[Sign Up!] The 2019 Mizahar NaNoWriMo!

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This forum contains all the NaNo threads from years gone past. Thus far we have only 2011 archived! But hopefully we'll have a ton more forthcoming as the years go by and NaNo's come and go.

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[Sign Up!] The 2019 Mizahar NaNoWriMo!

Postby Gossamer on December 1st, 2019, 2:41 pm

NaNo is officially over! Please post your results in this thread and any comments you might have about your performance and goals met etc! Good job everyone!

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[Sign Up!] The 2019 Mizahar NaNoWriMo!

Postby Kelski on December 1st, 2019, 3:09 pm


Total: 50388 - Finished.

NaNo tracking chart :
Day Word Goal Daily Total Total Words ✘/✔
1 1,667 1849 1849
2 3,334 4456 6305
3 5,001 3562 9867
4 6,668 0 9867
5 8,335 2807 12674
6 10,002 0 12674
7 11,669 2041 14715
8 13,336 0 14715
9 15,003 0 14715
10 16,670 2564 17279
11 18,337 1387 18666
12 20,004 0 18666
13 21,671 0 18666
14 23,338 1179 19845
15 25,005 0 19845
16 26,672 5636 25481
17 28,339 5074 30555
18 30,006 2664 33219
19 31,673 3167 36386
20 33,340 0 36386
21 35,007 0 36386
22 36,674 0 36386
23 38,341 0 36386
24 40,008 3258 39664
25 41,675 1462 41126
26 43,342 0
27 45,009 0
28 46,676 2529 43655
29 48,343 3100 46755
30 50,000 3633 50388

thread by thread tally :
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[Sign Up!] The 2019 Mizahar NaNoWriMo!

Postby Crylon Stonecraft on December 1st, 2019, 6:50 pm

2019 Nano Tracker
Total- 13,983 - did not make it to the halfway point or full amount.

Did have an idea for the main prize for Kelski who finished- Tanroa's Sigil of Kelvic Bonding (or whatever name, I'm not good with naming stuff).
-What it does- Appears as a small tattoo or sigil made up of numerous tiny runes which combine to form an hourglass shape. Once applied to a kelvic becomes permanently etched onto their skin. Can only be applied to a Kelvic.
-Effect- Once applied can be activated by a Kelvic or their current bondmate at will. On activation both the Kelvic and their bondmate will appear in a sub-chamber within time which appears as a hazy void with only the two of them clearly visible. They will not be able to bring any objects with them, and will appear back just as they left though recalling the full events that transpired within. From an outside perspective no time will have passed while they are within the chamber. However within the chamber the two bonded will experience time and be able to communicate normally.
-Uses- Can be used multiple times each season, up to a total combined usage of 5 chimes over a single season. Each usage has to be for at least 1 chime, but can be longer as desired up to the total limit. Once the time limit for the season ends they will not be able to activate the effect again till the next season. No limit on range, so long as both are currently present in time at the same moment- regardless of location.

Daily Count :
Day | Word Goal |Daily Total |Total Words
1 | 1,667 | X | 0
2 | 3,334 | X | 0
3 | 5,001 | 1,169 | 1,169
4 | 6,668 | X | 0
5 | 8,335 | X | 0
6 | 10,002 | 1,162 | 2,331
7 | 11,669 | X | 0
8 | 13,336 | X | 0
9 | 15,003 |X | 0
10 | 16,670 | 1,601 | 3,932
11 | 18,337 | X | 0
12 | 20,004 |317 | 4,249
13 | 21,671 | X | 0
14 | 23,338 | X | 0
15 | 25,005 | 480 | 4,729
16 | 26,672 | X | 0
17 | 28,339 | X |
18 | 30,006 | 768+420 | 5,917
19 | 31,673 | X | 0
20 | 33,340 | X | 0
21 | 35,007 | X | 0
22 | 36,674 | 1,033 | 6,950
23 | 38,341 | 551 | 7,501
24 | 40,008 | 2,612+557 | 10,670
25 | 41,675 | 371+920 | 11,961
26 | 43,342 | X | 0
27 | 45,009 | 2,022 | 13,983
28 | 46,676 | X | 0
29 | 48,343 | X | 0
30 | 50,000 | X | 0

Posts/Threads :
-3- Stars Align post- 1,169
-6- Black Sails post-1,162
-10- A Journey, a Joy, Part I- 684+440+477= 1,601
-12- A Symbol a Sigil post 1- 317
-15- A Symbol a Sigil post 2- 480
-18-Of Tunnels and Tallies- 768
-18- Black Sails- 420
-22- Of Tunnels and Tallies- 1,033
-23- Good Intentions- 551
-24- Taking a Job Part I thread- 568+778+665+601= 2,612
-24- Taking a Job Part II 1st post- 557
-25- A Symbol a Sigil post 3- 371
-25- Black Sails- 920
-27- Taking a Job Part II 3 posts- 644+755+603= 2,022
Last edited by Crylon Stonecraft on December 1st, 2019, 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Sign Up!] The 2019 Mizahar NaNoWriMo!

Postby Gossamer on December 1st, 2019, 6:50 pm

NANO Prizes!


November is the stupidest month to have a NaNo! Its honestly crazy busy, people have finals, and the weather is turning dark and dingy so no one is wanting to do more than take a good nap in their spare time. Despite all that, you guys did really well. A lot of you got at least halfway and those are the people I'm going to reward!

If you wrote at least 25,000 towards NaNo, I will allow you all to put FIVE objects of your choice (your PC must own them or be able to easily acquire them in thread) into my Cauldron and I will craft a magical item for you from them!

You can use colored candles - which mean things - or scents or even just simply random things like a clown's red nose! Just make sure its something you can get your hands on as a PC!

Then, like last time, you'll need to write out a thread or a post within another thread, where you dream doing this with a magic cauldron and you acquire your prize. I do this because I like people to collect the prizes immediately and not let them sit around going..."I need to find that somewhere in some thread sometime soon!"

And since Kelski was the only one that actually finished, I'm going to let you guys pick her prize. I hate awarding myself prizes and thinking up things because I always think its too much or outrageous etc. So if someone has some suggestions, please make them and otherwise, if you have your 25K done... post here what ingredients you are going to use and go for it! I'll post up your results after I see your ingredients.


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[Sign Up!] The 2019 Mizahar NaNoWriMo!

Postby Asterope on December 2nd, 2019, 3:28 am

Grand Total: 25,296 words

I may not have finished, but I'm actually really happy with myself for hitting the halfway mark. That's a heck of a lot more than I've done for NaNo in recent years, and considering the huge lull I've had in my writing recently, was a huge amount for me period.

Congrats to everyone for trying their best, and congrats to Kelski for winning! I'm a bit braindead at the moment but I'll return to edit this post in the next day or so with my cauldron items (thank you for the wicked prize, Goss!) and hopefully an idea for Kels' prize. :)

NaNo Tracker :
DayWord Count (Daily)Word Count (Total)
Goal 50,000

Edit: Okay, here are the five items that I'd like to put in the cauldron, please!

1 - Bound flametongue dagger (The weapon is bound to the wielder and will cause pain to anyone else trying to wield it; equivalent to a minor wound ever minute it is held regardless of hand coverings. Awarded here*, claimed here*)
2 - A sunflower
3 - A white dove feather
4 - A piece of pink sea glass
5 - A stray cat's skull

And here is an idea for a prize for Kelski. I followed Cry's theme of something to do with bondmates. :) I also was inspired by a D&D item, not even going to lie lol. And of course if you like the concept but feel the item needs editing in some way you're entirely free to do so!

Lovers' Lockets :
Two necklaces that are virtually identical except that one is silver, and one is gold; each necklace is a fine chain with a small heart-shaped locket at the end, engraved with filigree and set with a heart-shaped ruby. Inside the locket is room for a small token; a scrap of paper or lock of hair, or something similar. The lockets will only function as a pair worn by two people at the same time, and only if they are worn by two people who have a deep love and devotion for each other; if only one person is wearing theirs, or if there is no genuine bond between the two people who wear them at the same time, then for all intents and purposes, they are just pretty necklaces.

The lockets have two purposes; first, they serve as an alarm if something terrible has happened to the other wearer. If one of the wearers is severely injured, then the other will know as the ruby on their locket will begin to emit a glow; the brighter the light, the more severe the injury. If the lockets are being worn when one of the wearers dies, then the ruby on the other locket will shatter.

Secondly, the lockets allow communication over any distance. Up to 5 times a season, for a maximum of 5 chimes each time, the lockets may serve as a communication device, allowing the two who wear them to speak through the lockets to each other. In order to do so, all the wearer has to do is tap the ruby and speak the other wearer's name; the two can then speak into the lockets, and will hear each other as if they were right next to each other for the allotted 5 chimes. This will theoretically function no matter how far apart the two wearers are in the world, but they must both be in the same world for it to function (ie it will not function if one wearer is in a dominion realm or elsewhere outside of Mizahar).

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[Sign Up!] The 2019 Mizahar NaNoWriMo!

Postby Gossamer on December 3rd, 2019, 10:37 am

You have until friday to post in here and get your prize.

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[Sign Up!] The 2019 Mizahar NaNoWriMo!

Postby Ennisa on December 3rd, 2019, 1:24 pm

This was such a fun month of writing. It was great to participate with everyone. Well done, one and all!

I decided to write a short dream thread to claim my prize for hitting the half-way mark. Here's the thread.

The five items I chose are:
  1. Ennisa's heirloom, an iron dagger engraved with the initials F.V.Z
  2. A drop of her own blood
  3. A cup of Ahger ocean salt water
  4. A lit lantern
  5. A rough black stone from Zintia Peak in Lhavit
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[Sign Up!] The 2019 Mizahar NaNoWriMo!

Postby Autumn Rose on December 5th, 2019, 2:28 am


Here are the items that Autumn will be tossing into the cauldron:
-A black masquerade mask with the constellation Zintila's Fall painted around the eyes. It has a sorrowful appearance overall.
-A lock of Gweneveh's hair (brown)
-A lock of baby Candace's hair (black)
-A vial of Soulmist made by Deshira Craven
-A forest green candle that matches Candace's eyes
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[Sign Up!] The 2019 Mizahar NaNoWriMo!

Postby Baelin Holt on December 6th, 2019, 2:38 am

Into the Cauldron:
1) A piton (from Baelin's Climber's Kit)
2) A tail cut off of a dead rat
3) A pebble that was wedged in the bottom of his boot
4) Softwood shavings (from whittling)
5) A root yanked from a Stone Rose

And as for Kelski's prize: I think if you want another wish, you should have one.
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[Sign Up!] The 2019 Mizahar NaNoWriMo!

Postby Madeira Dusk on December 6th, 2019, 3:41 am


I joined Ennisa is her dream thread here. This was a tough Nano year, but I'm glad someone from Miz made it. Congrats Kelski!

Cauldron Items
    1. A silver moonstone ring, Mad's first summoning ring
    2. A vial of simmering dust, which is the bodily remains of a murdered Eth
    3. Winger, a powdered hallucinegetic drug from Wind Reach
    4. Silver dice, won from a sailor in a game of chance
    5. A blue diamond

All items are from Mad's ledger and will be removed :thumbsup:
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