Winter 313 AV
A sigh left the young Nuits lips as a body of a boy kept standing by a small table. Along the table was a set of different used tools from a carving tools and painting brushes. However on the table that was not a normal sight were different sets of bones from races that ranged from human to zith.
Vick was a mage in Sahova, he dealt mainly with Malediction which was a world magic that dealt with the bones of the dead and even living sometimes. He earned Mage status just two years ago when he got a hold of his own private lab which was a big step in things due to he was only on the island a year beforehand. A lot of nuits took much longer to prove they could be a Mage and even have a private lab or office. However Vick did have a downside in which he was only eight years old when he became an Nuit and if he did keep track he would have been 11 now but he would always be eight years old forever now.
His tiny little fingers kept moving along the skull of a female Zith however his mind was more blank then anything as he kept going over what his mentor told him. He was to work with another Mage on this day learning a new magic and also be a teacher himself to teach his own work to see if he would hold the right skill to have his own students one day. A lot of stress on one so young or at least he thought as he had no information on the other nuit even if it was a nuit or not. Other then they would come to his lab when they were ready but the thing with nuits were is that they had no reason to keep track of time like the rest of the world. What was one day or even one year testing something in the name of research?
What was his research? He could go with he was using his magic to give the people who died a second chance or even go with making use of the dead. However was that his real research or just a mean to an end? The research most nuits did on the island was in the name for weapons or magical discoveries in which could either be used by them in terms of getting them higher in the food chain in the island or as in something to be used as a stepping stone or at least this was how it was in his young eyes. Yet what was in goal for the research he did at the end of the day? Even after working with the field of Malediction for years he still could not hold a solid reason for it.
If he wanted to make weapons that could kill gods then he would work with Magecrafting. If he wanted to go to look at far away worlds then he would go with summoning but he did not do any of that. He worked alone like everyone else yet on bones of the dead using the djed they had in life and molding it into his own image and ideas. He learned how to do it when he was alive but then he became an nuit and came to the island. However he still went with learning it even after hardships all to be called a wizard but was that his real goal? Just to be called a wizard as he could have just learned a personnel magic down the road could he not?
He just shook his head as his fingers traced along the zith skull letting his fingers work along it as if they could cut into the hardness of the bone to form a circle. He had his tools yet he did not start work on the steps for malediction as he had yet to form an solid idea about the end goal he wanted from the skull. He never did start work until he had a plan of action for what was the point of unfinished project laying about?
Maybe some idea would come to him later as he closed his eyes for once. He was not tired for Nuits never did sleep. He had even came to the custom of not blinking or breathing for they were just humanoid actions inside his head. He had stopped acting like a human just roughly a year ago but at times he let his body react what it felt like. Then again he also did spend a good chuck of time playing by himself on the island near the shore and docks. His mentor at last came to stop prodding him to stop but to balance it out he made Vick study more and more from books to understand more about the world around him. Only then he could go play but he wanted to go play once more but his work now laid in wait with the other Nuit coming so play time for him was put off for now.
He let his eyes open once more as he looked down along his hands. He knew what his body looked like even without a mirror for Nuits could transfer from body to body like a hermit crab moves from shell to shell. He saw the body with his last one before doing the needed ritual. He stood about the same height of his last body which was about four feet even. His skin was a golden brown tone which was darker then what he was use to but it seemed the race was normal for that along with his black hair. His eyes were of a deep ruby red that stood out the most along his body but that was from the Vantha race traits which the body was or at least use to be before he took it.
However he did not look like a normal Vantha when it came to close up. Dark circles laid under his ruby eyes that looked like a form of lack of sleep however the circles were just far darker then what they should have been even without sleep. His lips were a tainted light blue as if in the cold winter wind of the high mountains during winter time. His tongue was a shade darker then his lips and his body held a cold touch as if it was just living stone. To anyone other then a Nuit or someone not use to the Nuit race it would have been called many things however to Nuits it was just a normal event for even while they could get bodies with ease on the island they could not stop them from looking like dead corpses for that long.
His eyes just looked back at his plain wooden door of his lab and without a sound he just moved to the desk that laid in the center. He let his body lay in chair as he took out a book he made when he came to the island, it dealt with the basic understanding of the types of magic in the world. He could had just got the main book from the library however he had made a copy on one of the first days so he could play outside but he found he enjoyed reading it now and then like now as he would wait for the other nuit to come play.