13th Summer 510 AV
It was just under a season since Ennisa had turned ten years old. The birthday cheer that had filled her Spring with happiness had faded down to the usual background normality. That wasn't to say that she was not a happy child - far from it! Ennisa was a remarkably cheerful young lady. Life was good for this little Lhavit child. She spent her days larking around with her younger brother, and other neighbourhood friends, exploring and playing and laughing through the streets and across the fields and over mountainous boulders. As well as this, she lived a comfortable life with her mother and step-father. They weren't rich, and their home wasn't fancy, but they were cared for.
Not that Ennisa really understood the security of two loving parents and a warm bed to sleep in at night. She, like many children, took her parents and their home for granted. Often, she and Seth left home even before the sun had risen, which left their parents worrying about them, especially as they didn't return home until after the sun had set. No matter how many times her mother had told her, Ennisa couldn't really fathom why they would be worrying, as she knew that they were perfectly fine, and so she didn't take their warnings to heart.
Most days during summer, Ennisa and Seth woke before their parents, and sneaked out to make the most of the warm weather before autumn came around again. The morning of the 13th was no different. Ennisa woke up before Seth, like normal. She was a light sleeper, so when the first glimpse of the rose-pink sunrise gleamed through the window, she was up and awake. She and Seth shared a bedroom as they were both quite small, so she padded over to poke him awake, stifling a yawn as she did so.
"Hey, get up sleepy head." She whispered so as not to wake up her parents, asleep next door. Seth mumbled something unintelligible, so Ennisa kept prodding his forehead until he blinked his eyes awake with a slight frown. She smiled and ruffled his mop of hair. Teasingly, she whispered, "Fiiinally! C'mon Seth, we've probably got half a bell before they wake up. Let's get going."
Seth rubbed his eyes with his knuckles, and squinted through the window. Outside, the sun was beginning to rise fast. The rose colour had been joined by a small symphony of golden honey tones and the faded blue of the cloudless sky - it was going to be another perfect day. He stirred himself and the two children got ready. When they were both ready, Ennisa slipped into her shoes and gently creaked the door open. Seth, who had both hands shoved into his pockets, peered around her shoulders impatiently from behind. She did her best to ignore him, and pushed the door as slowly as she could, as she was well-aware of the squeak it had acquired that had alerted their parents of their movements one too many times.
The door did squeak, just briefly, but it was so quiet that Ennisa breathed a little deeper, sure she had managed to be sneaky enough. She nodded to Seth, who grinned with simple, childish delight, and he tip-toed towards the front door and opened this, just as carefully. Ennisa was simply desperate to get outside, so it was her turn to wait impatiently behind her brother as he slid the door open. Finally, after less than two chimes, the brother and sister duo had escaped - to freedom!