Nylah's Plotnotes

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This forum is an OOC forum for PCS and Organizations to work out plans in hardcopy. Each PC or Organization gets a single thread where their players can help work out plans for their PC. Quests, mini-sagas, and Trips can all be organized here as well working out timelines and points of travel and things PCs need to do along the way. Each PC however gets only one Plotnote for their individual PC. Groups get one as well. There is no limit on individuals posting saga or trip plotnote threads. Please denote [PC Plotnotes] or [Group Plotnotes] or [Quest/Trip/Saga Plotnotes] when titling your threads.

Nylah's Plotnotes

Postby Nylah Shepherd on June 27th, 2019, 2:01 am

Skill Wishlist
(in no particular order)

OOC (what I want Nylah to learn)

IC (What Nylah wants herself to learn)
Animal Husbandry
Last edited by Nylah Shepherd on June 27th, 2019, 4:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Nylah's Plotnotes

Postby Nylah Shepherd on June 27th, 2019, 2:35 am

Guard Dog

Name: Titan
Breed: Akinva Deerstalker
Bought: Winter 518 AV

Working as a prostitute, Nylah knew the dangers that could find her, so not only did she arm herself with a dagger but she also bought herself a guard dog. There were human guards at Brega's, but they didn't follow her around everywhere she went; they only helped at the brothel. Titan was bought to follow her around.

Because Nylah is still a Novice at Animal Husbandry, Titan can be a bit stubborn to deal with. He is very intelligent, but that also makes him harder to train. Despite having him for over a year, he still tends to not listen to her. Once he is well-trained, Nylah won't depend on walking him with a leash everywhere; he will learn to walk obediently by her side.

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Nylah's Plotnotes

Postby Nylah Shepherd on June 27th, 2019, 3:33 am


Short Term
  • Make some friends (0/5)
  • Make some foes (because drama is fun) (0/3)
  • Learn to Brawl
  • Learn to Cook
Long Term
  • Leave Sunberth for better life elsewhere
  • Become Master at Animal Husbandry

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Nylah's Plotnotes

Postby Nylah Shepherd on June 27th, 2019, 10:53 pm


Name - Explanation.

Name - Explanation.

Name - Explanation.

Bronwen Druva - Guard at Brega's House. Nylah's Roommate (starting 14 Summer 519 AV).
Last edited by Nylah Shepherd on June 27th, 2019, 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Nylah Shepherd
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Nylah's Plotnotes

Postby Nylah Shepherd on June 27th, 2019, 10:55 pm

Thread Ideas/Plans
  • Uhhhh
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Nylah Shepherd
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