The burning hearth threw a sinister shadow upon the far wall. A spindly Symenestra crouched into a predatory pose near the corner, his claws searching the floor before him. His violet eyes glimmered eagerly in the low light of the evening, fixed on the spot in front of him. His prey had eluded him thus far, but he would emerge the victor in this duel of wits.
There was a bloody rat in here.
His claws brushed over what he was searching for: tiny, compact droppings scattered over the floor along the wall. This was unnervingly close to his larder. Yvaleth drew his hand up and cautiously sniffed at his claws.
Immediately he scowled and forcefully exhaled the odor from his nostrils and wiped off his claws. Vile.
By far, this was the worst element of living on the surface. Vermin were everywhere. Mice, rats, diseased cats, flea-laden birds, and various insects infested every ground level dwelling, regardless of what part of the world he visited.
The surface world was filthy. Kalinor didn't have any godsdamned rats. Bats, occasionally, but they mostly kept to themselves. They settled in the unpopulated parts of the caverns. Most importantly: they didn't raid larders.
In a smooth motion, the Symenestra drew up to his feet. His long shadow, now splashed across the ceiling, shrank as it followed him to a cabinet of supplies. Yvaleth wrapped a length of string around his fingers, which would serve as part of a simple snare. He needed something to act as the trigger, and something to provide the snapping mechanism for the trap.
Yvaleth stared at his mostly empty cabinet, waiting for something to leap out at him and volunteer. Several moments passed uneventfully. He frowned deeply.
Knock. Knock-knock-knock.
The Symenestra was stirred out of his thoughts. He turned to look over his shoulder at the door, feeling his hackles raise. A visitor? This couldn’t be promising. Yvaleth had gone through great pains to square everything away with the city’s clerks about his residency. Nothing could be waiting on the other side of that door except one more headache.
Pocketing the string, Yvaleth shut the cabinet and moved noiselessly to the door. Although he reached for the latch, he hesitated. It wasn’t until his unexpected guest knocked one more time that he finally pulled the door open.
There stood a young girl. Yvaleth felt his pupils widen with interest. The rest of him froze in confusion. He remembered her from the Cosmos Center, and he’d seen her within the vicinity of the Solar Winds more than once. The Symenestra had made it a point to avoid interacting with her. His sort were typically not trusted around young women. For some reason.
Yet here she had appeared. She was pleasing to the eye. Pale, wispy hair. Fair skin. A healthy height. Guileless, blue eyes. Perfect prey.
After taking in the sight of her, Yvaleth looked beyond her to one side, then the other. Was this a trap? Were the Shinya testing him? His stern, violet eyes settled on her again. He remained quiet. She would explain herself before he had anything to say to her. This was the last thing he expected.
He was unencumbered by his usual form-obscuring cloak. The Symenestra was in full, lanky form. The girl seemed unbothered.
“Sorry to bother you, but do you have a spare flint?” the girl asked meekly. “It’s getting chilly and I can’t get my hearth started.”*
Yvaleth stood in place for a beat longer. Finally, he stepped aside and swept an arm out to invite the girl into his parlor. A bad idea perhaps. It would have been safest to turn her away. He wasn’t certain whether it was curiosity or loneliness that overrode his better judgement.
“Sure.” He cast one more look beyond the girl’s slender frame, searching for spying eyes. He found none. “Please, have a seat while I look.”
*Placeholder :