by Gossamer on July 30th, 2019, 3:43 am
It looks like we have two winners!
- Dorlamir Fireforged
- Wa'Djinnabi
Your little magic item prize will be a potion of cleaning! Yes, even in the misery of the dirty cities or dangerous wildlands, people need to keep clean! This potion comes in a fancy glass bottle that looks almost like a perfume bottle. If you uncap it, a long slim blown glass tip slides out of the liquid and will allow one small drip of the continents to flow down its point. If a person drips one drop of this potion - perfume style - onto the top of their head, the potion will cause the person to glow momentarily and everything on their body - clothing, skin, hair, even wounds will be cleaned. The potion isn't everlasting. Much like a bottle of fine perfume, it has about a hundred drops in it before the bottle is empty.
These items cannot be sold, gifted away, traded, or otherwise dispensed of. This is your prize and your prize alone. You just acquire it creatively in thread in order to have it on your person.