If the Shinyama Pavilion is the proverbial brain of the Shinya in Lhavit, then the Monastery would be the heart. Located behind the Pavillion, the only path to the Monastery is a long and winding stairwell of carved stone. If one were to make the climb, they would find themselves in the primary residential sector of the Shinya. Those who have devoted their lives to their order are housed here along with their families in quarters slightly bigger than the housing given to the newly initiated, thought they are still sparsely furnished to reflect the lifestyle of those in the order. The topmost floors are dedicated to only the highest ranking and most important Shinya, who claim the largest rooms with some of the most breathtaking views of the Misty Peaks one can find.
Amidst the expanse of the Monastery are several private courtyards; the largest is reserved strictly for training for the Shinya, but the others may be used for meditation, as well as general meeting places and areas of repose. Often times the Shinya will seek out the Monasteries smaller courtyards for training in the use of projection, better able to focus than in the main courtyard or in the Pavilion's training areas that house the Acolytes and are in constant use. Though the Shinya live a lifestyle devoted to Lhavit, most still find time for other hobbies and activities in their short lives.
Finding a monk practicing painting, singing while sitting along the low rock walls, or studying a treatise on a subject that interests them is not uncommon. A public bathhouse is located within the structure, with a few private chambers for those who would desire such. In the middle of the Monastery lies the dining hall. Here, tall windows cut from the stone walls allow slices of Syna's warmth inside during the day, or provide a view into the realm of Leth and Zintila once night falls. Assemblies of the Shinya leadership are at times held here when the number of attendees requires a larger setting.
The Monastery has many other workers who are not a part of the Shinya brotherhood. Maids, servants, gardeners and cooks all have a livelihood here, and find that their masters are kind and never very cruel. One such honorary worker is Tanny; anyone who works at the Monastery, Shinya or otherwise, is familiar with him, and any visitors will be likely to spot him.
Tanny is an old rascal of a dog that currently lives within the Shinyama Monastery. He is owned by Reagan, an Acolyte who has yet to pass her Awakening, and thus cannot keep her precious companion with her at the Pavilion for the time being. As such, he spends his days lounging in the shade or bringing a smile to the faces of the Shinya. He is known as a prankster, stealing small items and piling them into nooks and crannies throughout the Monastery. Thus far, only a few of his treasure troves have been found, but the workers claim that anything that is lost in the Monastery can most likely be attributed to Tanny.
Despite his mischievous nature, he has quickly become a loved mascot by the Shinya. Anyone who visits the Monastery will most likely see Tanny at some point, and fall victim to his well practiced charms. Usually, this involves him attempting to gain possession over any food they have with them... no matter the cost.
Name: Shoji
Race: Human
Birthdate: 491 AV
Birthplace: Lhavit
Occupation: Worker at the Shinyama Monastery
Skills: Cleaning - 38, Cooking - 23, Gardening - 21, Meditation - 43, Sewing - 27
Languages: Common (Fluent)
Shoji is one of the workers within the Shinyama Monestary, and has taken up the role of acting as a sort of coordinator for the new workers who come to make the lives of the Shinya comfortable and functional. Always obedient, Shoji would probably not express his opinion on any matter of importance unless specifically asked to. He is forever alert, tending his duties and filling his days with work to ease the passage of time; he does not do any one particular job, rather he does what is needed as it arises.
However, despite his unwillingness to offer too much advice to his superiors, he is intelligent and creative, an excellent problem solver. He can often be found gardening throughout the monastery, lending extra loving care to the luminescent plants infused with calias that surround the structure. When Shoji has a rare moment of time for himself, it is almost always spent dutifully meditating among the gardens and courtyards in the Monastery.
Name: Ken Tanka
Race: Human
Birthdate: 499 AV
Birthplace: Lhavit
Occupation: Shinya Rider
Gnosis: 1 mark of Gnora (Severing level 1)
Skills: Flux - 15, Leadership - 21, Meditation - 39, Projection - 54, Riding (Okomo) - 30, Unarmed Combat - 55, Weapon (Jian) - 71
Languages: Common (Fluent)
Ken Tanka is the son of Alius Tanka, and the twin brother of Zen Tanka. He is a restricted and quiet individual, one that never speaks unless spoken to. Even so, he is more than an astute observer, though he oft keeps what his keen eyes spy for himself. Ken walks with an air of confidence and tranquility rarely found in those of his age group. Impassive and seemingly cold, he is one that does not know how to convey emotions well, or just chooses not to. His successes are not something he is proud of, or at least it wouldn't seem that way from the perspective of someone that knows him little.
As one worthy of carrying on his father's legacy, Ken finds the barriers placed between the different ranks within the Shinya as something easy to overcome - and though his ascension was not as fast as that of his father, some speculate that he might have purposefully lagged behind, careful not to advance too far in fear that his brother would lose hope and, consequentially, the will to improve on himself.
Human: Zhivka Pax
Race: Human
Birthdate: 482 AV
Birthplace: Lhavit
Occupation: Shinya Protector
Skills: Blind Fighting - 30, Meditation - 25, Projection - 35, Teaching - 25, Unarmed Combat - 25, Weapon (Tiger Hook Sword) - 30
Languages: Common (Fluent)
Zhivka is a fierce-looking woman despite her petite stature; she looks younger than she is, with dirt blonde hair usually pulled up out of her face. Colourful tattoos span both of her arms. She is a quiet person in general, and prefers to teach the Acolytes she sponsors with more direct, hands-on approaches. She splits her time fairly equally between the Monastery and the Pavilion.
Zhivka was born and raised in Lhavit. When she was 9 years of age, she joined the Shinya and worked towards earning her full rank by the age of 17, and since has been working with various Acolytes since. Along with the normal forms of combat she learned, she also learned to fight wearing a blindfold in case she ever had to fight where she could not see.
Name: Seth
Race: Human, mixed (Human/Svefra)
Birthdate: 499 AV
Birthplace: Lhavit
Occupation: Shinya Rider
Skills: Climbing - 35, Endurance - 26, Meditation - 35, Projection - 40, Riding (Okomo) - 50, Unarmed Combat - 48, Weapon (Shortbow) - 65, Weapon (Shortsword) - 45
Languages: Common (Fluent)
Seth has a head of tightly curled russet hair. He is fairly tall, and well-built, but he would definitely not be classed as a muscle-machine. His dark blue eyes are lit with a certain brightness, and he is always ready with a smile. He dresses in the uniform of his rank: a dark blue robe with silver trim, and a black sash with three white stripes and dark-coloured beads. When he’s off-duty, he wears hard-wearing, outdoorsy clothing, and favours green.
Seth is a Lhavitian born and bred. He wasn’t always a follower of the rules; in his youth, he often got in trouble with the Shinya for inconsequential mishaps and tricks, egged on by his sister. Over time, he grew up and discovered he had an honourable streak a mile high. He outgrew silly tricks, and fostered a deep love and respect for the traditions of his birth city.
He trained hard for several years, and after joining the Shinya ranks he discovered he had a natural inclination for riding. He soon achieved the rank of Rider, and developed his speciality: archery from the back of an okomo. He is at home on the slopes of Lhavit, and he is fair and level-headed. His only fault would be his innocent, naive outlook on the world, for he wants to believe the old adage: innocent until proven guilty.
This location is free to use provided you are a fully-fledged member of the Shinya, the family of a Shinya member, or a worker at the Monastery. Otherwise, please PM your ST for permission.
Amidst the expanse of the Monastery are several private courtyards; the largest is reserved strictly for training for the Shinya, but the others may be used for meditation, as well as general meeting places and areas of repose. Often times the Shinya will seek out the Monasteries smaller courtyards for training in the use of projection, better able to focus than in the main courtyard or in the Pavilion's training areas that house the Acolytes and are in constant use. Though the Shinya live a lifestyle devoted to Lhavit, most still find time for other hobbies and activities in their short lives.
Finding a monk practicing painting, singing while sitting along the low rock walls, or studying a treatise on a subject that interests them is not uncommon. A public bathhouse is located within the structure, with a few private chambers for those who would desire such. In the middle of the Monastery lies the dining hall. Here, tall windows cut from the stone walls allow slices of Syna's warmth inside during the day, or provide a view into the realm of Leth and Zintila once night falls. Assemblies of the Shinya leadership are at times held here when the number of attendees requires a larger setting.
The Monastery has many other workers who are not a part of the Shinya brotherhood. Maids, servants, gardeners and cooks all have a livelihood here, and find that their masters are kind and never very cruel. One such honorary worker is Tanny; anyone who works at the Monastery, Shinya or otherwise, is familiar with him, and any visitors will be likely to spot him.
Tanny is an old rascal of a dog that currently lives within the Shinyama Monastery. He is owned by Reagan, an Acolyte who has yet to pass her Awakening, and thus cannot keep her precious companion with her at the Pavilion for the time being. As such, he spends his days lounging in the shade or bringing a smile to the faces of the Shinya. He is known as a prankster, stealing small items and piling them into nooks and crannies throughout the Monastery. Thus far, only a few of his treasure troves have been found, but the workers claim that anything that is lost in the Monastery can most likely be attributed to Tanny.
Despite his mischievous nature, he has quickly become a loved mascot by the Shinya. Anyone who visits the Monastery will most likely see Tanny at some point, and fall victim to his well practiced charms. Usually, this involves him attempting to gain possession over any food they have with them... no matter the cost.

Race: Human
Birthdate: 491 AV
Birthplace: Lhavit
Occupation: Worker at the Shinyama Monastery
Skills: Cleaning - 38, Cooking - 23, Gardening - 21, Meditation - 43, Sewing - 27
Languages: Common (Fluent)
Shoji is one of the workers within the Shinyama Monestary, and has taken up the role of acting as a sort of coordinator for the new workers who come to make the lives of the Shinya comfortable and functional. Always obedient, Shoji would probably not express his opinion on any matter of importance unless specifically asked to. He is forever alert, tending his duties and filling his days with work to ease the passage of time; he does not do any one particular job, rather he does what is needed as it arises.
However, despite his unwillingness to offer too much advice to his superiors, he is intelligent and creative, an excellent problem solver. He can often be found gardening throughout the monastery, lending extra loving care to the luminescent plants infused with calias that surround the structure. When Shoji has a rare moment of time for himself, it is almost always spent dutifully meditating among the gardens and courtyards in the Monastery.
Ken Tanka
Race: Human
Birthdate: 499 AV
Birthplace: Lhavit
Occupation: Shinya Rider
Gnosis: 1 mark of Gnora (Severing level 1)
Skills: Flux - 15, Leadership - 21, Meditation - 39, Projection - 54, Riding (Okomo) - 30, Unarmed Combat - 55, Weapon (Jian) - 71
Languages: Common (Fluent)
Ken Tanka is the son of Alius Tanka, and the twin brother of Zen Tanka. He is a restricted and quiet individual, one that never speaks unless spoken to. Even so, he is more than an astute observer, though he oft keeps what his keen eyes spy for himself. Ken walks with an air of confidence and tranquility rarely found in those of his age group. Impassive and seemingly cold, he is one that does not know how to convey emotions well, or just chooses not to. His successes are not something he is proud of, or at least it wouldn't seem that way from the perspective of someone that knows him little.
As one worthy of carrying on his father's legacy, Ken finds the barriers placed between the different ranks within the Shinya as something easy to overcome - and though his ascension was not as fast as that of his father, some speculate that he might have purposefully lagged behind, careful not to advance too far in fear that his brother would lose hope and, consequentially, the will to improve on himself.
Zhivka Pax
Race: Human
Birthdate: 482 AV
Birthplace: Lhavit
Occupation: Shinya Protector
Skills: Blind Fighting - 30, Meditation - 25, Projection - 35, Teaching - 25, Unarmed Combat - 25, Weapon (Tiger Hook Sword) - 30
Languages: Common (Fluent)
Zhivka is a fierce-looking woman despite her petite stature; she looks younger than she is, with dirt blonde hair usually pulled up out of her face. Colourful tattoos span both of her arms. She is a quiet person in general, and prefers to teach the Acolytes she sponsors with more direct, hands-on approaches. She splits her time fairly equally between the Monastery and the Pavilion.
Zhivka was born and raised in Lhavit. When she was 9 years of age, she joined the Shinya and worked towards earning her full rank by the age of 17, and since has been working with various Acolytes since. Along with the normal forms of combat she learned, she also learned to fight wearing a blindfold in case she ever had to fight where she could not see.
Race: Human, mixed (Human/Svefra)
Birthdate: 499 AV
Birthplace: Lhavit
Occupation: Shinya Rider
Skills: Climbing - 35, Endurance - 26, Meditation - 35, Projection - 40, Riding (Okomo) - 50, Unarmed Combat - 48, Weapon (Shortbow) - 65, Weapon (Shortsword) - 45
Languages: Common (Fluent)
Seth has a head of tightly curled russet hair. He is fairly tall, and well-built, but he would definitely not be classed as a muscle-machine. His dark blue eyes are lit with a certain brightness, and he is always ready with a smile. He dresses in the uniform of his rank: a dark blue robe with silver trim, and a black sash with three white stripes and dark-coloured beads. When he’s off-duty, he wears hard-wearing, outdoorsy clothing, and favours green.
Seth is a Lhavitian born and bred. He wasn’t always a follower of the rules; in his youth, he often got in trouble with the Shinya for inconsequential mishaps and tricks, egged on by his sister. Over time, he grew up and discovered he had an honourable streak a mile high. He outgrew silly tricks, and fostered a deep love and respect for the traditions of his birth city.
He trained hard for several years, and after joining the Shinya ranks he discovered he had a natural inclination for riding. He soon achieved the rank of Rider, and developed his speciality: archery from the back of an okomo. He is at home on the slopes of Lhavit, and he is fair and level-headed. His only fault would be his innocent, naive outlook on the world, for he wants to believe the old adage: innocent until proven guilty.
OOC Info
Available Jobs
There are no prerequisites to work at the Monastery aside from the necessary skills; if you wish to work at the Monastery, simply ask your ST.
Job | Wages | Required Skills | Description |
Cook | 3 Ki/day | Cooking - 10+ | The cooks at the Monastery are responsible for making the Shinya and their families three balanced meals a day, and for keeping snacks in stock. |
Gardener | 4 Ki/day | Gardening - 10+ | The gardeners tend to the gardens at the Monastery, keeping them clean and the plants in good condition. |
General Worker | 2 Ki/day | Cleaning - 10+ | General workers at the Monastery tend to bounce between tasks; they do most of the cleaning, but may help in other areas as well provided they have the necessary skills. |
Nanny | 4 Ki/day | Caretaking - 5+ | Since the families of the Shinya accompany them and live with them at the Monastery, it is not entirely uncommon for young children to live in the Monastery. Due to this, nannies are needed. |
Tailor | 4 Ki/day | Sewing - 5+ | Rather than purchasing their robes elsewhere, many of the Shinya prefer to have in-house tailors that will make their clothing; it is also convenient since they don't have to go far for repairs should any of their robes rip or tear. |
There are no prerequisites to work at the Monastery aside from the necessary skills; if you wish to work at the Monastery, simply ask your ST.
This location is free to use provided you are a fully-fledged member of the Shinya, the family of a Shinya member, or a worker at the Monastery. Otherwise, please PM your ST for permission.