promise to bring in trouble with the next post! :D

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A Trip to Think

Postby Shiress on December 30th, 2019, 11:22 pm

The sybil's candid explanation was both refreshing and a bit troubling. Shiress's mind immediately drifted back to her encounter with Zavya and the Kelvic's admition of having never been brought to pleasure by any venereal experience. The ever giving and ever generous Shiress had wasted no time in remeding that certain void in the lioness's love life and found that she had rather enjoyed the educational encounters herself.

A blush colored Shiress's cheeks all the way to the tips of her ears as she found her emerald gaze shamelessly drinking in Rohka's supple curves and well-rounded chest. Clearing her throat, Shiress planted a rogue lock of brunette hair behind an ear and reigned in her overly generous nature enough to realize that the seer was watching her expectantly. Shiress cleared her throat again.

"Uh, no, I've never been to the..." she began but paused, eyes falling to the bottom of the Ravosala with the realization that what she had been about to say would have been a lie. Shiress had been to the House of Immortal Pleasures before. With Elias. On the day they had met. He had made love to her there for the first time that night. Her heart ached at the memory.

Squeezing two fingers to the bridge of her nose, Shiress forced her eyes closed, warring off the torrent of emotion welling inside her. "Actually, I have come to think of it." Shiress managed, "but it was some time ago." Shiress lifted her gaze, giving a soft smile. "I met a man that day. It was what you had said; I would meet a handsome and wealthy man. Elias." she smiled broader, but then remembering, the smile faded before it had matured.

"He's actually why I wanted to speak with you." Standing carefully, Shiress gingerly stepped across the bottom of the ravosala and lowered herself down beside the Sybil. "Elias is missing." she began, then hiccuped, eyes brimming with unshed tears. Stealing herself, she continued, [b]"He's been missing for nearly fifty days, and I've not heard a word, as is the same with anyone I can find to ask of him." she glanced up, catching Rohka's gaze. "That is what I would like to know, anything about Elias and why he has left me."

Gaze dropping once again, a stray tear broke free and trailed down Shiress's cheek. "My heart aches to know, one way or the other, and if the future does not see Elias returning to me..." Shiress stifled a threatening sob, "if I'll ever find lasting happiness or comfort ever again."
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A Trip to Think

Postby Rohka on January 14th, 2020, 6:26 am

Rohka blinked back in response to the words, not expecting such vulnerability so soon. The name she mentioned rang a bell too.

“Elias Caldera? A stryfer, I think. He’s the only handsome Elias that I know of. He told me to find him at the Vitrax, and I almost did,” she paused, allowing herself to sit. It was true, she’d went to find him but was called away by her uncle Mattias to help with a road that never came to fruition. Odd season, that was. Things never really seemed to change in the way she thought it would. It was why she knew things would be different now, by making these choices. She was sure she would find her answers at the HIP.

It was blind faith, as usual.

“I got called away though. And besides, that’s not important.” Rohka gently reached out her hand in reassurance, before placing her pack down beside her to pull out her cards. “This feels like an emergency so I can ask one question with a two-card answer. For more details and for spreads, we can work inside the House, if they allow it. I can never guarantee happiness through this trade, luv. I can really only point to certain truths in veiled and symbolic terms that we work through together. The first question you are asking is ‘what do I, Shiress, need to know about why Elias has left me’.”

The sybil turned away from the ravosalawoman, making it as clear as she could that she would be focusing on her partner during their travel. She closed her eyes, breathed in deep, and let her mind begin to settle, watching its contents pass by in every tick.

She pulled back from her wandering thoughts and felt a lessening of attachment to the idea and craving for pleasure. The sybil forgot about the by products of meditation and was immediately glad that Shiress had given her the opportunity to help her mind feel more at ease. She felt clearer now, or at least clear enough to begin the mini emergency reading.

However, a part of her felt almost rushed to provide an answer. She felt a sense of things being much deeper than just a missing person. Nevertheless, she allowed her cards to do the talking. Rohka shuffled her deck with two hands and kept the question Shiress asked in mind as she directed her to choose two cards. At her random pick, Rohka flipped them up and showcased them between their seats.

“First one is displays a Queen, sitting on a throne with a cherub carved into the side, holding an elaborate cup. Connect yourself to your inner being, it’s saying, and understand the loving and visionary person that you are. Why has he left you, you wonder? This card is reassuring you that you were indeed empathic and soothing, a kind listener too. You helped him understand his emotions, and you listened to your heart.. However, there was moodiness, emotional manipulation, and perhaps even some form of deceit at times. Know that being near water can help to inspire further action and to restore yourself.”

Rohka then pointed to the next card. “This one is less clear, but it is in fact about clarity. A crown atop a sword here tells you that he left to cut through obstacles. There had been a problem to solve, and it has been leading to personal growth. He left to allow for new plans, new strategies, for a perspective that is clear and true. There was the necessity to do the right thing. What’s curious here is that both cards carry the crown. You are indeed meant to see this as a divine sign. I may not be able to speak of lasting happiness and comfort, but I could say that a part of the answer as to why he left you is because he has let you commune spiritually now.”

And that was the end. If Shiress looked closely, there would be a slight exhaustion in the sybil’s eyes, but her face still offered a smile, glad that her developing trade could provide any small bit of solace.

“Alright ladies,” said Ambro, calling for their attention to the destination. “Here we are. Enjoy your evening.”

Rohka thanked the woman for her service and stepped out of the boat first, quickly, before shuffling over to the side of the walkway. She then turned to her friend and gently gestured towards the door that they could certainly walk through together or separately, depending on whatever Shiress wished to do.

“I hope that was helpful,” said the sybil. “Are you interested in asking more questions in a fuller reading? I’m happy to forego the petching and just grab a table together to talk, if you prefer. In some respects, I do enjoy my work far more, especially when I can get into it. I’ll still be trying to find the information I came to look for though. What do you wish to do?”

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A Trip to Think

Postby Rohka on April 17th, 2021, 9:47 pm

“Take care, Shiress.”

Rohka entered the House of Immortal Pleasures.

Shiress went on her way, in a direction towards a destination that was entirely different from the sybil’s intentions. Into a room Rohka went, after speaking with one of the many able mistresses. She had been here before. However, she was still considered new, inexperienced, and frankly more for the types that were into the tame talking aspects than the pure petching.

Here, she served as a volunteer. Rohka got as much out of the job as the paying customers and the paid employees. It really was the best place to hear the juicer stories she craved to collect.

“Renaldo went straight for the jugular with her, and almost ripped it out, I swear.”

“She asked me to scoop up the milk and pour it over her back. Slowly. Gently. It dripped off of her so beautifully.”

“Did he break it off? She really should’ve pulled harder for you. You know he doesn’t get enough of it at the mother’s home. I’ve seen his sister in here with her slave, so I’m sure they’re dealing with a new business acquisition.”

It was always one thing or another. Idle gossip to share the nuances of a psyche.

Rohka’s purpose here, however, was different than her usual. She would be petched, yes, but she would need to ask the right questions to find out if there was more to the story than just the fact that her father hadn’t heard from family in a while.

There was always more to a story.

“Thunder,” said a woman wearing white. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you here,” she said, gently reaching out for Rohka’s hand. The woman hid away her own feelings of concern as she pulled Rohka into the makeshift dressing room and shut the door. Many others were fussing about, changing clothes, putting creams and kohl and baubles around their faces and bodies.

“Hi Rainbow,” said Rohka, greeting her. “Here to help.” The sybil began to undress casually and openly, looking around the room. “Can I wear that?” Pointing to a pile of chains on the floor, Rohka began to step towards it.

“Wait, you just can’t go waltzing into anything so rashly, you know that. What’s gotten into you? You remember that the job here is for the people being paid. It’s not for anyone who just wants to go in for a quick petch for fun. I’m surprised they’re still allowing you in here, girl. Can you explain yourself to me?”

Rohka blinked. “I don’t want to be paid for this. It’s definitely fun for me. You’re all still getting their mizas anyways, right? What’s the issue? What’s wrong with volunteering my time here?”

Rainbow pinched the bridge of her nose and restrained the calamity boiling within her. Typical. Women who didn’t understand how difficult it is to make a living. Rohka had refused to take the gold before as well. It was just as baffling then as it was now, but true to her name, Thunder spoke loud and clear.

Plus… a fool and their money are soon parted.

Rohka grabbed the chains and placed them over her neck. The heavy metal hung around her body. The chain connected to a pair of unconnected cuffs, a collar, and a harness of sorts, all of which she pulled together to fashion onto herself for the aesthetic she chose to display for the night.

“Your customer wants you to call him Sunshine. He wants you to treat him as such. He’s open to as long as you’ll allow his company, and he knows that you’re a novice worker. Seems he’s bored, a bit tired, and there’s a smell of lavender on him. My guess is that he’s already had his fill before coming here. Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be,” replied Rohka, adjusting the metal chains around her waist.

“Okay. Take care.”

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A Trip to Think

Postby Rohka on April 17th, 2021, 9:48 pm

“Hey, hi, I’m—“

“New, I know. Sit.”

Rohka beamed, excitedly, almost forgetting the reason she was there in the first place. The reason was still in her mind, though. She just wanted to get the petching over with first.

Before her eyes was a human-looking man with broad shoulders, incredibly kind grey eyes, and dark wavy hair. He looked to be in his late thirties, maybe early forties, or even perhaps an extremely healthy late forties. Hard to tell. He wore a loose fitting black tunic that he was now pulling off his form as he walked towards her, revealing beautiful copper coloured skin in warm tones of muscle.

They were in a room with viridian walls and a medium sized bed with purple toned sheets, covers, and pillows, all embroidered in gold. Rohka considered the room to be an almost gaudy pick for the HIP’s choices, but Sunshine was the customer, and this was what he wanted, and she was to respect that.

Rohka walked around him and sat by the edge of the bed, as requested.

He looked her up and down, while the sybil looked off to the side, waiting for more instructions.

“So you’re just going to sit there?”

Rohka raised her brows, the smile returning. She brought her hands up into her hair and combed through it, looking into his eyes, a grin on her face as she waited for what he might say next.

“They weren’t kidding. You have zero clue what you’re doing here.”

He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up before throwing her further away from him. He seemed almost annoyed, and Rohka simply laughed.

“Oh okay, I see,” he said, standing tall at the foot of the bed, hands on his waist. “How terrible do you want to feel by the end of this?”

“The end of what?” said Rohka, pretending like she was oblivious to his suggestion.

“You know where you are, at least. Don’t you?” asked Sunshine, his pants still on, now crawling onto the bed. His voice carried out of him in a low, delicious, viscous base. “You know that you are not to leave until I’m done with you. You know that you’re mine until you’re good and complete. And you know that you’ll do as I ask, for as long as I ask you to do it.”

“Yes,” she answered. “I know it now.”

“Good. Now kiss me?”

She did, as asked.

It was slow. His lips were soft, warm, inviting. She released his lower lip, and then kissed the upper one, gently, carefully, attempting to match his pace, yet it felt like her movement made him pause.

He did. She opened her eyes.

He was smiling at her.

His gaze beamed brighter than any other man she’d ever watched, in this state, in her entire existence in the city. How could such a simple kiss result in such a glorious reaction on a man’s face? As she looked into his grey eyes, she too was beaming, though she had no idea about it herself.

Rohka waited, wondering, then resolved to ask him.

“Why did you stop?”

To this, he grinned before surging forward again. This time, the kiss was more forceful, a passion lit, yet the fervour was gone in almost an instant as he pulled away.

“Just come at me quickly,” he said, with a smirk.

Rohka tilted her head, feeling a spark of an anger she didn’t understand before feeling him come closer again. This time, she kissed him back, again, with more force as her hands reached up to his cheeks and the back of his neck. A low groan, ever so quiet, rumbled in his throat as she grazed her fingers over his temples, kissing him again and again.

He pulled away. The glassy gaze began to dissipate while he took a moment to breathe.

“Better,” he said. “Much better. We can work with this.”

Boxcode credit to Antipodes
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A Trip to Think

Postby Rohka on April 17th, 2021, 9:51 pm

They laid in bed together, with Rohka snuggled against the stranger’s chest, their legs tangled together, the room filled with the smell of their labour.

A break. Between the work.

He gently pulled her closer to him… she carefully licked a bead of sweat on the arm that wrapped around her. She couldn’t see the smile but she could feel the way he sighed. Rohka looked out to the wall, letting her breathing settle down. It had been a lot to do… all the standing, the kneeling, the pulling, the biting, even the general pushing back.

Sunshine had insisted stopping every time he got close. It was hard to believe that he had such an ability. That he knew how to just stop. Instead, he’d focused solely on her, on making her squirm, quiver, shake, and moan out every ounce of what she had in her. It was partly wonderful and partly excruciating. She wanted to feel him release. There was a craving to feel him completely let go, and in rhythm with her… she was on the verge of praying for it.

It was almost as if she could not admit to feeling done with her time here… until he came for her.

Rohka shuffled and turned in bed until she faced him.

“Is there something wrong?” she asked, her voice just shy of a whisper.

He shook his head, his eyes closed.

“I want you to come,” said Rohka, suddenly feeling embarrassed as soon as she said it.

She watched the smile on his face grow, and she could feel his heat rising. He moved his body, shifting his weight, pulling her further into the middle of the bed as he scooped his own form up to hover over her, hands on either side of her face. He watched her, the both of them in silence. She could feel the yearning begin to grow in her again, absentmindedly pushing her hips up to meet him.

He gently collapsed onto her, burying into her neck, kissing her collarbone as Rohka’s eyes rolled back, the pleasure of his lips on her skin making her writhe beneath him.

“It’s your job to make me come, remember?” he said, his voice muffled against her neck.

Something about his tone sent a shiver through her spine. Emotions flooded upwards and tears began to well up in her eyes. Rohka brought a hand up quickly to wipe them away before speaking up again.

“What do you want me do?”

A low moan left the man laying on top of her as he moved to the other side of her neck.

“What else do you know?”

“Gods,” she whispered, feeling him bring himself right next to the place where she desperately wanted him to be inside again. “Can you just—“

He chuckled. His hand replaced the area of desire and instead began the pattern of ministrations that he’d gotten to know over the course of their time together. In a matter of moments, Rohka’s body began to move in uncontrollable pleasure. She breathed in tandem with the movements, allowing herself to sink into the waves, watching for the peaks, dips, and valleys.

She missed one of them while she took a deep inhale, frustration written all over her face. Sunshine grinned, coming up to kiss her on the cheek before moving all the way down to the entrance of her warmth.

“You’re rushing,” he said, licking her. “Don’t. No need to. I’ve payed for all of my time here.”

Rohka couldn’t tell at this point whether this was a painful pleasure or a pleasurable pain. To be experiencing such a wonderful feeling with this man… how did her luck come to be so fruitful? Should she be thanking Rhysol for it all? It was at this point that she felt the building of yet another swelling wave, and this time, she breathed as slow and as steady as possible, following the flow of the rising rapture.

This time, the sybil found herself riding over the crest. It made her laugh as she trembled in a frenzy of convulsions, over and over and over again.

Boxcode credit to Antipodes
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