The Harbor [Post here first]

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

Re: The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Tarot on January 26th, 2010, 11:02 pm

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Re: The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Malia on March 15th, 2010, 8:25 pm

Timestamp: 25th day of Spring, 510 AV

After meeting up and discussing the details, the two Nuit had traveled down to Sunberth by foot and taken a boat up to Zeltiva, then had signed up for one of the trade ships that also carried passengers to reach their destination of Sahova, an island off the eastern coast of Sylira. Above all, Sahova was known for one fact: being inhabited by Nuit.

The strongest feeling in Malia’s chest and eyes as they were slowly approaching the harbor was, naturally, curiosity. It was steadily glowing in her eyes, these pitch-black orbs with the faint blue shimmer in them. Although she hadn’t been talkative for the whole journey – as it was her habit –, she had listened and heard wondrous and fantastic tales about the island of the undead. They were powerful Animators and many services were provided by professionally crafted golems. That much was fact and that much she could imagine, having worked with the theory of Animation before. What she regarded as cock-and-bull stories, however, was that the whole population consisted of golems or that the Nuit killed every visitor for experimental purposes or to make them one of their own. If Malia’s opinion was anywhere near reasonable, they would carefully consider which individual to choose for the Daek-Nuit, the transformation ritual. She just couldn’t believe that undead were produced like … say, bread. One after another, without thinking about right or wrong or enough.

Anyway, soon the ship anchored in the harbor that was covered in eerie silence. Malia felt a bit uncomfortable, but she also appreciated the lack of any loud noises. In a city like Syliras, one’s senses were often swamped with too many impressions. Not here though.

They had been told to stay on the ship until being approached by a golem, so that was what they did. Malia, however, wanted to make something clear before they entered the island and its civilization and thus gently dragged Cosette away from the crew. Her eyes penetrated the other girl as she whispered: “I don’t want you to mention my real name here, not at all. I will be Azola during our stay. Do you understand?” As soon as she got a clear answer, she prevented Cosette from saying more. “Don’t ask, I can’t tell you anyway.” Or rather, she didn’t dare to tell her. Everyone who knew something was in danger, so it was some kind of protection if they knew as little as possible. Hopefully they would be left alone if it came down to an encounter.

Malia really hoped that traveling Sahova wouldn’t turn out to be a terrible mistake.

Then the golem approached and spoke in a strangely metallic voice. Cosette must have been used to that sight, but Malia eyed it with suppressed suspicion. Hoping that it wouldn’t be too intelligent, she answered: “My name is Azola, and I’ve come here to study and learn from the resident mages. It’s the usual things that I carry with me in this backpack, toiletries, clothing and so on.” Although she hesitated to unpack, she eventually produced a yellow and violet dress as an example and hoped that that would be enough. She herself was wearing practical street clothing in dark shades as well as her worn, ankle-long cloak.

After they had passed the entrance procedures, Malia waited for Cosette to lead the way. Since the girl had been to the island before, she expected her to know which direction they had to turn into.
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Re: The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Cosette Merryweather on March 16th, 2010, 2:18 am

Now Cosette had only visited Sahova once and during that time Master Farke had been gracious enough to guide her to the citadel. But now that the circumstances were different she had to rely on her memory, fortunately her first visit to Sahova had been frightening enough to burn everything that had transpired that day into memory.

Malia's request to use an alias confused the young Nuit. True it was a nice precaution but it would've been utterly useless to lie in front of a auristics master, surely drainira would see right through her.

"Azola..." Cosette repeated the name at least twenty times before turning to Malia, "I'll try, ah... I'm not so good at lying. Mind you, if a disembodied voice speaks to you and if that voice is undeniably female that would be Drainira. She's like... the brain of the citadel, she's not like the golems however. She's smart and she can somehow read people through magic, if you're going to hide your real name avoid mentioning it in the first place."

"Mr.Golem I hope you don't mind if we take one of the carriages, I'm visiting to have a chat with Master Farke. is it alright to do so without a letter from him?" she carefully rummaged through her bag finding the envelope she needed. "I do have one from Mashaen, would you like to see that?"

The golem silently shook its head, refusing the letter but it did gesture for the pair to follow it. Cosette led the way, her tiny footsteps chasing after the golem's enormous strides. Looking back, this might have been the very same golem she had met only seasons ago. Perhaps it still remembered her and that was why it was entertaining her request, she could probably confirm her guess but she didn't want to risk asking a question the golem couldn't answer, its intelligence was limited and Cosette didn't want to hurt its feelings if it was equipped with those.

They finally reached the horseless carriage and Cosette opened the doors, hopping inside before Malia. With a hand extended in Malia's direction Cosete invited the other nuit inside with a gesture of the hand. As soon as the other nuit was ready she would ask the carriage to bring them to Sahova and its wheels would start moving forward on their own.

The ride wouldn't be terribly long, as the horseless carriage zipped past the Sahovan landscape Malia would see nothing but foliage and crag though minutes later they would spot the enormous citadel and its weathered walls rising into the sky, above everything else. "Welcome to Sahova."
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Talhar on April 19th, 2010, 2:08 pm

76th day of Spring, 510 AV

It took Talhar 11 days to travel from Zeltiva to Sahova. Sharp, windy storms and sweeping waves that clattered over the deck were common during the trip and although it was the second time Talhar was on a ship he still hadn't grown accustomed to the rocking motion the ship made and as a result he often had to hurl over the railing of the The Traveller, as the ship was called, Talhar was fond of the ship's name for it reminded him of his goal, to travel the known and unknown world and spread the love of Morwen by being a good human being.

His travels first brought him to Zeltiva, than Syliras and after a short trip back to Zeltiva he boarded a ship who was on its way to Sahova. When the captain asked what the reason behind him going to Sahova was, Talhar replied:

" I have noticed on my short time travelling that I am too ... weak to survive a global travel through the harsh and dangerous unknown lands, and I've heard of a peculiar and interesting magic called Familiary. I wish for a Familiar Mage to train me in the arts of Familiary. "

The captain and the crewmembers listened intently, the humans that dared to seek training on the Nuit citadel/island Sahova were few and far inbetween. And to have one of them on his very own ship, the captain could not help but shake his head.

When asked what was wrong the captain responded:

" Rare are the people who wish to seek training from these .... Nuit-creatures, safety is not guaranteed and neither is training, it is dangerous to say the least. "

" Danger is a path that intertwenes with Travel my good man, I can not walk away from this opportunity, not when I'm this close! "
Was Talhar's response.

The ship finally entered one of Sahova's 3 piers and when steadily roped at the pier a weird cylindershaped moving machine appeared by the side of the ship.
Talhar was about to jump off ship when he was grabbed by a few crewmembers.

" No mate, we have to ask permission first. State your business and goods that you brang with you here, to the Golem. "
Said the captain to Talhar.

Talhar was a bit flustered by the weird ceremony-like situation, but he talked towards the Golem's " head " anyway.

" Goodday, I am here to seek training in the magical arts of Familiary from a residential mage, one who I have yet to meet, but hopefully will get the opportunity to. I brought with me my backpack containing some standard items like a comb, razor, clothes, ... I also brought my quiver of javelins and spear with me. "

" I hope there isn't a problem with that? "
He asked the golem, feeling sillier by the second for expecting a reply from a metallic structure.

Still he asked one more thing.

" Please, take me to a mage who can teach me Familiary. "
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Tarot on April 21st, 2010, 8:17 pm

The Communicator golem stood motionless in front of the Vantha as he pleaded his case. Three seconds of silence ensued as the thing computed a suitable response.

"Several masters have expressed an interest in hiring mainlanders in exchange for magic classes." The voice was a metallic monotone, devoid of inflections or breathing pauses. "Among those, Familiary users include Master Mizelio the Summoner and Master Aelobius the Voider. Embark on the horseless carriage outside the port and it will take you to the citadel."

"Usage of Sahova facilities," the golem reminded Talhar, "constitutes acceptance of all its rules and regulations. Transgressors will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of Alahean law. Minor offences are punished by enslavement. Medium offences are punished by death." Interestingly, the golem did not say what was the punishment for serious offences. Still, its piece spoken, it allowed Talhar to disembark.

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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Rojeck Harl on May 4th, 2010, 8:59 pm


Rojeck actually looked forward to the trip to Sahova, this was a trip he had been waiting 50 years to make, to meet those of his own kind and pursuit in unlife. Nuit were rare outside of this place and those dedicated to the magical pursuits were even rarer. He knew he was rare among the rare so to be not the exception for once was something he desired. He also hoped to get some instruction in two disciplines as well.

He was primarily a student of World Magic and the more scientific approach of the Sahovans was better suited to a practitioner of the more scientific disciplines. The secret he had hoped to unlock most of all was that of getting a Familiar, his mother had one of the Fyrdenese and he had grown up watching the fascinating creature. He had pumped his mother for all her knowledge about the Fyrdenese, however he could never get the Astral Coordinates for that world from her so he could seek his own Familiar. Hopefully the Sahovan mages would grant him access to that world to find what he sought. He had only heard rumors about them and what he had heard was that they were secretive and isolationist.

The one problem with travel to Sahova was that it was an island and that meant crossing water and this was never good on a Nuit. He had discovered many decades ago that Nuits and water did not mix.Water, especially sea water had a nasty habit of speeding up the decay of one's host body and he did not need that since he had not too long ago acquired a new one. Bodies were hard enough to come by without doing anything to speed up the need for one. The requirement for Ichor in Summoning rituals meant that he would eventually have open wounds in many places so he went through bodies a bit faster than the average Nuit.

So he headed for Zeltiva from Syliras which was a long overland journey and found passage on a ship headed for Sahova. He found it would take 11 days at sea to get to the shores of the undead isle, that meant 11 days surrounded by enough seawater to destroy the bodies of a whole planet of Nuit. That meant 11 days sitting beneath the decks trying not to pay attention to the sounds of the water outside. However the trip to Sahova was well worth the effort, or so he hoped it would be.

After 11 days he was told they were docking at Port Silence, this was enough to make him wander up to the decks and risk the salt water to witness their arrival. It was as he had been told, their arrival was greeted by silence, nothing but the slapping of the water against the hull of the ship and the winds that steered them toward the three docks. He was more and more aware that this was an island of the undead as there were sparse temporary warehouses and staging areas for the famous Golems which the Sahovans made with precision and beauty.They had finally docked and secured the ship as best they could without getting off. The gangplank was lowered and then he waited for the Communicator Golem to arrive to apply for admission to the citadel.

It was but a few chimes and the machine appeared,it moved on six wheels and resembled a cylinder with two more attached for “arms”. The thing had a human-like head and gem-like eyes it spoke slowly and with a voice that smelled of gears and oil. Welcome to Sahova. Identify yourselves and state the purpose of your visit. [b]Identify yourselves and state the purpose of your visit. If you are carrying cargo, provide a full description and unload a sample for evaluation. Any passengers wishing to be escorted to the Citadel must approach me and apply for permission. Then it went silent and spoke no more.

Rojeck slowly approached the Golem knowing that other heavily armed ones were present and not visible. He spoke quietly and with surety. I am Rojeck Harl, a Nuit Mage. I seek entry into the Citadel for the purposes of seeking an Instructor in the disciplines of Familarity and Animation. Is there anyone available that I could speak to? he awaited an answer
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Panna Cotta on May 25th, 2010, 12:20 pm

The Communicator golem retreated a couple of steps backward and buzzed a metallic hum. It creaked, as if suffering from a minor malfunction. The response droned like screeching metal, "S-gggr." It grunted its reply, "There have been several masters who have expressed their interest in hiring mainlanders in exchange for magic classes. You may enter the citadel. Embark on the horseless wagon outside the port and it will directly take you to the citadel. You will be greeted by a master inside."

"We expect you to fully embrace Sahovan rules and regulations." The golem continued speaking in a voice that was monotonous and metallic, "Transgressors will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of Alahean law... Alahean law... Alaheoon rawl..." Its speech dulled and died as the Communicator golem convulsed wildly - its metallic body shivered, its wheels vibrated as if they would roll out of place.

It did not give any warning before it burst on its own spot, just a few paces from the nuit mage. Had the visitor been paying attention, he would have noticed the small rocket-like device that flew towards his direction. Surely the Sahovan masters did not get rid of their dysfunctional golems so easily?

Scrap metal flew and fell, and dust clouds and balls puffed into the air. The earth was scorched in small circular bursts, suggesting that somebody or something opened fire.

If Rojeck Harl would immediately ride the wagon, he would hear the distant rumbling of other communicator golems and catch a glimpse of a fully armed Docks Overseer assessing the port area. Behind him, the ship's crew disembarked - for what reason, it would not be in his capacity to know.

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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Hadrian on June 2nd, 2010, 5:46 am

12th Summer, 510 A.V.
Day Eighteen

The sun was bright in the sky and remained so even as the ship approached the harbor of the undead isle. The closer it came, however, the less the light seemed to cheer and light the world, or perhaps that was just in the eyes of the beholder. Hadrian beheld Port Silence, or whatever it was called, and remembered every wise misgiving he or anyone else had ever had about his going to Sahova, but he was here now and there was nothing to be done for it. He was nervous more than scared. There were wizards here who could kill him without batting an eyelash, perhaps, but how could one fear that? There was no control over that situation, and if it came, well, it was likely part of the bargain.

He blinked, engaging his auristic Sight as they approached, trying to read something in the djed, but knowing it would be beyond his skill to see anything they didn't want him to see. Sighing, he let it go, and let his thoughts carry him off again until he was startled by the bump of the ship against the quay. The sailors were so quiet that he hadn't been roused to their imminent docking; this was the quietest he had seen them in his four days aboard their ship.

The captain of the ship spoke to an automaton as the sailors wrapped the hawsers around the bollards and completed their temporary mooring. Hadrian waited silently until the captain walked over to his side, rubbing nervous perspiration from his brow with a handkerchief. The young enchanter managed to at least look unflappable, even if his heart rate was elevated.

"They're taking on the reagents," he informed the young master. "Are you sure you don't want me to vouch for you?"

"Not to worry, captain. I'll merit an audience on my own... if that doesn't work, well, perhaps I'll concede. Wish me luck."

"Aye, I wish you that. That and more. All the gods blessings on you, young master. Will you wait for your brother...?"

"No, I will speak to him later, I suppose. I want to get this over with." They nodded to each other and Hadrian strode purposefully up to the same automaton with which the vessel's captain had spoken.

"Welcome to Sahova," it said, "identify yourselves and state the purpose of your visit. If you are carrying cargo, provide a full description and unload a sample for evaluation. Any passengers wishing to be escorted to the Citadel must approach me and apply for permission."

"Hadrian Aelius, enchanter, seeks escort to the Citadel, please."
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Tarot on June 4th, 2010, 8:36 pm

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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Ryshaltze on July 24th, 2010, 5:24 am

Season of Winter, Day 47, 490 AV

It was nearing the time where Leth could be together with Syna for a brief moment before resuming his watchful gaze on the mortal realm. The unearthly silence, along with the chill of the winter cold, did not help raise the morale of the living races on board the Kova III. It was a normal stop for the ship to make in order to earn profits, as items marked to be freighted to and from the island of Sahova tended to be easy to transport, yet highly valuable in terms of commission earned, making the captain and the crew of the ship easy profit margins. The only problem is bearing with the journey and the uneasy island, for no one - except the nuit - can claim to be completely unaffected by the surreal aura the island constantly emanate.

Ryshaltze was not one of the cargo crew, however, but in a way it could be said that he was one of the cargo. Convincing the captain to let him have a place on the ship in exchange for carrying out basic duties on the ship was an easy thing to do as he was a fast learner, and he learned the basics of sailing in no time at all, easing the workload of the crew on the way here. It was time for him to depart, however, for he had reached his destination.

Though uninvited, he had visited this island mainly to learn more about magic and - if he was lucky enough - get a stint as an apprentice here. The fame of this island as both a creepy place no sane mortal would want to be as well as the fame of it being the central magic hub of all Mizahar got his attention early on in his travels throughout the land.

He looked at the communication golem and wondered what he was supposed to say.

"I am Ryshaltze, and I am here to seek apprenticeship from the masters of this island. Failing which I am more than happy to provide assistance in exchange for knowledge and to understand more about the Art the masters of this island utilizes."
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