Astraea had finally arrived in Syliras, and she could not help but feel slightly nervous. She had never travelled outside of Wind Reach before and she found it exciting but was not too sure on where to go from here.
A little exploring? She liked the idea of that, but where to go first?
Spotting a soft patch of ground she walked over to it and dropped to the floor, crossing her legs and massaging her feet, switching from one to the other. They ached, and she was not surprised; she had been walking all day and only had a few short stops to eat. Sighing with the relief of removing the weight off her feet she swung her composite bow round and run her fingers along it, the corners of her mouth twitching up into a smile.
Suddenly remembering something she looked into her bag and found some left over bread; her last piece. Making a mental note to get some more she bit into it and gratefully swallowed it down, wishing it could last longer.
Some strands of her red hair fell in front of her face and she wiped it back as she swallowed her last piece of bread and looked around her, her bright blue eyes glinting slightly with hope and possible plans for the future.
What could she do? She guessed the ideas were limitless. Astraea had heard things about this lively, bustling city that housed many races. She knew there was a lot to be learned which would start as soon as possible.