Location: Courtyard of the Sky Purpose: Seize the Flag The Wind Warrior sat proudly upon his throne. It was his right, of course, to oversee the Festival's happening and assign Snow Battle teams as people registered. The cost of registering was easy. Pretty ladies gave him a kiss and he gave them a colored tunic to go over their cold weather gear and a stash of corresponding 'ammunition'. Gentleman gave him a bow and yet another tunic was proffered. Two flags rippled on either side of the enormous courtyard while Eagles lined the walls. The colors were red and blue. The actual rules stated the Eagles themselves could not seize the flag, only a human could. But they could produce a body count for certain for their side, whichever side that was. Regardless, the Wind Warrior of last year reclined, piles of tunics on either side of him and waited. When someone approached and paid tribute, he'd give them the same speech. "The Courtyard of the Sky is buried under fifteen feet of packed snow and we've transformed it with the help of a small army of Dek into a veritable proving grounds. Enough snow has been cleared from around one set of doors between the mountain and the Courtyard to allow contestants to gather before diving into the tunnel-warscape. Stairs carved in the snow lead downward into tunnels. No tunnel leads directly to a flag without surfacing multiple times in multiple places where contestants must cross open snow to get to another tunnel. The Wind Eagles are free to pluck contestants from the courtyard if they can catch them above ground, taking them out of the game." He gestured, showing that on either end of the Courtyard a large expanse has been cleared as a base. From these bases, five tunnels snake toward the other team’s. However, neither side’s tunnels actually intersect with the other’s. To make it to the other base, the soldiers must use one of the available hatches to pop onto the surface of the snow and make a run for an opposing opening. He smiled a bit sadistically. "More people are 'eaten' than manage to ever make it to the other side." Rumor had it that sometimes the eagles did eat people, though it wasn't a certain or frequent event. "A team accumulates ‘kills’ by hitting a competitor with a thin glass sphere filled with dye. The dye is a dry powder that reacts with the moisture from the snow gathered on coats. Once splotched, a competitor is out and must evacuate the battle ground. These balls are stockpiled in the bases and secret caches throughout the tunnels. First come first serve. If a team runs out, their firepower and ability to decimate the other team has been compromised." He added. "Please note. The Wind Eagles are contenders. They cannot be disqualified, and anyone attempting to strike at them will be punished. Surface and remain and you are 'dead' since they will remove you from the game." Through telepathy, they coordinate the attacks and keep track of everyone’s kills. Riders, that way, had an advantage because their wind eagles could defend them against other wind eagles if they surfaced to make a run for the flag. "The Eagle with the most scoops at the end of the game will be awarded a complete remodeling of his nest, new wind chimes, games, or new tack/gear. The soldier with the most kills will be allowed to choose a prize. The soldier with the most flag captures will choose a prize. And the one with the most combined will also be deemed a winner." The Wind Warrior said, smiling in delight. This was always his favorite part of hte festival. "Are we ready?!" He called in a singsong voice, and with that began receiving his honors and passing out tunics. He got to choose, not the participant, which team they'd be on. Points :